SQUIRREL! Scandal Plagued Obama Claims No Large-Scale Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11; Ignores Fort Hood, Benghazi, and Boston

In what can be regarded as an attempt to SQUIRREL! deflect from the numerous scandals currently plaguing his administration, on Thursday Mr. Obama asserted during a national security…

Heartbreaking New Details on Benghazi: Help Was Requested Three Times, and Was Denied

Heartbreaking New Details on Benghazi: Help Was Requested Three Times, and Was Denied

As if the debacle that was Benghazi couldn’t get any worse, Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin drops this bombshell: CIA officials on the ground in Benghazi during the…

BREAKING: Muslim Arrested in Attempted NYC Federal Reserve Bomb Plot

Fox News is reporting that a Bangladesh national with ties to Al Qaeda, 21-year-old Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, has been arrested for an attempted bombing at…

Outrageous: Obama Knew Al Qaeda Was Behind the Libya Attack and Lied About It

Unbelievable. Or rather, it would be if we had anyone but Obama in office. This is entirely to be expected, but it doesn’t make it any less…

Remembering 9/11:  Ten Years Ago

Remembering 9/11: Ten Years Ago

Has it really been 10 years? I’m still emotionally raw by the events of that horrible day and I suppose my life, like countless others, has forever…

Yemeni Man Storms Airplane Cockpit in Possible Terrorist Attack; Leftists Yawn

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: American leftists have never really cared much for things like national security, anti-terrorist initiatives, and the United States military. Too much…

A Badge of Dishonor

Not everyone supports the war in Afghanistan. It’s annoying, considering that people who spoke out against the war in Iraq claimed that the reason was because we…

5 Heroes To Remember This September 11

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal. Nine years ago, our country was changed forever. On a sunny September day, we were hit by a series of coordinated…

Remember 9-11

Remember 9-11

9 years ago today, our country was attacked by Islamic extremists. Almost 3,000 innocent Americans were murdered in the name of jihad. It’s a little frustrating to…

Sharif Al-Gamal Owes Over $200,000 In Back Taxes On The Ground Zero Mosque?

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: The media narrative is focused completely on the people who oppose the Ground Zero mosque. The mosque’s opposition has focused almost…

Ground Zero Mosque Supporter to Holocaust Survivor: “Obviously He Didn’t Learn His Lesson”

Ground Zero Mosque Supporter to Holocaust Survivor: “Obviously He Didn’t Learn His Lesson”

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: The running meme on the Left has been that Americans who oppose the Ground Zero mosque are bigoted, anti-Islamic hatemongers. No…

Why Can A Mosque Get Built At Ground Zero, But A Christian Church Can’t Get Rebuilt?

Amidst all of the Ground Zero mosque controversy, people have forgotten how much has yet to be rebuilt at Ground Zero. Consider the case, for example, of…

Pelosi: We Need To Investigate These 9/11 Families Who Oppose The Ground Zero Mosque!

Pelosi: We Need To Investigate These 9/11 Families Who Oppose The Ground Zero Mosque!

I first saw this story over at The Other McCain’s place, and wow — Nancy Pelosi is completely and totally out of line here. But then again,…

Muslim leaders to abandon Ground Zero mosque?

Considering all of the controversy swirling around the Ground Zero mosque, this is a somewhat unsurprising turn of events — and of course, the right thing to…

U.S. may help bin Laden’s family relocate here?!

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: I can only pray that Obama and the State Department are not this idiotic. Apparently, Omar bin Laden (son of Osama…

Great news: 17 Afghan military members are AWOL in the US

The Jawa Report brings us a Fox News exclusive that is sure to make you sleep better at night. 17 members of the Afghan military were here…

Obama: This Gulf oil spill is just like 9/11

Barack Obama told Politico yesterday that this oil spill in the Gulf… why, it’s like the next 9/11 or something! Because, you know, an oil spill is…

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Ava Gardner