Star Wars Virtue Signaling Gets Slammed

Star Wars Virtue Signaling Gets Slammed

Anyone else remember when we didn’t have to know what our favorite soda, snack chip, or shoe brand thought about social justice? Those were the days.

#SuperBowl: Five Commercials That Worked [VIDEO]

#SuperBowl: Five Commercials That Worked [VIDEO]

People watch the Super Bowl for two reasons. Either their team is playing, or they watch it for the commercials. Here, in no particular order, are the…

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Vs. The Media [VIDEO]

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Vs. The Media [VIDEO]

Let’s all agree to the caveat that the job of White House press secretary requires putting the best spin possible on whatever the day’s news is, in…

Five Family-Friendly Binge-Watching Options For Labor Day Weekend [VIDEO]

Five Family-Friendly Binge-Watching Options For Labor Day Weekend [VIDEO]

If you’re not on vacation this weekend, or don’t have home improvement plans that are taking up your time, or other fun commitments (the last two are…

Princeton Class Reunion Bans Star Wars Stormtroopers Because Nazis [VIDEO]

Princeton Class Reunion Bans Star Wars Stormtroopers Because Nazis [VIDEO]

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, college graduates used to be able to separate reality from fantasy. Not so for the Princeton class…

Goodbye Princess Leia [VIDEOS]

Goodbye Princess Leia [VIDEOS]

For those of us who grew up in the ’70’s and ’80’s, 2016 has not been kind. Ask anyone, myself included, about the famous people from those…

Star Wars Actor Oscar Isaac’s Ayn Rand T-Shirt Has Tumblr Flipping Out

It is a truth universally acknowledged that once you star in a franchise blockbuster, your entire Internet history will be pulled out of the shadows and examined…

Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton Start Competing For the Nerd Vote

The primaries are still looming on the horizon, and the candidates are letting us know their positions on important issues that the nerd voting bloc cares about….

Star Wars T-Shirt Gets Banned From Texas School For “Violent” Image

There is a disturbance in the Force, and it is called… hoplophobia. A 7th grade student in Rosenberg, Texas, has been banned from wearing his new “Star…

Become a Victory Girl!

Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner
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