Was Susan Rice Responsible for the Unmasking of Trump Officials? [VIDEO]

Was Susan Rice Responsible for the Unmasking of Trump Officials? [VIDEO]

In a bombshell report, Mike Cernovich, publishing on Medium, has revealed that Susan Rice, former Obama administration National Security Advisor, was the person who requested the “unmasking”…

Homeland Threat: U.S. Bans Electronics in Flight Cabins from Some Middle Eastern and African Countries

Homeland Threat: U.S. Bans Electronics in Flight Cabins from Some Middle Eastern and African Countries

I’m old enough to remember sitting just one row ahead of the “smoking section” on a flight from California to South Carolina as a teenager. Suffice it…

#SCOTUS Boots Gavin Grimm’s Transgender Bathroom Case Back to Lower Courts

#SCOTUS Boots Gavin Grimm’s Transgender Bathroom Case Back to Lower Courts

I haven’t stepped foot in a Target store since the chain implemented a policy last April that allows biological males to use the women’s restrooms, and vice…

Watergate Redux: Trump Accuses Obama of Wiretapping Trump Tower. [VIDEO]

Watergate Redux: Trump Accuses Obama of Wiretapping Trump Tower. [VIDEO]

If you thought this was going to be a quiet weekend in Political Land, you were wrong. Very, very wrong. In the wee hours of Saturday morning,…

75 Years After Executive Order 9066, It’s Time To Curtail Executive Power

Today marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066, which by order of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, paved the way for the incarceration of…

Olympian Ibtihaj Muhammad Insinuates She Was Detained Following Trump’s Travel Ban…But There’s Just One Problem

Olympian Ibtihaj Muhammad Insinuates She Was Detained Following Trump’s Travel Ban…But There’s Just One Problem

Ever since Donald Trump unexpectedly won the presidency last November, story after story has emerged of the Big Bad Wolf causing heartache for Muslims. Following the temporary…

ICE Arrests Criminals in Raids, Illegals Live in Fear, and Trump is Blamed. [VIDEO]

ICE Arrests Criminals in Raids, Illegals Live in Fear, and Trump is Blamed. [VIDEO]

Last week, officials from ICE — Immigration and Customs Enforcement — arrested hundreds of illegal immigrants in states across the southern U.S and New York. They detained immigrants…

Donald Trump, Barack Obama and “Chelsea” Manning [VIDEO]

Donald Trump, Barack Obama and “Chelsea” Manning [VIDEO]

“Who are three people who should never be in a room together, Alex?” No, the title is not a “Jeopardy” answer. This is the kind of cray…

More of the Obama Legacy Unfolds: Food Stamps Expanded for Use on Amazon

More of the Obama Legacy Unfolds: Food Stamps Expanded for Use on Amazon

Want a new gadget and have SNAP benefits to burn? Good. According to this, Obama has given a parting “initiative” to SNAP recipients in rural and urban…

White House Says Trump “Freely Elected,” But Protests Begin Anyway [VIDEO]

White House Says Trump “Freely Elected,” But Protests Begin Anyway [VIDEO]

A note to everyone who is trying to prevent Donald Trump from being inaugurated this coming Friday – your last chance to prevent that from happening was…

Hey, ESPN, #MLKDay Should Not Be About Barack Obama [VIDEO]

Hey, ESPN, #MLKDay Should Not Be About Barack Obama [VIDEO]

We set aside a Monday around January 15th every year to honor a man whose convictions impacted American history in a way that few people have ever…

Are You Not Entertained? Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Slices and Dices CNN [VIDEOS]

Are You Not Entertained? Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Slices and Dices CNN [VIDEOS]

Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it, CNN? CNN and its cohorts in the mainstream media had their collective panties in a wad after This Happened. President-elect Donald Trump…

Obama’s Richest Line of The Night:  “We Blame The Leaders We Elect Without Examining Our Own Role in Electing Them”

Obama’s Richest Line of The Night: “We Blame The Leaders We Elect Without Examining Our Own Role in Electing Them”

Some of you may have tuned in to “This is Us”. Some others may have muted the TV (as my husband has done for the past eight…

Clemency Frenzy: Will Obama Pardon Snowden, Manning, Bergdahl?

Clemency Frenzy: Will Obama Pardon Snowden, Manning, Bergdahl?

While his approval numbers with the electorate are upwards of fifty percent—due allegedly to his personal likeability—Barack Obama’s approval numbers with our military and veterans are less…

Meryl Streep Continues The Hollywood Trumper Tantrum [VIDEO]

Meryl Streep Continues The Hollywood Trumper Tantrum [VIDEO]

Someone pass Hollywood a tissue. They simply don’t know how on earth they are going to survive under President Donald Trump. They’ve already had their cryfest over…

Hollywood Hypocrites Hail Obama With One Last Hurrah [VIDEO]

Hollywood Hypocrites Hail Obama With One Last Hurrah [VIDEO]

One thing about Barack and Michelle Obama — they sure know how to par-tay! They held a final bash at the White House on Friday, which continued…

Let’s Make Men Great Again

Let’s Make Men Great Again

Now, that Donald Trump is going to “Make America Great Again” the next step will be to “Make Men Great Again”. Since the totally metrosexual Barack H….

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Ava Gardner