Violence At The Protests, Who Is Responsible

Violence At The Protests, Who Is Responsible

As soon as the video of the police murder of George Floyd went viral, the people of our nation were united as we have not been since…

AOC Tap Dances Away From Bernie Bros Violence Question

AOC Tap Dances Away From Bernie Bros Violence Question

Violence and bullying from Bernie Bros is the internet’s fault says AOC. She displayed some epic tap dancing today on The View after Meghan McCain asked her…

Joker: Looking for Outrage and Panic

Joker: Looking for Outrage and Panic

Last night, I dragged my husband to see Joker. The movie’s release was fraught with drama and panic even before its theatrical release (much like the inauguration…

Left’s Funny Definition of “Peaceful”

Left’s Funny Definition of “Peaceful”

The AntiFa savages engaged in yet another “peaceful” protest this weekend in Portland. And by “peaceful,” I mean they beat the shit out of anyone who wasn’t…

The Left Has An Antifa Problem

The Left Has An Antifa Problem

The Left has a major Antifa problem. Antifa groups are supposedly against fascism. Yet, their actions show the complete opposite. Their brutal attacks on innocent bystanders and…

From The VG Bookshelf:  Tell Your Children

From The VG Bookshelf: Tell Your Children

Marijuana is in the news a lot. According to Monday, all the major Democrat 2020 Presidential Election hopefuls are pro-marijuana legalization. In 2016, Libertarian candidate and…

Reminder: You Can’t “Buy Back” Something You Never Owned

Reminder: You Can’t “Buy Back” Something You Never Owned

The Chicago Police Department collected more than 100 guns this weekend at a “buy back” event meant to “get guns off the streets and curb gun violence.”

Explosive Devices Mailed To Hillary Clinton, Obama, And CNN [VIDEO]

Explosive Devices Mailed To Hillary Clinton, Obama, And CNN [VIDEO]

Just the other day the news broke of some type of bomb was sent to George Soros’ home in Westchester, New York. It was a miracle that…

Ocasio-Cortez Shows Her True Colors – Those of an Indecent, Clueless Proglodyte

Ocasio-Cortez Shows Her True Colors – Those of an Indecent, Clueless Proglodyte

I follow Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Twitter feed for the entertainment value. The vacuous spew she vomits forth on her feed is an endless source of giggles – especially…

The Democrats Threw Open Pandora’s box And Unleashed An Out Of Control Mob [VIDEO]

The Democrats Threw Open Pandora’s box And Unleashed An Out Of Control Mob [VIDEO]

In recent months Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, and many other prominent Democrats have advocated for violence. They threw open Pandora’s box labeled MOB,…

“Civility:” Dem Operative Fired For Assaulting Female GOP Campaign Manager [VIDEO]

“Civility:” Dem Operative Fired For Assaulting Female GOP Campaign Manager [VIDEO]

This is what “civility” looks like according to the Democrat Party. It is angry mobs tearing apart the city of Portland, it is sending threatening letters laced…

Eric Holder Tells Democrats When Republicans Go Low, “Kick Them”

Eric Holder Tells Democrats When Republicans Go Low, “Kick Them”

The Democrats are no longer interested in civility. Hillary made that abundantly clear a few days ago. They’ve ripped the mask off and what we are seeing…

Kelley Paul Letter To Cory Booker Regarding the Violence Of The Left Is A Must Read [VIDEO]

Kelley Paul Letter To Cory Booker Regarding the Violence Of The Left Is A Must Read [VIDEO]

There is something about the Kavanaugh nomination that has gotten little notice in the media. And that is the ever increasing violent rhetoric, threats, and intimidation visited…

Media Ignores Fact That Cops And NBC Reporter Were Attacked At Charlottesville [VIDEO]

Media Ignores Fact That Cops And NBC Reporter Were Attacked At Charlottesville [VIDEO]

Last night there was a rally for the one-year anniversary of the Charlottesville VA protests. Was it peaceful? Not by a long shot. No, there weren’t any…

Murder Weekend In Chicago, Silence From Democrats [VIDEO]

Murder Weekend In Chicago, Silence From Democrats [VIDEO]

It was a horrific weekend in the city of Chicago. From Friday at 5 pm, to Sunday morning, the number of people shot stood at 60. Yes….

Cory Booker Tries To Backpedal His Violent Rhetoric And Fails [VIDEO]

Cory Booker Tries To Backpedal His Violent Rhetoric And Fails [VIDEO]

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) just can’t help himself. First he invokes the 23rd Psalm in an unhinged attempt to paint SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh as “evil” incarnate….

Phillippe Reines: Tweet About Black Swan Books And Steve Bannon Was Public Service [VIDEO]

Phillippe Reines: Tweet About Black Swan Books And Steve Bannon Was Public Service [VIDEO]

We are seeing an escalation of internet, verbal, and even physical attacks on current and former members of the Trump Administration. This escalation has been encouraged and…

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