Quote of the Day: Donald Trump and the Press

Donald Trump has a strange relationship with the media, to say the least. He basks in the glow of constant attention, and loves seeing his name in…

#CNNDebate : Jeb Bush Spars With Trump Over Brother’s Legacy and Safety

#CNNDebate : Jeb Bush Spars With Trump Over Brother’s Legacy and Safety

I, like many Americans, tuned in to listen to the debates last night, and as I listened to the answers I was inspired by Carly Fiorina, forgot…

#Baltimore Will Have the World’s Saddest Baseball Game Ever Played

#Baltimore Will Have the World’s Saddest Baseball Game Ever Played

I am a diehard baseball fan. I love the game, I love the history of the game, and I still think the movie “42” was robbed by…

Bush Points Out Foreign Policy Failures, White House Snaps Back

Former President George W. Bush spoke privately over the weekend at a closed-door fundraiser, where he finally said what he thought of President Obama’s foreign policy. His…

Secret Service was Never Asked to Prepare for Obama to Travel for the Paris March

The Obama administration has been taking a lot of heat for skipping out on the Paris March, while leaders from around the world walked arm in arm…

Bush, Obama, Iraq, and The Blame Game

Like all of us, I have watched the television talking heads and have been reading the liberal blogging pundits, Facebook philosophers, and those brave Twitter hashtag warriors worry and…

Russia’s “Uncontested Arrival” in Ukraine’s Crimea Region and Weekend Links

Ukraine, a nation of 45 million people, which borders Europe and southwestern Russia, has been in chaos for some time now. We, at Victory Girls, began writing…

Who Are the Real Clowns??

On Saturday the real clowns of this country disguised as race pimps got together in Washington and waved their version of the American flag.    These are…

George W. Bush, the Artist (Photos)

After several of their email accounts were hacked by someone with an online alias of “Guccifer,” personal photos and sensitive correspondence from members of the Bush family,…

Former President George H. W. Bush in the Hospital;  “41” has Bronchitis!

Former President George H. W. Bush in the Hospital; “41” has Bronchitis!

Former President George H. W. Bush (“41”) has been hospitalized for the last 7 days in Houston. He has Bronchitis and though it’s not expected to be…

Is George P. Bush the GOP’s future?

I’m not one of the Bush haters. I love them actually, though I haven’t always agreed with some of their decisions over the years. I remember crying…

Beyond Callous: Obama Sends Form Letters to Families of Fallen Troops

Remember when he had a president who actually cared about troops? Who saw them as more than just a photo op? Our current Commander-in-Chief is not such…

Remembering 9/11:  Ten Years Ago

Remembering 9/11: Ten Years Ago

Has it really been 10 years? I’m still emotionally raw by the events of that horrible day and I suppose my life, like countless others, has forever…

afghani women protest, say ‘no corruption’

protesting a corrupt government in the streets of kabul is not a hugely popular thing to do — even less if you are an afghani woman. these…

today’s must read post

politics really does makes strange bedfellows. i’ve been a somewhat annoyed fan of hillbuzz for a long time. though they are primarily liberal and frequently wrong (heh)…

yes, but, there’s still a war on terror

i am really glad that obama ended the war on terror aren’t you? it’s awesome to see that the ‘overseas contingency operation’ is alive and well and…

the lefties can dish it out but they can’t take it

the lefties can dish it out but they can’t take it

boo hoo lamestream media, harry reid, and nancy pelosi. boo hoo all you who positively have the vapors because one congressman finally had the stinking guts to…

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Ava Gardner