Ending The Lockdown Is Not Selfish Nor Cruel

Ending The Lockdown Is Not Selfish Nor Cruel

Americans, especially Republicans, who want the lockdown ended yesterday have been labeled as selfish and cruel. That’s direct from the blue check scolding media, celebrities, and political…

World Health Organization Director Should Resign Says Sen. Martha McSally

World Health Organization Director Should Resign Says Sen. Martha McSally

The World Health Organization (WHO) Director needs to resign says Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ). And she is absolutely correct.

5 Reasons Blanket-Banning Flavored Vape Products is a Boneheaded Idea

5 Reasons Blanket-Banning Flavored Vape Products is a Boneheaded Idea

I detest vaping. It makes me queasy. And not to insult anyone, but I think it looks like its users are sucking on thumb drives and sharpies.

Anti-Vaxxers Bully the State of Arizona and Win

Anti-Vaxxers Bully the State of Arizona and Win

The state of Arizona found that more and more children were coming to school unvaccinated. So the state decided to establish an optional program informing parents of…

Ginsburg Interview Proves Why Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Is Necessary [VIDEO]

Ginsburg Interview Proves Why Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Is Necessary [VIDEO]

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has no plans of retiring, just so everyone knows. So don’t expect her to hang up her robe anytime soon.

Debate Preview: How Low Is The Bar Set? [VIDEO]

Debate Preview: How Low Is The Bar Set? [VIDEO]

Tonight is the first debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The race, which is currently a statistical dead heat, will most likely get a bit of…

Lie, Spin, Repeat: Bill Clinton Contradicts Himself on Hillary’s Health [VIDEO]

Lie, Spin, Repeat: Bill Clinton Contradicts Himself on Hillary’s Health [VIDEO]

He’s trying to be the helpful husband, but Bill Clinton just can’t help but talk himself into a corner. He appeared in an interview with Charlie Rose…

#HillarysHealth: What Happens Now? [VIDEO]

#HillarysHealth: What Happens Now? [VIDEO]

First, it was dehydration. Then it was the extreme heat. Now, Hillary’s campaign has produced her doctor, who claims that she has pneumonia. Seriously, are they just…

Hillary Clinton Suffers Medical Episode At 9/11 Service, Health Now Major Campaign Issue [VIDEOS]

Hillary Clinton Suffers Medical Episode At 9/11 Service, Health Now Major Campaign Issue [VIDEOS]

The 9/11 Remembrance ceremony at Ground Zero was a solemn somber occasion. Many dignitaries were there including New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, former Mayor Michael Bloomberg,…

Hillary Stumbles; Is This A Sign? [VIDEO]

Hillary Stumbles; Is This A Sign? [VIDEO]

You make the call. Hillary was campaigning in Scranton, Pennsylvania with Vice President Joe Biden today. The speeches were not as notable as the personal interactions between…

Supposed Health Foods Make You Fat, But Here Is How To Keep Those New Year’s Resolutions

Supposed Health Foods Make You Fat, But Here Is How To Keep Those New Year’s Resolutions

As the New Year creeps up on us, many are thinking of getting healthier in 2016. Many want to lose weight. Some are trying to decide if…

Violence and Terrorism: An Open Line of Communication Between Parents and Kids

My dad was a realist when I was a kid. Since I was eight years old, he told me everything about growing up in the neighborhood of…

Obamacare Architect Claims that Healthy People Won the “Genetic Lottery”

A nasty little video popped up on Drudge that gives some real insight into what we all already knew: that Obamacare is meant to fleece some to…

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Ava Gardner