The Pentagon Is Forcing Soldiers To Repay Enlistment Bonuses Or Go Bankrupt [VIDEO]

The Pentagon Is Forcing Soldiers To Repay Enlistment Bonuses Or Go Bankrupt [VIDEO]

American soldiers, many of whom survived multiple combat tours, are being forced into bankruptcy by the Pentagon. Yes, you read that correctly. The Pentagon is forcing those…

A Victory Girls Collective: Letters About 9/11

A Victory Girls Collective: Letters About 9/11

Today is the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, when Islamic terrorists hijacked four airplanes and murdered almost 3,000 Americans. The country swore that day that…

Pentagon Reports Two Navy Boats and Crew Being Held By Iran

Whatever the narrative that President Obama was hoping to spin about Iran during tonight’s State of the Union address just went straight out the window. The Pentagon…

Obama Attempts To Look Like A Terror Warrior, Take Two

After last week’s badly received and reviewed speech from the Oval Office, and his bad polling numbers, President Obama decided to give it another go and look…

US Military Says Jihadi John Most Likely Killed In Drone Strike

US Military Says Jihadi John Most Likely Killed In Drone Strike

If true, then the brutal animal who enjoyed beheading people on camera for their loved ones and the world to see has been dispatched into the next…

#September11 – Barbara Olson, Flight 77

#September11 – Barbara Olson, Flight 77

When Barbara Olson died on September 11, 2001 at the age of 45, she was beautiful, audacious and courageous. The wife of the Solicitor General of the…

#September11: Remembering the Sixth Graders on Flight 77

#September11: Remembering the Sixth Graders on Flight 77

Their names were Bernard C. Brown II, Asia S. Cottom, and Rodney Dickens. They were all eleven years old. They were in sixth grade. They were headed…

#September11: Remembering Ron Hemenway, Lost at the Pentagon

#September11: Remembering Ron Hemenway, Lost at the Pentagon

On September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight #77 slammed into the Pentagon in a horrific terror attack, taking with it 184 lives, including men, women, and children….

Pentagon Email Hacked By Russia

NBC News is reporting that a Russian cyberattack has taken down the Pentagon’s Joint Staff unclassified email. According to the officials, the “sophisticated cyber intrusion” occurred sometime…

Pentagon Tells Recruiting Centers “Close The Blinds” For Safety

Pentagon Tells Recruiting Centers “Close The Blinds” For Safety

The events in Chattanooga, TN last week made one thing abundantly clear to all Americans. Our military recruiting and reserve centers, along with the ROTC offices are…

Air Force General Fired After Threatening Free Speech of Officers

Air Force General Fired After Threatening Free Speech of Officers

The Air Force reported on Friday that a two-star general was fired for accusing officers of ‘treason’ should they attempt to block retirement of the A-10 Warthog by…

Pentagon Charges Bowe Bergdahl with Desertion

Pentagon Charges Bowe Bergdahl with Desertion

The Pentagon has charged Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl with Desertion and Misbehavior Before the Enemy. You will remember that the Obama Adminstration traded five senior Taliban members for…

King Abdullah Kicks Some ISIS, Obama Wants “Strategic Patience”

King Abdullah Kicks Some ISIS, Obama Wants “Strategic Patience”

Barack “Neville” Obama (D; Imma-Be-Nice) has called for a national security strategy involving “strategic patience” — whatever that is, although it sounds vaguely like a 1938 redux. “The…

Bad Blood between Obama and the Military On the Rise

President Obama and the military have always had an uncomfortable relationship, but it appears that the question of what to do about ISIS is reaching a boiling…

Taliban Reportedly “Thrilled” With Bergdahl Father’s Pashtu White House Address

You’ve gotta hand it to Barack Obama. He really knows how to thoroughly muff just about everything he touches. And the Bowe Bergdahl fiasco is no exception….

The Making of an American Patriot

We took our first family trip in almost 6 years last month.  This is no small feat, because the last time we took a family vacation, my…

Brilliant: Pentagon considering allowing family visits at Gitmo

What could go wrong? The Pentagon is considering allowing the families of detainees at Guantanamo Bay to visit them, an unprecedented step to ease the isolation of…

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Ava Gardner