While US Debates Which Is Worse, Trump or Clinton #ISIS Stoned Two Men To Death In Syria [VIDEO]

While US Debates Which Is Worse, Trump or Clinton #ISIS Stoned Two Men To Death In Syria [VIDEO]

Believe me, I get it with this election cycle. Everyday you open the browser (because let’s be honest-who reads the paper anymore??) and are captivated by the…

Syria And Escalating Cold War With Russia: Obama’s Foreign Policy Failures Continue [VIDEO]

Syria And Escalating Cold War With Russia: Obama’s Foreign Policy Failures Continue [VIDEO]

Obama will have to wait til this weekend to golf. Why? He and his aides will be huddling together this afternoon in an attempt to solve this Syria problem….

ISIS Begins Promoting Knife Attacks [VIDEO]

ISIS Begins Promoting Knife Attacks [VIDEO]

When you can’t get out and commit jihad with a gun, ISIS wants its followers to start picking up knives. They have a new magazine that is…

Iraqi Grandmother Is ISIS’ Most Wanted After “Beheading And Cooking” Terrorists [VIDEO]

Meet the person at the top of ISIS’ “most wanted” list. Her name is Wahida Mohamed Al-Jumaily, who goes by the name of Um Hanadi. She is…

#DebateNight: 5 Reasons Donald Trump Met the Low Bar in First Face-to-Face [VIDEOS]

#DebateNight: 5 Reasons Donald Trump Met the Low Bar in First Face-to-Face [VIDEOS]

After much “expert” punditry and nervous handwringing by just about everyone plugged in to this wacky campaign season, the first face-to-face debate finally arrived last night between…

Stronger Together…By Being Weaker Than Ever?

Stronger Together…By Being Weaker Than Ever?

Two bombings and a stabbing spree this past weekend-just under a week past the anniversary of 9/11. The discourse rambles on: it was a bomb. It was…

John Kerry:  If You Don’t Report on Terrorist Attacks, They’ll Go Away

John Kerry: If You Don’t Report on Terrorist Attacks, They’ll Go Away

We’ve gone from having a compulsive liar as Secretary of State to having a rocket scientist, apparently. John Kerry’s latest strategy to rid the world of terror?…

“Cubs Of The Caliphate” #ISIS Using Pre-Teens To Murder Prisoners [VIDEO]

“Cubs Of The Caliphate” #ISIS Using Pre-Teens To Murder Prisoners [VIDEO]

In the latest stomach twisting video from ISIS we are shown the new depths to which they have sunk. Much like the rebels in Sierra Leone’s ongoing…

ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller’s Courage Is In Direct Contrast To Obama’s Craven Indifference [VIDEOS]

ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller’s Courage Is In Direct Contrast To Obama’s Craven Indifference [VIDEOS]

On February 10, 2015 it was confirmed that 26 year old Kayla Mueller, an aid worker with from Prescott, Arizona had been murdered by ISIS. The White House…

London Attack: American Woman Dead, 5 Injured. Mental Issues “Triggered” Somali Terrorist  [VIDEOS]

London Attack: American Woman Dead, 5 Injured. Mental Issues “Triggered” Somali Terrorist [VIDEOS]

Yesterday morning UK’s The Daily Mail published an article complete with map outlining the scope and reach of ISIS across the world. Quite frankly, I believe that…

German Chancellor Angela Merkel: Europe “Ravaged” By Terrorism, Wants MORE Refugees! [VIDEO]

German Chancellor Angela Merkel: Europe “Ravaged” By Terrorism, Wants MORE Refugees! [VIDEO]

Something is noticeably absent from the DNC narrative this week. Several somethings in fact. National Security for one. Terrorism for another. ISIS for a third. The attacks in…

#Normandy: Terrorists Murder Priest, ISIS Claims Responsibility [VIDEO]

#Normandy: Terrorists Murder Priest, ISIS Claims Responsibility [VIDEO]

Nice, Munich, Ansbach, Wurzbur, Reutlingen, Garde-Columbe. What do they all have in common? Every single one of those killed or injured is a victim of a terrorist…

#RNCinCLE: Trump’s Big Night

#RNCinCLE: Trump’s Big Night

Tonight, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican party, and gave the keynote speech of the night – and really, as the nominee, this is…

#NiceAttack: World Decision Makers Cave On Terrorism [VIDEOS]

#NiceAttack: World Decision Makers Cave On Terrorism [VIDEOS]

Well, I guess it was just too soon or futile to even asked the question I posed in my post earlier today. What will it take, how…

#BastilleDay: Truck Deliberately Rams Crowd In Nice, 73 Dead, Hundreds Wounded [VIDEO]

#BastilleDay: Truck Deliberately Rams Crowd In Nice, 73 Dead, Hundreds Wounded [VIDEO]

The celebration of France’s independence or Bastille Day came to a terror stricken halt in Nice this evening. Instead of families celebrating by watching fireworks, they were…

Ten-Hut! Is a General On Trump’s Ticket? [VIDEOS]

Ten-Hut! Is a General On Trump’s Ticket? [VIDEOS]

The Trump Veep rumor mill has been busy again this weekend, and the Man-of-the-Hour this time is retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn. General Flynn formerly ran…

#Dallas: Black Lives Matter Sympathizers Tweet Support of Police Officer Murders

#Dallas: Black Lives Matter Sympathizers Tweet Support of Police Officer Murders

Media outlets, including Fox News, have gone out of their way to make certain we know that last nights’ protest was—before at least one gunmen opened fire…

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Ava Gardner