Hillary Clinton Says She’ll Fight for Sexual Assault Victims

Hillary Clinton Says She’ll Fight for Sexual Assault Victims

Oh, Hillary. RT to join Hillary in telling survivors of sexual assault: We're with you. pic.twitter.com/VmqaI7YQDu — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 14, 2015 If her hypocrisy wasn’t…

#CNNDebate: Fiorina vs. Trump Could Get Exciting

#CNNDebate: Fiorina vs. Trump Could Get Exciting

One thing is for certain, Carly Fiorina knows how to campaign, and she also knows how to win a debate. Carly wasn’t even on the main stage…

Hillary Clinton Campaign: New Undercover Project Veritas Video Released [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton Campaign: New Undercover Project Veritas Video Released [VIDEO]

Project Veritas Action, an organization founded by James O’keefe, specifically designed to expose loathsome misconduct, has struck gold once again. Hillary Clinton, and her campaign, never fail to provide…

Hugh Hewitt Show: Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina Give Contrasting Interviews

Hugh Hewitt Show: Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina Give Contrasting Interviews

On September 16th, at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, the next GOP debate will be moderated by Jake Tapper, with additional questions from Hugh Hewitt. I’m incredibly…

Grasping At Straws Again: Hillary Compares Pro-Life Republicans to “Terrorists”

Grasping At Straws Again: Hillary Compares Pro-Life Republicans to “Terrorists”

While we have one in the White House saying guns are worse than terrorism, we have another lobbying for that same residence in 2016 comparing the GOP…

Marco Rubio and Brody Dill: Little Boy Hit By Football Speaks Out

Marco Rubio and Brody Dill: Little Boy Hit By Football Speaks Out

During a campaign event in Iowa, Marco Rubio decided to throw the pigskin around with a little boy named Brody Dill. Unfortunately, the 4 year-old failed to…

Ann Coulter: Donald Trump’s Fangirl

Ann Coulter: Donald Trump’s Fangirl

After reading this paragraph, you’ll be taken through a series of Ann Coulter’s recent tweets. Her love for Trump went into full throttle this week after Donald…

Donald Trump Debacle: Ann Coulter and Charles C.W. Cooke Get In Heated Debate

Donald Trump Debacle: Ann Coulter and Charles C.W. Cooke Get In Heated Debate

Politicians have a way of splitting conservatives and creating war within the party, but very few have caused a commotion quite like Donald Trump. I’ve found myself scrolling…

#DumpTrump: Donald Trump Defends Planned Parenthood [VIDEO]

#DumpTrump: Donald Trump Defends Planned Parenthood [VIDEO]

Let’s talk about Planned Parenthood’s new favorite GOP candidate! On Tuesday, Donald Trump appeared on shows with Chris Cuomo, as well as Sean Hannity. During both shows he defended Planned…

Roger Ailes Talks to Trump: Has The Storm Finally Blown Over?

Roger Ailes Talks to Trump: Has The Storm Finally Blown Over?

The Trump vs. Megyn Kelly debacle feels like it has been dragging on for months, when in actuality it has been less than a week. If you’re like…

#GOPDebate:  What Trump’s Twitter Tantrum Says About Him as “The Next POTUS”

#GOPDebate: What Trump’s Twitter Tantrum Says About Him as “The Next POTUS”

November 2016. We are counting the days when hopefully America can make a comeback. When we can perhaps have the hope that our great country will once…

Carly Fiorina Stands Up to Chris Matthews

Carly Fiorina Stands Up to Chris Matthews

The general consensus after last night’s debate was that Carly Fiorina was on the wrong stage, I think we can all agree that she should have been in…

#GOPDebate: Round Two Recap

We knew there was going to be fireworks. And we got them with no big surprises with The Donald in the house. Donald Trump: The debates started…

#GOPDebate: Round One Recap

#GOPDebate: Round One Recap

Here’s a quick recap on the group that was lucky enough to avoid Donald Trump. Rick Perry: Rick came out strong, and remained strong throughout the debate,…

#GOPDebate:  If GOP Candidates Were Guns

#GOPDebate: If GOP Candidates Were Guns

Happy GOP Debate Day! We almost have enough GOP candidates to make up a baseball team, and that makes for a pretty chaotic debate. Every blogger, and…

Linda Tripp Breaks Silence to Chastise Hillary Clinton

Linda Tripp Breaks Silence to Chastise Hillary Clinton

Linda Tripp, the thorn in Hillary Clinton’s side, is back in the news today after retreating from the spotlight for 17 years. Hillary, in particular, is not going…

#WomenBetrayed: Pro-Lifers Rally Throughout America

#WomenBetrayed: Pro-Lifers Rally Throughout America

On the heels of a newly released video by The Center for Medical Progress this morning, Planned Parenthood is now facing another obstacle. On Tuesday pro-lifers in more than…

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Ava Gardner