A Real American

A Real American

I was eight years old when I first set foot on American soil. I remember the airport in the dead of winter. I remember women and children,…

The Best Breakup Letter Ever: The Declaration Of Independence [VIDEO]

The Best Breakup Letter Ever: The Declaration Of Independence [VIDEO]

What is the absolute best Dear George letter of all time? Our Declaration of Independence.

Trump Ends Iran Deal, Obama Staffers Cry [VIDEO]

Trump Ends Iran Deal, Obama Staffers Cry [VIDEO]

It’s official – President Trump has pulled the United States out of the “Iran Deal” this morning, fulfilling a campaign promise and following up on Israel’s revelation…

Twitter CEO Endorses Article Proposing Totalitarian One-Party Rule In U.S. [VIDEO]

Twitter CEO Endorses Article Proposing Totalitarian One-Party Rule In U.S. [VIDEO]

Twitter’s Jack Dorsey believes that an article and series advocating for One Party Rule in the United States is a “great” read. The authors of this article…

Gun Rights Under Attack

Gun Rights Under Attack

It didn’t start with the Las Vegas shooting, nor did it start with The Pulse or Sutherland Springs; it certainly did not start with Parkland. Our gun…

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Puts Palestine’s Abbas On Notice: ‘I Will Not Shut Up’ [VIDEO]

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Puts Palestine’s Abbas On Notice: ‘I Will Not Shut Up’ [VIDEO]

Since 2008 we’ve needed an advocate at the United Nations who will go to bat for our Republic and for freedom around the globe. Not since the…

NFL Rejects AMVETS Super Bowl Ad; Pig Socks Totally OK [VIDEO]

NFL Rejects AMVETS Super Bowl Ad; Pig Socks Totally OK [VIDEO]

My Eagles are going to the Super Bowl! I’ve been an Eagles fan since my high school days in Philly, and I haven’t been this excited since…

Supposedly Climate Change Is The Real Reason For #IranProtests [VIDEO]

Supposedly Climate Change Is The Real Reason For #IranProtests [VIDEO]

Iranians are fighting for their freedom against a cash flush (thanks Obama!) terrorist regime. More than 20 people, that we know of, have been killed. But that…

#IranProtests2017: Regime Cracks Down, Media Yawns, Hillary Says Something Stupid [VIDEO]

#IranProtests2017: Regime Cracks Down, Media Yawns, Hillary Says Something Stupid [VIDEO]

The Iranian revolt against a tyrannical terrorist regime has moved into its fourth day. The government vowed to crack down on the protestors and began doing so…

Iranian Protestors Rally for Regime Change And Freedom, Trump Calls For Support [VIDEO]

Iranian Protestors Rally for Regime Change And Freedom, Trump Calls For Support [VIDEO]

Iran will be ringing in the New Year soon, but it won’t be a party with fireworks and confetti. Instead many will be on the streets protesting…

The Invocation Given At The Army/Navy Football Game Was Everything [VIDEO]

The Invocation Given At The Army/Navy Football Game Was Everything [VIDEO]

This year’s Army/Navy game should’ve been more aptly titled the “Snow Bowl!” It was a blizzard of a game with an unexpected end and started with one…

Bret Stephens: Useful Idiot for Gun Grabbers, Sniveling Punching Bag for the Rest of Us [Video]

Bret Stephens: Useful Idiot for Gun Grabbers, Sniveling Punching Bag for the Rest of Us [Video]

In the aftermath of the horror we felt as a country after Sunday night’s brutal, deadly attack on innocent civilians, the usual suspects grabbed their bloody shirts…

#NFL: Stand Don’t Kneel For UNITY! But Respect For Country Is Still Bad [VIDEO]

#NFL: Stand Don’t Kneel For UNITY! But Respect For Country Is Still Bad [VIDEO]

When the NFL season started, politics was front and center. Players on every team were taking a knee in support of oppression and it was being touted…

“Mad Pooper” Has a Spokesman and an Excuse

“Mad Pooper” Has a Spokesman and an Excuse

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past few days, you’ve likely heard of the guano crazy jogger in Colorado Springs, who has been defecating on…

Snowflakes on Campuses: Destroying Freedom One “Safe Space” at a Time

Snowflakes on Campuses: Destroying Freedom One “Safe Space” at a Time

A recent Brookings survey of 1,500 current undergraduate students at U.S. four-year colleges and universities revealed something frightening. The survey results establish with data what has been clear…

What Are We Paying For?

What Are We Paying For?

Whenever a major disaster of any nature affects any portion of the population, the inevitable topic of price gouging comes up. Basic rules of economics do apply….

#SCOTUS Will Hear Masterpiece Cakeshop Religious Objection Case [VIDEO]

#SCOTUS Will Hear Masterpiece Cakeshop Religious Objection Case [VIDEO]

SCOTUS was busy today! Multiple cases were finalized and cases that will be heard this fall were announced. That includes Deanna’s post about SCOTUS keeping President Trump’s…

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Ava Gardner