Clinton Fun Money: Charity Not Recommended By Watchdog Sites

The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation (which is the full and official name of the charity) has been receiving a lot of press lately as emerging…

Unfit For Office: 5 Reasons Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President

Unfit For Office: 5 Reasons Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President

The gaffes during Hillary Clinton’s campaign kick-off tour last week, while cringe-worthy, are really just symptoms of the bigger virus that is the Clinton Machine. For example,…

#ScoobyVan Tuesday: Hillary to Visit Iowa College as Students Question Her Integrity

#ScoobyVan Tuesday: Hillary to Visit Iowa College as Students Question Her Integrity

Barack Obama overwhelmingly won the youth vote in 2008, and again in his 2012 re-election. But Hillary Clinton is not Barack Obama, at least in the “hip…

No, the Indiana Religious Freedom Act Does Not Discriminate Against Gays

On Thursday, Indiana governor Mike Pence signed into law the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and from the reaction of the media and various celebrities you would’ve thought…

Bill Clinton Involved in Prince Andrew’s Sex Scandal? What It Says About Hillary

Over the past few days we have witnessed the emerging of a royal scandal across the Pond involving Britain’s Prince “Randy Andy” Andrew, fifth in line to…

The Clinton versus Obama “Blood Feud” is NO win for America

The GOP, the Tea Party, most of the country, and I aren’t the only ones calling President Petulant names for his inept, corrupt, dangerous, and anti-American amateur-hour presidency…

Obama Scandal List

The Obama administration’s scandals are numerous, yet Obama and his media are wont to say that they are “phony scandals” that the Republican Party like to chase. But…

Rape Culture: Victim Says Hillary Clinton “Took Me Through Hell”

Audio of what has now been dubbed “The Hillary Tapes” have gone viral, causing understandable outrage across the nation. In the tapes, Hillary Clinton talks about a…

Poor, Broke, Scrimping Hillary Clinton is JUST Like You!

Poor, Broke, Scrimping Hillary Clinton is JUST Like You!

Hillary Clinton, in her pre-presidential campaign book promotion tour, claims to Diane Sawyer that when they left the White House, they were “dead broke and in debt.”…

Hillary Clinton “wonders” what the Benghazi fuss is all about

Hillary Clinton “wonders” what the Benghazi fuss is all about

Dear Mrs. Clinton, I read this morning that you “wonder” why people are still talking about Benghazi in your new book, “Hard Choices”. For such a smart…

That Depends on Your Definition of “Keep”

I’m just as tired as the next person of hearing about the monstrosity of a charlie foxtrot that is the (un)Affordable Care Act. That, of course, is…

Bill Clinton Smears the Military as Racist, Sexist, and Homophobic

Bill Clinton Smears the Military as Racist, Sexist, and Homophobic

Hey, did you know that before Obama took office, the military was made up of a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic jerks? Yeah, the Great Uniter came…

bill’s arse grope

just because it’s so pathetically funny. Bill Clinton and his friend, Fran Drescher

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Ava Gardner