National Enquirer CEO David Pecker Gets Immunity On Trump [VIDEO]

National Enquirer CEO David Pecker Gets Immunity On Trump [VIDEO]

Well, this just made everyone’s life just a little bit more interesting today. David Pecker, CEO of the National Enquirer and friend of Donald Trump, has just…

Fools And Money: Peter Strzok Is Raking In Cash Via GoFundMe

Fools And Money: Peter Strzok Is Raking In Cash Via GoFundMe

“A fool and his money are soon parted” must be the informal motto of GoFundMe, the website that allows regular people to “crowdfund” – meaning fundraise off…

#SCOTUS Slaps Down Unions In Janus Case [VIDEO]

#SCOTUS Slaps Down Unions In Janus Case [VIDEO]

Right before punching the clock out before going on summer vacation, the Supreme Court ruled on one last major case, Janus v. American Federation of State, County,…

Trudeau’s Gift: Simple Trolling Or Master-Level Trolling? [VIDEO]

Trudeau’s Gift: Simple Trolling Or Master-Level Trolling? [VIDEO]

When is a picture of a hotel not just a picture of a hotel? When it was owned by President Donald Trump’s grandfather Friedrich, and Prime Minister…

Liberal Cities Embrace Homelessness [VIDEO]

Liberal Cities Embrace Homelessness [VIDEO]

A toxic combination of tolerance and greed has created a crisis in liberal cities like San Francisco and Seattle, where homelessness is fast becoming an acceptable lifestyle…

Parkland Students On Camera Again, But Only The Correct Ones [VIDEO]

Parkland Students On Camera Again, But Only The Correct Ones [VIDEO]

As the date approaches for the ready-made gun control protest that the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School will be leading this coming Saturday, the high-profile…

Chelsea Manning’s balls probably will never touch a Senate seat

Chelsea Manning’s balls probably will never touch a Senate seat

If you hadn’t heard, traitorous yambag Chelsea Manning has filed paperwork to challenge Ben Cardin for his Maryland Senate seat.

Tax Bill Passes, Democrats Cry “Heist!” [VIDEO]

Tax Bill Passes, Democrats Cry “Heist!” [VIDEO]

It must be awful to be a Democrat right now. Every single thing is an emergency, or the end of all that we know, or the worst…

Cruz and Scott use Cantwell and Sanders as Floor Mops in CNN Debate [VIDEO]

Cruz and Scott use Cantwell and Sanders as Floor Mops in CNN Debate [VIDEO]

After last night’s CNN debate between Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, Maria Cantwell, and Bernie Sanders, my husband turned to me and said, “Well, unless you’re completely in…

Church Plans To Remove Washington Memorial To Prove Social Wokeness [VIDEO]

Church Plans To Remove Washington Memorial To Prove Social Wokeness [VIDEO]

Christ Church of Alexandria, Virginia, first opened in 1773. One of the very first parishioners, who even bought a pew when the church opened, was George Washington….

Trump Tweets Are Big Money For Twitter [VIDEO]

Trump Tweets Are Big Money For Twitter [VIDEO]

I think it is safe to say that a majority of Americans would prefer it if President Trump would put the Twitter down and back away. In…

Rolling Stone Goes Up For Sale, But Who Buys Magazines? [VIDEO]

Rolling Stone Goes Up For Sale, But Who Buys Magazines? [VIDEO]

The handwriting has been on the wall for a long time, but Rolling Stone is going up for sale, courtesy of its majority-interest controlling owner and publisher,…

Will the Democratic Party Split Over Abortion? [VIDEO]

Will the Democratic Party Split Over Abortion? [VIDEO]

The Democrats have a problem, and the top leaders are only now starting to come to grips with it. Today, on “Meet the Press,” California Governor Jerry…

Which Benefits Get Cut In Proposed Budget? [VIDEO]

Which Benefits Get Cut In Proposed Budget? [VIDEO]

The Trump administration is going to be rolling out another budget proposal on Tuesday, and the preview has already sent the media into the spin cycle. The…

Chelsea Clinton Whines About Planned Parenthood Money, But Forgets What They Say They Do [VIDEO]

Chelsea Clinton Whines About Planned Parenthood Money, But Forgets What They Say They Do [VIDEO]

Chelsea Clinton took to Twitter to whine about the Iowa legislature voting to defund Planned Parenthood. Behold, here she is in all her whiny glory. Thousands of…

Acting Director McCabe Testimony: It’s Not About The Russian Investigation Funding [VIDEO]

Acting Director McCabe Testimony: It’s Not About The Russian Investigation Funding [VIDEO]

With James Comey fired by Donald Trump on Tuesday, it was left to his deputy, now-acting director Andrew McCabe to sit on the congressional hot seat and…

Refusal To Acknowledge White Socialism Is Blocking Universal Healthcare, Yes Really [VIDEO]

Refusal To Acknowledge White Socialism Is Blocking Universal Healthcare, Yes Really [VIDEO]

An interesting article crossed our paths recently. At first glance the title speaks to what we’ve all been dealing with concerning Obamacare. Unspeakable Realities Block Universal Health…

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Ava Gardner