Bill Maher Make Sense Sometimes But He Still Has That Trump Derangement Syndrome

Bill Maher Make Sense Sometimes But He Still Has That Trump Derangement Syndrome

Bill Maher is making the rounds hawking his new book, What This Comedian Said Will Shock You, which I may purchase and read. While some conservatives have taken notice of Maher’s seemingly new view on America’s rapidly and ever-changing weirdness, he’s still unwilling to believe in Donald Trump.

Harvard President Claudine Gay Lights Menorah With a Tiki Torch

Harvard President Claudine Gay Lights Menorah With a Tiki Torch

In the history of tone-deaf actions this incident goes to new heights: on Wednesday evening Harvard University president Claudine Gay lit the school’s menorah. With a Tiki…

Ron DeSantis Shot His Dog!

Ron DeSantis Shot His Dog!

Okay, not really. Ron DeSantis did NOT shoot his dog, but that is what an unidentified male voice could be heard saying on the post-Alabama Republican Presidential…

The Megyn Kelly Trump Interview

The Megyn Kelly Trump Interview

Have you caught the Megyn Kelly Trump interview yet? It’s all over the internet and social media. People are chatting it up and saying it was a…

Trump Owes Us The Truth About Fauci and COVID-19

Trump Owes Us The Truth About Fauci and COVID-19

The interview of Donald Trump by Megyn Kelly is extremely interesting and very telling.

Tiffany Cross Disconnection: The Megyn Kelly Edition

Tiffany Cross Disconnection: The Megyn Kelly Edition

Look no further than MSNBC to spew racial hate, division and female cattiness in general. Enter Tiffany Cross, host of “The Cross Connection” on the (cough) news…

Megyn Kelly Interview Reveals CBS Wrongful Firing

Megyn Kelly Interview Reveals CBS Wrongful Firing

ABC News and CBS News, call your lawyers. Megyn Kelly just exposed a gigantic media scandal.

Megyn Kelly Lives Rent Free in Kirsten Powers’s Head

Megyn Kelly Lives Rent Free in Kirsten Powers’s Head

Not everyone likes former Fox anchor — and now former NBC anchor — Megyn Kelly. For the record, I always liked her, even though I didn’t always…

Trump Accusers Wish Congressional Investigation

Trump Accusers Wish Congressional Investigation

Three women accusers have banded together to request a Congressional Investigation of President Donald Trump. Fox News reported:

Elle Magazine Labels Conservative Women “Problematic” Because Sexism And Trump [VIDEO]

Elle Magazine Labels Conservative Women “Problematic” Because Sexism And Trump [VIDEO]

Ahh labels. Such interesting things labels are. Especially when you tie labels and politics together. These days, one can’t be either for or against an issue without…

You Go Girl: Megyn Kelly is Correct to Interview Conspiracy Nut Alex Jones [VIDEO]

You Go Girl: Megyn Kelly is Correct to Interview Conspiracy Nut Alex Jones [VIDEO]

I miss Megyn Kelly at Fox News. With those words I know I’ll be dodging virtual rocks and spitballs from the Megyn haters. But, yes, initially I…

Kathy Griffin Blames Everyone Else For Her Career Implosion [VIDEO]

Kathy Griffin Blames Everyone Else For Her Career Implosion [VIDEO]

Poor, poor Kathy Griffin. She hired lawyer Lisa Bloom in order to defend herself from that mean old Trump family who has been “bullying” her. I mean,…

HGTV Stars Slammed by Buzzfeed on Gay Marriage

HGTV Stars Slammed by Buzzfeed on Gay Marriage

Since Election 2016 is almost over (Please go away, Hillary.), Buzzfeed is desperate to get clicks. Therefore, they have decided to use number 13 in Saul Alinsky’s…

Oh My! Looks Like Gretchen Carlson has the Goods on Roger Ailes, and It’s Recorded. [VIDEO]

Oh My! Looks Like Gretchen Carlson has the Goods on Roger Ailes, and It’s Recorded. [VIDEO]

Two months ago a liberal visitor to the Victory Girls Facebook page attempted to shame us for not commenting on the breaking Roger Ailes sexual harassment story….

October Surprise? WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Tells Megyn Kelly “Significant” Hillary Docs Coming

October Surprise? WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Tells Megyn Kelly “Significant” Hillary Docs Coming

Whether you agree with his tactics or not, whistleblower Julian Assange has thrown a major monkey wrench into the Clinton Machine, potentially jamming up the gears of…

Donald Trump’s 10 Worst Tweets About Megyn Kelly. They’re Horrible!

Donald Trump’s 10 Worst Tweets About Megyn Kelly. They’re Horrible!

Donald Trump, the King of Twitter, has had plenty to say about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly. He has accumulated 117 tweets in his Kelly archive since…

Fox News Cancels Debate after Trump, Kasich Decline

Fox News Cancels Debate after Trump, Kasich Decline

Mediaite has reported that Fox News Channel has cancelled the next GOP debate after front runner businessman Donald Trump and Ohio Primary winner Governor John Kasich declined…

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Ava Gardner