Length of Citizenship Excuses Ilhan Omar

Length of Citizenship Excuses Ilhan Omar

Progressives are grasping at straws about Ilhan Omar’s patriotism. They can’t excuse her incendiary comments about Israel and “some people who did something” on 9/11. So now they’re using the length of her citizenship as proof of . . . well, something. Especially when they compare her to Melania Trump.

Ilhan Omar Blames US Soldiers For Something People Did During ‘Black Hawk Down’

Ilhan Omar Blames US Soldiers For Something People Did During ‘Black Hawk Down’

Ilhan Omar is ungrateful. She came to the United States at age 12 as a refugee from war torn Somalia, and is now a member of Congress….

HBO Promotes Racial Harmony: “Whiteness” as a Viral Disease [VIDEO]

HBO Promotes Racial Harmony: “Whiteness” as a Viral Disease [VIDEO]

Just when you thought nothing could be less funny than wheezing, arthritic Saturday Night Live, HBO says “Hold my beer.”

#AntiFa makes clear their principles

While the New York Slimes Times whitewashes AntiFa … The mere existence of supporters of President Trump is violent, so it is OK to attack them with…

ABC News Conducts Fawning Interview with Traitor Chelsea Manning [VIDEO]

ABC News Conducts Fawning Interview with Traitor Chelsea Manning [VIDEO]

Chelsea Manning left Ft. Leavenworth prison last month. But if you thought she would go quietly, you were wrong. ABC News held an interview with the traitor who…

Act like an American

Good morning!  And I owe you an apology – I’m about to ruin your morning. Remember the good ol’ days when there were only two, maybe three,…

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Ava Gardner