OFA’s Jim Messina Proud as Obama Does Whatever He Wants, Regulates Workforce

Organizing for Action Chair, Jim Messina, is proud. He’s proud of the ACA, also know as ObamaCare. That’s right. He’s proud that his party, without one Republican vote,…

Remember Benghazi: Rep. to Host Father of Tyrone Woods at State of the Union

Tonight, Barack Obama will stand before the American people delivering his long-winded State of the Union address. (And by “his,” I mean his warped perspective.) As we’ve…

What Does the World’s Most Famous Hacker Say About Obamacare Website Security? – “Shameful”

You may have heard about Kevin Mitnick. He is known as the “World’s Most Famous Hacker.”  Mitnick was once the worlds most wanted cyber criminal. But after…

Gonorrhea and syphilis on the rise – all because of “homophobes”

Yes, according to them, it is NOT the behavior that leads to sexual communicative disease that is to blame. It is our fear or condemnation of the behavior…

He’s Back! Obama Returns From Hawaii Regurgitating Class Warfare Twaddle

While Mooch Michelle Obama continues her taxpayer-funded extended Hawaiian holiday celebrating her Big 5-0, the One is back, his tired, divisive, rhetoric-filled baggage in tow. Get ready,…

It’s 2014 and We’re All Racists

Racism: noun 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent difference among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own…

How Obama is letting the poor down-again

ObamaCare has done it AGAIN. “Done what?” you ask, created regulations that on their face intend to save certain populations money-but actually cost those same populations more…

Obamacare – Deadline Monday, Last-Minute Changes, Disaster Imminent

Monday the 23rd is the “official” deadline to sign up for health insurance coverage that will begin January 1st. However, this week had some more “tweaks” by…

Obamacare in the States – Not The Success Story You May Think It Is

At the beginning of the month, in a desperate attempt to deflect criticism over the national healthcare.gov site, Washington state insurance commissioner Mike Kriedler testified in front…

Ah, Karma! Alan Grayson Loses 18 Million in Stock Scheme

Ah, Karma! Alan Grayson Loses 18 Million in Stock Scheme

Democrat Alan Grayson burst onto the D.C. scene following the 2008 election as a freshman congressman from Florida, representing that state’s 8th congressional district. His frequent brash, unabashed…

Ezekiel Emanuel, Architect of Obamacare, Says “Big PR Campaign” Needed to Save Obamacare

Yesterday, on “Fox News Sunday“, Ezekiel Emanuel the infamous architect of Obama’s signature piece of legislation, pompously declared that a “big PR campaign” will solve the problems of the…

Harry Reid’s Staffers- If You Like Your Cushy Government Plan …

Harry Reid, a ferocious defender of Obamacare, has decided to allow his very own staffers the privilege of keeping their cushy government insurance plans. Those staffers will…

“We’re Not Repealing It” – The President Holds A Pep Rally

After the events of the last two months, and the smackdown that President Obama got the last time that he held a press conference on Obamacare, it…

Cancer Patient Tells the Truth About Losing His Insurance, And Then Gets Audited

Bill Elliot came forward with his story in the beginning of November, when the Obamacare stories were beginning to shift from the website debacle to the personal…

Healthcare.Gov: Let’s Talk ObamaCare on Thanksgiving!

So, it’s that time of year again. Two days from now overeating, overdrinking, and over-analyzing (well, at least in my family!), coupled with that general groggy feeling…

The Obama Trilemma – Ego, Evil, or Idiot

Many are familiar with C.S. Lewis’s famous argument about Jesus.  Given Jesus’s claims, Lewis said that that could only make Him one of three things.  Either Jesus…

Obama says “100 Million Have Signed Up for ACA”

Yes, you read that right, he really said 100 million Americans have signed up for Obamacare. I just wanted to take a few minutes to speak to…

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Ava Gardner