Hillary Clinton Campaign: New Undercover Project Veritas Video Released [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton Campaign: New Undercover Project Veritas Video Released [VIDEO]

Project Veritas Action, an organization founded by James O’keefe, specifically designed to expose loathsome misconduct, has struck gold once again. Hillary Clinton, and her campaign, never fail to provide…

Project Veritas: 2nd Hidden Cam Video Shows Clinton Campaign Skirting Election Law (VIDEO)

Project Veritas: 2nd Hidden Cam Video Shows Clinton Campaign Skirting Election Law (VIDEO)

James O’Keefe has struck again. As if the train-wreck also known as Hillary Clinton doesn’t have enough scandal surrounding her—in the most recent document dump last night,…

James O’Keefe Shows Hillary Iowa Campaign Skirting Law [VIDEO]

James O’Keefe Shows Hillary Iowa Campaign Skirting Law [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton was right to be worried about Project Veritas and James O’Keefe. A report came out last Friday from the Clinton campaign that they were alerting…

James O’Keefe Hassled By Customs Officers Over Project Veritas Work [VIDEO]

James O’Keefe Hassled By Customs Officers Over Project Veritas Work [VIDEO]

Once is random. Twice is a coincidence. But being singled out for additional scrutiny six times IN A ROW? Investigative journalist James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has…

Project Veritas: Cornell Asst. Dean Advises on Forming Campus ‘ISIS Club’ (VIDEO)

Project Veritas: Cornell Asst. Dean Advises on Forming Campus ‘ISIS Club’ (VIDEO)

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has done it again. And his latest video may be the most frightening, outrageous one to date. You see, Joseph Scaffido, Assistant Dean…

Boat Ride with a “Terrorist” across Lake Erie

Our Great Lakes are beautiful wonderful places to visit. Yet they are so big, that it’s difficult for our Border Patrol or Coast Guard to be everywhere…

This isn’t our country anymore-Dinesh D’Souza, James O’Keefe and the 2014 Communist Manifesto

Many mornings I sit down with my coffee and my breakfast, and like large numbers of Americans, my iPhone, and review the headlines on a favorite news…

Wow: Obama Campaign Staffer Helps Commit Voter Fraud

We all knew that there was no low that the Obama campaign wouldn’t sink to in order to win. However, they may have gotten themselves in some…

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Ava Gardner