TinHorn Flats Saloon & Grill is every restaurant around the country that is fed up with the asinine Covid restrictions. TinHorn Flats is currently in the midst of an epic battle with the City of Burbank, California.
While city mayors and governors across the country are in a contest for the dopiest lockdown restrictions, mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, recently banned walking in…
In the midst of the many other relevant issues going on such as the Barr revelations, two movies have been getting attention like never before. The first…
Liberal celebrities generally welcome publicity when they stand atop their soapboxes to pontificate about every social injustice they find, but when publicity about them might be politically incorrect…
MSNBC racist Talking Tampon Head, Melissa Harris-Perry is, again, at the top of her intellectual game. This time she and her panel of comedians aren’t content with…
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