Detained Illegals in WA State on Hunger Strike

From the “Should’ve Thought About That Earlier” department: Apparently 750 illegals being held at the Northwest Detention Center in WA State have gone on a hunger strike…

The New Reality Sucks

I don’t have to bring you up to speed on the nefarious actions of both the government and their media minions over the last few weeks (and…

Illegal Alien Rapes, Murders 93-Year-Old Nebraska Woman; McCain-iacs Push Amnesty

Ninety-three year old Louise A. Sollowin—who was someone’s grandmother, someone’s mother, someone’s best friend—died on Wednesday at a Nebraska hospital. But even though Ms. Sollowin was of…

Illegal Immigration: The Real Threat to America is Not White-on-Black Crime

While President Present rattles on about how he could have been Trayvon, and his Merry Gang of Eight continue pushing for amnesty under the guise of “Immigration…

BREAKING: 2 US Border Patrol Agents Shot and 1 Killed

Sad news this morning. Two Border Patrol agents were shot this morning, one of them fatally, in Arizona. The shooting occurred near a major drug-smuggling corridor. It’s…

Yeah, a moat with alligators might not be a bad idea

Yeah, a moat with alligators might not be a bad idea

According to Obama, this is what Republicans want. See, he’s gone “above and beyond” on the issue of immigration and enforcing immigration laws, and Republicans are just…

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Strikes Again

The infamous 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has made yet another controversial decision, with Justice Sandra Day O’Connor sitting in. This time, they overturned Arizona’s requirement that…

Mexican Mayors: Stop Deporting All These Mexicans, They’re Too Violent and Dangerous!

In what may be the most snort-worthy post I’ve read recently, Mexican mayors are actually complaining about Mexicans being deported back to Mexico… because they’re too dangerous…

They’re Called Illegals Because They Are Illegal

They’re Called Illegals Because They Are Illegal

Open borders extremists have started a ridiculous new movement, asking people to sign a pledge promising to stop calling illegal immigrants… illegal. Check out this whiny new…

Pete Stark is a sanctimonious jerk

Pete Stark is a sanctimonious jerk

I know, I know — tell you something you don’t know, right? Pete Stark has always been completely unhinged, so it isn’t exactly a surprise that he…

Idiot Democrat argues against AZ immigration law because Arizona is not a border state

Idiot Democrat argues against AZ immigration law because Arizona is not a border state

Milwaukee County is considering boycotting Arizona over the recently passed immigration law. I still get annoyed that people are so angry about this. Heaven forbid we actually…

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Ava Gardner