Warning! What you are about to read next may trigger an apoplectic rage. I’m not kidding. When it became clear late Tuesday night that Donald Trump would…
It was yet another May Day, and around the country and the world, different cities held different demonstrations – most of them either left-wing, pro-communist, pro-immigration, or…
Build the wall! Build it higher! Make Mexico pay for the wall. Ban all Muslims. Accusations of Gestapo tactics. Mocking widows, making fun of people’s looks, calling…
Donald Trump continues to speak his mind about illegal Mexican immigration, today accusing the Mexican government of using the United States as a dumping ground for the “worst…
If strict gun control would truly solve everything, then why is Chicago such a violent wreck? Over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, 9 people were killed…
Baltimore is in free fall. And it’s just made history, but not in a good way. The city has reportedly seen a dramatic increase in homicides following…
In Seoul on Thursday morning, the U.S. ambassador to South Korea was attacked by a man screaming about Korean unification. Mark W. Lippert was rushed to a…
The Brown family is making a plea for non-violence after the verdict. Last Thursday, Michael Brown Sr. released this video statement: And now, with the grand jury’s…
As if ebola, lice, scabies, dengue fever, and tuberculosis weren’t enough, now another nightmare is full-blown reality. While Sheila Jackson Lee talks about how the illegal children…
My latest post from Newsreal: Quick, name the one thing sure to fill a liberal feminist with rage! (OK, well, besides the idea of women choosing to…
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