If You’re a Guy Voting for Hillary, Turn in Your Man Card [VIDEO]

If You’re a Guy Voting for Hillary, Turn in Your Man Card [VIDEO]

A Florida doctor thinks that if you’re a man and you support Hillary Clinton, you might be suffering from Low T. And he can help. In a…

FBI Verifies Russian Hack Of Voting Systems In Two States, Is November Election At Risk? [VIDEO]

FBI Verifies Russian Hack Of Voting Systems In Two States, Is November Election At Risk? [VIDEO]

As voters gear up to cast their primary ballots in Arizona and Florida, the attention isn’t only on whether the reelection bids of Senator John McCain (R-AZ),…

#DNCLeak: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Forced To Resign As DNC Chair [VIDEO]

#DNCLeak: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Forced To Resign As DNC Chair [VIDEO]

UPDATED BELOW The Democrat party is in damage control mode. The revelations contained in the DNC emails released by Wikileaks on Friday have definitively highlighted all that…

Is Rubio Changing His Mind About The Senate Race? [VIDEO]

Is Rubio Changing His Mind About The Senate Race? [VIDEO]

Marco Rubio repeatedly said, during the primary season, that he would not be running for re-election to his Florida senate seat. Of course, he was hoping to…

Boy Killed by Alligator at Disney World: Why is Social Media So Cruel? [VIDEO]

Boy Killed by Alligator at Disney World: Why is Social Media So Cruel? [VIDEO]

What sliver of hope that may have existed that a toddler snatched by an alligator at a Disney resort in Florida would be found alive was dashed this…

#IndianaPrimary: Will a Donald Trump Win Bring Mourning in America? [VIDEOS]

#IndianaPrimary: Will a Donald Trump Win Bring Mourning in America? [VIDEOS]

I’ll be frank. And I apologize in advance for the gloom this post may cause. I fell into bed last night with a sinking feeling in the…

Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Charged With Battery (VIDEO)

Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Charged With Battery (VIDEO)

By now, everyone has heard the story. According to witnesses, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, yanked the arm of former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields hard enough…

Marco Rubio Graciously Leaves Presidential Race [VIDEO]

Marco Rubio Graciously Leaves Presidential Race [VIDEO]

Marco Rubio has officially dropped out of the presidential race tonight after being soundly defeated by Donald Trump in Florida, Rubio’s home state. And he did so…

Why is Sarah Palin Not with Todd Palin After His Serious Accident?

Why is Sarah Palin Not with Todd Palin After His Serious Accident?

Earlier on Monday we at Victory Girls heard the shocking news of Todd Palin‘s snowmobile accident, which was serious enough to land him in intensive care. News…

Trump Rally Proves Cult Of Personality (VIDEO)

It’s really hard to not go Godwin when a picture like this appears. But it seems that we have little choice. @jpodhoretz pic.twitter.com/wDlFAdOsWF — Marty Fischer (@MartyFischer70)…

Is Trump A Hypocrite Regarding Foreign Workers?

The New York Times is reporting today that Donald Trump, who talks about making companies bring back jobs that they’ve sent to other countries (how he will…

Jihadist in Florida

Jihadist in Florida

Harlem Suarez just wanted to help his cause. His way of doing this was to try and recruit others to join in and Facebook recruitment. However, unlike…

Illegal Immigrants Hop From Boat, Run Ashore in Miami Beach [VIDEO]

Illegal Immigrants Hop From Boat, Run Ashore in Miami Beach [VIDEO]

They were in Miami Beach, at 6 a.m, shooting a video. Then a small boat, filled with what looked like fisherman, entered the frame. Ekaterina Juskowski, who…

Hillary’s Homes are a Shocker for Young Adults

Hillary’s Homes are a Shocker for Young Adults

Hillary Clinton is for the “little guy,” right? The middle class schlub? The vast numbers of the 99%? After all, in the speech she gave for her…

Jeb Bush Finally Makes It Official, Enters 2016 Race

Jeb Bush Finally Makes It Official, Enters 2016 Race

There’s now a Clinton and a Bush in the race for the 2016 election. Let’s do the time warp again!!!! Today, Jeb Bush will finally declare that…

Marco Rubio Is Making A Big Announcement

We aren’t even halfway through 2015, and already the field of presidential candidates is rapidly growing. First it was Ted Cruz. Then Rand Paul. Yesterday it was…

After #NYPD Murders, Is It Open Season on Police?

Despite the bland platitudes coming forth from Al Sharpton, Bill de Blasio, Eric Holder and Barack Obama, there is little doubt that police officers all over the…

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Ava Gardner