AG Bondi Brings Immigration Lawsuit Against New York Officials

AG Bondi Brings Immigration Lawsuit Against New York Officials

Pam Bondi became Attorney General just a little over a week ago. The DOJ website doesn’t even have her official biography or portrait up yet.

FEMA Hates America’s Mountain Folk

FEMA Hates America’s Mountain Folk

They hate us. They really hate us. The unelected bureaucrats of FEMA hate the mostly poor, mountain folk who live in Appalachia. That’s the closest I can…

California: Let’s Give Illegal Immigrants Up To $150K To Buy A Home

California: Let’s Give Illegal Immigrants Up To $150K To Buy A Home

Forget about American citizens. The California legislature in their infinite wisdom has passed a bill giving illegal immigrants up to $150k to purchase a home.

World Crisis Of Refugees Is Here

World Crisis Of Refugees Is Here

We see the illegal immigrants flouting our nation’s laws and American values every day. We are the racists, we are told. Those crossing the border are just…

Open-ended, Free-money Migrant Program OR Money Laundering

Open-ended, Free-money Migrant Program OR Money Laundering

There is a “pilot program” in New York City that “appears” to be giving out open-ended, free money to migrants. There are no controls and no accountability….

Illegals With Arrest Warrants Can Fly The Friendly Skies

Illegals With Arrest Warrants Can Fly The Friendly Skies

Enter the country illegally? Be issued an arrest warrant? No problem! You are free to fly the friendly skies.

Migrants Will Beg, Borrow and Steal in New York City

Migrants Will Beg, Borrow and Steal in New York City

New York City’s Floyd Bennett Field has been the subject of controversy as of late with migrants that have been bussed in about a month ago.

The New Underground Economy In New York City

The New Underground Economy In New York City

By now, I am sure you’ve heard all about the new underground economy in New York City. Illegal immigrants have taken to exploitative ways and created a…

Loud Message Sent To Staten Island Illegal Immigrants

Loud Message Sent To Staten Island Illegal Immigrants

Bless Staten Island’s heart. They did not come to play kiddie games. The residents of Staten Island are blasting a loud message to the illegal immigrants housed…

DOJ To SpaceX: Hire Illegal Immigrants Or Else

DOJ To SpaceX: Hire Illegal Immigrants Or Else

Yes, you read that correctly. The DOJ dropped a lawsuit against SpaceX and Elon Musk yesterday. You see, he won’t hire illegal immigrants to work at his…

Polis Says NIMBY! Ships Illegals To NYC And Chicago

Polis Says NIMBY! Ships Illegals To NYC And Chicago

NIMBY! Jared Polis, Democrat Governor of Colorado doesn’t want illegal immigrants in his sanctuary city. He and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock are hopping mad that they have…

A Look At New York’s ‘Adams Tent City’ Migrant Shelter

A Look At New York’s ‘Adams Tent City’ Migrant Shelter

The new NYC migrant center, labeled the ‘Adams Tent City’ by Google Maps is quite something.

Harry Truman, Brown People As Crop Pickers And Nancy Pelosi

Harry Truman, Brown People As Crop Pickers And Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi’s Friday Press Conference as Speaker of the House is usually not worth watching. Her hands and arms seem to move without any reference to what…

Pandering: New York City Gives NonCitizens Right To Vote

Pandering: New York City Gives NonCitizens Right To Vote

Noncitizens now have the right to vote in NYC. Pandering is what the Democrats do best. Which means that, if the count is correct, around 800,000 people…

Heartless Alejandro Mayorkas Issue Memo To End Remain In Mexico

Heartless Alejandro Mayorkas Issue Memo To End Remain In Mexico

It’s so very easy to blame the incompetence of Creepy Joe Biden’s Junta on the that man. Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas is…

Biden Bribery: Give Illegals $450K Per Person

Biden Bribery: Give Illegals $450K Per Person

This is pure bribery. The Wall Street Journal broke the news that the Biden Administration is considering giving people here illegally $450,000 per PERSON.

Hack Activists Stalk And Harass Sen. Kyrsten Sinema In The Bathroom

Hack Activists Stalk And Harass Sen. Kyrsten Sinema In The Bathroom

Imagine having screaming harpies stalk you into a bathroom and FILM you the entire time. That is what hack activists did to Senator Kyrsten Sinema on Sunday.

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Ava Gardner