Recap of Obama’s Statement on Iraq

Recap of Obama’s Statement on Iraq

The president just wrapped up a statement and Q&A session on the current situation in Iraq. Apparently, they had to drag him in and give him a…

Hillary Fatigue: America is Changing the Channel

Some of us live, breathe, eat and sleep current affairs, so when the news is saturated with something, for us it’s really saturated.  Lately it seems that…

What Really Happened At The Heritage Foundation’s Benghazi Panel Last Night? Or Why Dana Milbank Is A Hack

Lesson number one in journalism these days should really be, remember that the video will surface. Dana Milbank of the Washington Post should take note of that…

Hillary Blames Ambassador For His Own Death

Hillary Blames Ambassador For His Own Death

Hillary claims that Benghazi is the reason she should run for President.  I think Ambassador Stevens would beg to differ.  He had repeatedly asked for more security,…

Hillary Clinton “wonders” what the Benghazi fuss is all about

Hillary Clinton “wonders” what the Benghazi fuss is all about

Dear Mrs. Clinton, I read this morning that you “wonder” why people are still talking about Benghazi in your new book, “Hard Choices”. For such a smart…

The Benghazi YouTube Video Narrative Began the Night of the Attack, Says Issa

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Chairman of the House Reform and Oversight Committee, has revealed excerpts from still-classified emails regarding the Benghazi attack from the State Department, in…

The Select Committee Moves Forward

The Select Committee Moves Forward

Monday evening, President Obama was off doing what he does best – fund-raising.  This time, though, it was off of Benghazi.  Didn’t we hear just a few…

Lanny Davis and his “Truth Squad”

Truth Squad? I’m sure the four men abandoned by the White House and the State Department to be slaughtered in Benghazi would have appreciated a different type of…

Harvard Black Mass Moved Off Campus, No Thanks To Officials

Yesterday I wrote about how religious freedom is under attack in countless ways in this country. Another recent story illustrates my point in the context of higher…

Bloomberg defends Hillary Clinton on Benghazi – “What’d you expect her to do?”

The Soda Jerk is outraged. Well, for starters, Michael…she should have sent help.  Then not blaming a YouTube video and lying about what really happened would have…

Benghazi: Dems Frantic Over Special Committee

You probably already know that Rep. John Boehner has finally called a special committee to fully investigate Benghazi.  You probably also know that Rep. Trey Gowdy is…

No One Died at the Watergate Hotel

It is now official – the special select committee is now in existence, and Representative Trey Gowdy will be chairing it.  The vote was 232 to 186,…

Benghazi and the Gowdy Committee

Speaker John Boehner announced on Monday that Trey Gowdy will head the Special Select Committee investigating the White House response to the 9.11.12 Benghazi Consulate terrorist attack.  In my…

What Disturbs Obama Should Bother Us All

There is no question that the execution of Clayton Lockett in Oklahoma last Tuesday was botched from a medical standpoint.  According to the state’s prison chief, officials…

Benghazi Update: Special Select Committee Announced

If you missed Bret Baier’s interview on Fox with Obamabot and former White House spokesman Tommy Vietor, then dude, you missed the epitome of the Obama administration’s disrespect…

Benghazi: Citizen Commission and Emails Show Willful Lying by Administration

Benghazi: Citizen Commission and Emails Show Willful Lying by Administration

Over 100 pages of emails and documents were released to Judicial Watch as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.  Upon viewing many of these emails,…

The Cowardice of Hillary Clinton and Weekend Links

She hasn’t had a very good week. First, someone throws a shoe at her during a speech and she laughs it off. But when a group of…

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Ava Gardner