Bristol Palin and Husband Dakota Meyer Expecting Baby, and Haters Gonna Hate. [VIDEO]

Bristol Palin and Husband Dakota Meyer Expecting Baby, and Haters Gonna Hate. [VIDEO]

2016 has been a year that rocked America to its core. Racial unrest, police being shot, campuses overrun with snowflakes. Then it ended with a stormy Presidential election….

It’s Official: Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer Got Married!

After many ups and downs and drama for Bristol Palin, there was some good news today. Bristol has married the father of her second child, Medal of…

Quote of the Day: On Man Caves and Masculinity

Quote of the Day: On Man Caves and Masculinity

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve heard of man caves. Virtually every home design show on television will mention man caves. If you have married friends,…

Could Temporary Marriage be the Way of the Future

Could Temporary Marriage be the Way of the Future

Here we go again. Every few decades, some enlightened geniuses come up with the idea of temporary or contract marriages. This time, Mark Shrayber writing for…

Feminist Gives Advice for Interracial Couples, Especially for Whites

Feminist Gives Advice for Interracial Couples, Especially for Whites

As if race relations aren’t complex enough in this country, along comes a feminist and ‘sexuality educator’ who advises white women of “seven things to remember” if…

Yes, Chicks on the Right, Dakota Meyer IS Legally Divorced From His First Wife

Earlier this year, the military and conservative communities were thrilled at the news that Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer were engaged.

Oregon Governor’s Girlfriend Caught in Marriage Fraud Case

Oregon governor John Kitzhaber’s fiancee Cylvia Hayes has problems with marriage, it seems. Divorced twice before the age of 30, she now admits to having entered into…

A Woman is Stoned to Death in Pakistan Because Women are Disposable

Another entry in how the Religion of Peace deals with family disagreements. The story broke earlier this week about the death by stoning of Farzana Parveen, in…

The Obama Marriage: Rock Solid or On the Rocks?

Rumors abound recently about the marriage of Barack and Michelle Obama.  One source suggests that a divorce mediator might be needed at the White House PDQ.  …

Amanda Marcotte is totally over engagement rings, so no one should have them anymore

Destroying things like marriage, the traditional family, chivalry, and romance is a favorite feminazi pastime. It doesn’t really matter what women actually want, because feminazis all know…

A Love Letter to a Conservative Man

This post is not the usual type of thing I write for Victory Girls.  Usually, I’m sputtering, snarking, cussing and railing against liberal/progressive/leftist/radical/anti-American subversive shenanigans.  But I’m…

Follow Up to “One Gen X-er”

After reading the comments generated by my posting yesterday I wanted to follow up and explain a few things. 1-The statement about the Federal Governments “first foray”…

One Gen Xer’s take on family values, marriage and DOMA

This week the Supreme Court will tackle two huge issues, both of which will have far reaching implications for many in this nation. The first is the…

So You Want to Stay Married Longer? Have Men Do Less Housework! (Feminists Lose Again.)

In a study likely to make feminists start shrieking about oppression, the patriarchy, and misogyny (oh my!), marriages were found to last longer and be happier when…

The Top 10 Craziest Posts At Feministing

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: The world of leftist feminist extremists was rocked to its very core this week. Seven years after founding Feministing, Jessica Valenti…

Military life is not all love letters and clean houses

My newest post at Hard Corps Wife takes on a Yahoo article that encourages women to date men in the military, and for all of the shallowest…

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Ava Gardner