Duty Vice Desire

Duty Vice Desire

When President Trump was first elected, as you can imagine, there were a lot of disappointed government bureaucrats in DC. Some of the meetings I was forced…

Boogeyman NRA ‘Colludes’ with Trump

Boogeyman NRA ‘Colludes’ with Trump

The Daily Beast’s Michael Daly channels the 1930’s sob sister style with a National Enquirer sentiment in an article cynically exploiting the murder of a child in…

Reactions To The Trump Putin Washington DC Summit Show People Don’t History Well [VIDEO]

Reactions To The Trump Putin Washington DC Summit Show People Don’t History Well [VIDEO]

The reaction, face palms, and HAIR ON FIRE! craziness regarding the Trump Putin Helsinki summit has been something to behold. People thought it was bad enough when…

Is Russia a Threat? Not a Trick Question

Is Russia a Threat? Not a Trick Question

After President Trump’s disastrous gaffe/non-gaffe about believing Russia’s Vladimir Putin over his own national security apparatus and the subsequent retraction of those comments, the President seemed to…

Czar Nicholas II Executed 100 Years Ago, Ushering in Communist Brutality. [VIDEO]

Czar Nicholas II Executed 100 Years Ago, Ushering in Communist Brutality. [VIDEO]

One of my favorite movies is David Lean’s Dr. Zhivago (1965), which tells a story of how the 1917 Russian Revolution destroyed a family. There’s a scene from that…

Trump Two-Steps Back Yesterday’s Presser [VIDEO]

Trump Two-Steps Back Yesterday’s Presser [VIDEO]

It was pretty unanimous that yesterday’s press conference was not not Trump’s best moment as president. It wasn’t the end of days, or anything comparable to 9/11…

Politico Shamefully Compares Trump Putin Presser To 9/11 And Pearl Harbor [VIDEO]

Politico Shamefully Compares Trump Putin Presser To 9/11 And Pearl Harbor [VIDEO]

The substance of President Trump’s remarks yesterday in Helsinki are being largely ignored in favor of going full hair on fire overreaction. There is much to unpack…

Trump Putin Presser Reactions Go Full Hair on Fire

Trump Putin Presser Reactions Go Full Hair on Fire

The media, our overpaid political class, and everyone in between is lambasting President Trump’s presser aside Russian president Vladamir Putin yesterday. Why?

Russia: Why You Should Give a Damn

Russia: Why You Should Give a Damn

Recently Senator Rand Paul publicly said that Russian election meddling wasn’t a big deal because “we all do it.” I agree with Dr. Paul on a great…

12 Russians Indicted And Democrats Immediately Spin To Putin And Hillary [VIDEO]

12 Russians Indicted And Democrats Immediately Spin To Putin And Hillary [VIDEO]

Yesterday Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced indictments against 12 Russians for their roles in cyber crime, money laundering, and hacking the DNC, DCCC, and Clinton campaign…

Dems: We Unearthed Evil Plot with Nomination of Kavanaugh! [VIDEO]

Dems: We Unearthed Evil Plot with Nomination of Kavanaugh! [VIDEO]

Democrats are pretty sure they know why President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to be a Supreme Court Justice. And it may have less to do with Roe…

Pass The Popcorn: Trey Gowdy Roasts The DOJ [VIDEO]

Pass The Popcorn: Trey Gowdy Roasts The DOJ [VIDEO]

This is what I am really going to miss about Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, when he leaves the House after this year’s midterm elections. I…

Collusion: FBI Told James Comey To Consult With Mueller Prior To Testimony [VIDEO]

Collusion: FBI Told James Comey To Consult With Mueller Prior To Testimony [VIDEO]

James Comey is beginning to resemble Hillary Clinton. Seriously, he is. His stops on the book tour include taking pot shots at everyone, Trump, and the kitchen…

CIA Wrong on Russian Pro Trump Interference

CIA Wrong on Russian Pro Trump Interference

The Washington Times has reported that former CIA Director John Brennan’s conclusion that Russia interference was to ensure a Trump victory in the 2016 Election was flawed….

#ComeyMemos: Yes Jake Tapper, Comey’s Book Tour Is Tanking His Credibility And CNN’S [VIDEO]

#ComeyMemos: Yes Jake Tapper, Comey’s Book Tour Is Tanking His Credibility And CNN’S [VIDEO]

James Comey has been front and center the last few days since his book “A Higher Loyalty” was released. If Comey wanted to use the book as…

President Trump Orders Strike On Syria After Heinous Chemical Attacks On Syrian Citizens [VIDEO]

President Trump Orders Strike On Syria After Heinous Chemical Attacks On Syrian Citizens [VIDEO]

The news of yet another chemical attack in Syria just a few days ago horrified the world. The photos and videos of the innocents in Douma injured…

John McCain Whips Out the Derp

John McCain Whips Out the Derp

John McCain needs to calm down, take some Metamucil, and take a nap. I realize he doesn’t like President Trump a whole lot, and he likes Russia’s…

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Ava Gardner