Kos: Harvey RAAACIIIIST and so is Trump

Kos: Harvey RAAACIIIIST and so is Trump

If there’s a way to flog alleged “racism” all over the country, the social justice zealots will find it. It’s much easier to claim racism and stroke…

No, Ted Cruz is Not a Hypocrite

No, Ted Cruz is Not a Hypocrite

The media, the Republican establishment, and the left hate Ted Cruz. I can understand why. He challenges both sides of the political aisle, he’s unabashedly conservative, he’s…

Texas Lawmakers Scuffle After GOP Rep Calls ICE On “Sanctuary City Law” Protesters [VIDEO]

Texas Lawmakers Scuffle After GOP Rep Calls ICE On “Sanctuary City Law” Protesters [VIDEO]

Over the Memorial Day weekend, I found myself in more than one debate over whether or not Montana’s newly-elected representative, Greg Gianforte, should have placed his hands…

Criminal Charges For Investigative Journalism In California – But Only For Abortion [VIDEO]

Criminal Charges For Investigative Journalism In California – But Only For Abortion [VIDEO]

Texas tried to bring a politically motivated case against the Center for Medical Progress for exposing the sale of fetal organs by Planned Parenthood. They failed. So…

Texas School Nurse Wins Victory In Court-Allowed To Post #Christmas Bible Verse On Poster [VIDEOS]

Texas School Nurse Wins Victory In Court-Allowed To Post #Christmas Bible Verse On Poster [VIDEOS]

In a move befitting the classic Dr. Seuss character who hated Christmas, the Grinch, the principal of a Texas elementary school ordered the school nurse to take…

Chris Suprun: “Faithless” TX Electoral College Voter Never Was A 9/11 First Responder [VIDEO]

Chris Suprun: “Faithless” TX Electoral College Voter Never Was A 9/11 First Responder [VIDEO]

On December 5th, an electoral college voter from Texas wrote an op-ed in the New York Times that garnered quite a bit of attention. In that op-ed,…

Trump Assassination Skit Draws Rebuke Once Discovered [VIDEO]

Trump Assassination Skit Draws Rebuke Once Discovered [VIDEO]

The morning after the election, my 7th grade daughter was confronted by panicked classmates who were convinced the world had ended. They stopped the hysterics when she…

#Dallas: Black Lives Matter Sympathizers Tweet Support of Police Officer Murders

#Dallas: Black Lives Matter Sympathizers Tweet Support of Police Officer Murders

Media outlets, including Fox News, have gone out of their way to make certain we know that last nights’ protest was—before at least one gunmen opened fire…

Daily Show Goes Ghoul Over The SCOTUS Abortion Ruling

Daily Show Goes Ghoul Over The SCOTUS Abortion Ruling

Sadly, the old mantra that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare” has completely disappeared in the liberal argument for abortion. The left has decided that they…

“Undocumented” Immigrant Brags About Status

“Undocumented” Immigrant Brags About Status

One does not have to be a fan of Donald Trump’s Presidential run to understand his rise in popularity. Average Americans are told daily that they are…

Obama Thinks He Is King, Sets Out Directive to School Districts Regarding Bathroom Access

And now the bathroom wars are moving into the school district near you. The Obama administration, under the direction of the president, will be issuing an imperial…

Texas Stops Medicaid Payments To Planned Parenthood

The states are taking matters into their own hands. Louisiana announced that they would be cutting Planned Parenthood off from Medicaid funding, under Governor Bobby Jindal’s direction….

#AhmedMohamed’s Clock Lesson: See Something, Say Nothing

#AhmedMohamed’s Clock Lesson: See Something, Say Nothing

When I first heard about a teenager in Texas arrested because of a clock, my first thought was the zero tolerance police have struck again. It brought to…

Zero Tolerance Leads To #IStandWithAhmed

As we have all learned every single time one of these stories comes up, teachers and school officials always assume the worst. Pop Tarts and fingers are…

#BlueLivesMatter: Did A Radio Show Incite Murder?

It was nothing less than a cowardly assassination. Deputy Darren Goforth, age 47, was shot and killed Friday night. He was pumping gas into his patrol car…

GOP Senators Try to Punish Ted Cruz

This past Friday, Republican Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz stood tall on the Senate floor like the Texan he is and accused Majority Leader Mitch McConnell…

Bowe Bergdahl Busted While At Illegal Pot Farm In California

Since he is awaiting court-martial for desertion, should Bowe Bergdahl actually, you know… be in the stockade or something? It must be nice to be just sitting…

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Ava Gardner