Sex Chats And Opposing Trump Is What Spy Agencies Are Up To

Sex Chats And Opposing Trump Is What Spy Agencies Are Up To

In a word, EW. Apparently, the employees of the NSA, the CIA, and the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) are very busy discussing their personal sex fetishes during work hours.

Top CIA Official Posts Pro-Palestine Images After Hamas Terrorist Attack

Top CIA Official Posts Pro-Palestine Images After Hamas Terrorist Attack

A high-ranking CIA official has demonstrated that her loyalty to this country and her oath is in question. This after it was discovered that she posted pro-Palestine…

Twitter Files: Controlling The COVID Narrative

Twitter Files: Controlling The COVID Narrative

In case you missed it, Matt Taibbi dropped another edition of the Twitter Files on Christmas Eve, detailing just how the Deep State was sinking its tentacles…

Michael Hayden: Republicans Are Dangerous

Michael Hayden: Republicans Are Dangerous

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden has long hated Donald Trump. But now he’s turning on Republicans as an entity, agreeing with a British journalist that they’re “nihilistic,…

CIA Finds Rope In Woods, Thinks Noose, Has Embolism

CIA Finds Rope In Woods, Thinks Noose, Has Embolism

The other day I wrote a post about Dopey Joe in the Middle East. In it I stated that just because the CIA said Prince Mohammed bin…

Guantanamo And The Trials That Never Get Started

Guantanamo And The Trials That Never Get Started

We are within days of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. But in Guantanamo Bay, the trials for those still being held there for helping plan…

Army “Two Moms” Commercial Smashes Stereotypes

Army “Two Moms” Commercial Smashes Stereotypes

It looks like the United States Army Public Affairs Division got a really bad case of pea green envy after the personnel got a gander at the…

CIA Director Nominee Worked On Obama/Biden Iran Deal

CIA Director Nominee Worked On Obama/Biden Iran Deal

William J. Burns, the Biden nominee for CIA Director, testified before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee that will recommend his confirmation before the full Senate. To say…

Ex-CIA Spy Arrested For Selling U.S. Secrets To China

Ex-CIA Spy Arrested For Selling U.S. Secrets To China

The news of an ex-CIA spy getting arrested and charged for espionage this afternoon isn’t going to set well with all those Democrats who think China is…

Christopher Wray: The FBI Has Regrets About FISA “Errors And Omissions”

Christopher Wray: The FBI Has Regrets About FISA “Errors And Omissions”

The FBI has regrets says Christopher Wray. The “errors and omissions” in their FISA court applications to surveil Carter Page has made the FBI look bad and…

Former CIA Questions Official Whistleblower Complaint

Former CIA Questions Official Whistleblower Complaint

If you watched the Inquisition of the Acting Director of National Intelligence, Joseph Maguire, today, you may be forgiven if you thought that Grand Inquistor/Representative Adam Schiff…

CNN Blows CIA Asset Story To Smear Trump

CNN Blows CIA Asset Story To Smear Trump

Why, hello, CNN. Fancy seeing you blow a story up, getting it all wrong, and having to be corrected by other media… like the New York Times…

American Taliban John Walker Lindh to Walk Free

American Taliban John Walker Lindh to Walk Free

Why is letting traitors free such a trend in the US these days? First it was Bradley/Chelsea/Whatevs Manning who skipped away from Leavenworth in 2017. Now, on…

Politico Shamefully Compares Trump Putin Presser To 9/11 And Pearl Harbor [VIDEO]

Politico Shamefully Compares Trump Putin Presser To 9/11 And Pearl Harbor [VIDEO]

The substance of President Trump’s remarks yesterday in Helsinki are being largely ignored in favor of going full hair on fire overreaction. There is much to unpack…

Glass Ceiling Shattered: Gina Haspel Confirmed As New CIA Chief [VIDEO]

Glass Ceiling Shattered: Gina Haspel Confirmed As New CIA Chief [VIDEO]

The United States Senate, with a vote of 54-45, confirmed Gina Haspel as the new CIA Chief yesterday. And with that, one glass ceiling that most thought…

Gina Haspel Has Nothing to Apologize For [VIDEO]

Gina Haspel Has Nothing to Apologize For [VIDEO]

The dimwitted Democrats tortured CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel with imbecilic questions for hours the other day. Same stupid questions, over and over again, just for an…

No, Ms. McCain, the CIA Isn’t Going to Start Decapitating Prisoners. [VIDEO]

No, Ms. McCain, the CIA Isn’t Going to Start Decapitating Prisoners. [VIDEO]

On Thursday, our Toni sliced and diced a Rolling Stone writer who compared CIA agents to Al Qaeda psychopaths, and used that nonsense to oppose the confirmation…

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Ava Gardner