Poland Bravely Bucks the EU, Says No to Refugees [VIDEO]

Poland Bravely Bucks the EU, Says No to Refugees [VIDEO]

Europe is having a bit of a problem with terrorism these days. From the recent attack in Manchester, to Paris, Stockholm, Berlin, and Brussels, Europeans are reeling….

Can Scotland Stop The Brexit?

Can Scotland Stop The Brexit?

The political upheaval in the United Kingdom is far from over. As my fellow Victory Girl Jennifer wrote about on Saturday, Scotland’s government is particularly hacked off…

Brexit: Of Course, British Millennials are Whining About the Vote [VIDEOS]

Brexit: Of Course, British Millennials are Whining About the Vote [VIDEOS]

Last night Britain shocked the world as it voted to leave the European Union. One group of Brits that were overwhelmingly in the Remain camp were the…

#Brexit: Britain Votes Leave, Cameron Resigns, What Next? [VIDEOS]

#Brexit: Britain Votes Leave, Cameron Resigns, What Next? [VIDEOS]

In a move that many truly didn’t think would happen, British citizens cast their votes in favor of leaving the European Union. The voter turnout was one…

Today’s British Vote May Mirror U.S. Vote

Today’s British Vote May Mirror U.S. Vote

All of Great Britain is voting today. Should they stay or should they go? Should Great Britain remain part of the European Union or should Great Britain…

Obama: Britain Will Be At ‘Back Of The Queue’ For Trade Deals With US If EU Exit Happens [Video]

Obama: Britain Will Be At ‘Back Of The Queue’ For Trade Deals With US If EU Exit Happens [Video]

President Obama has been enjoying his royal holiday in England. First it was a birthday lunch with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, complete with a tour of…

Prime Minister Tsipras Resigns, Greece Gets A Do-Over Election

Socialism is going to have another vote in Greece. After being forced by reality to accept even more stringent austerity measures than those he had previously told…

Negotiations Continue Between the EU and Greece After Austerity Measures Pass Greek Parliament

The Greeks have figured out the hard way in one week that you need cash to run an economy. Despite a big win for the left-wing Syriza…

Early Returns Show Greeks Voting Down Austerity Referendum

The socialist Syriza government of Greece is projecting that austerity referendum is being soundly rejected by the Greek people. Early returns in the historic referendum showed the…

Greece Stalls Against Default By Closing Banks, Markets Nervous

The euro is in trouble, and this could get very ugly for the world economy. The ongoing financial crisis in Greece, which has lasted now for five…

ISIS Targeting Pope Francis-Israeli’s Warn Italian Newspaper

This has been a busy month for ISIS (Islamic State In Syria), or ISIL (Islamic State in the Levant) if you are running with the Administration’s moniker…

Britain’s Immigration Woes, and David Cameron’s Effort to Stop the Freeloading – Will It Be Enough?

It’s not just us. The British have an immigration problem, too. All of the EU nations are subject to “free movement laws,” which allow for citizens of…

The Ukraine Protests and Weekend Links

While the American press has been focused on Justin Beiber, did you know the Ukraine capital of Kiev is burning? Protests have spread to other cities in…

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Ava Gardner