The news and social media has been inundated with stories and opinions regarding Colin Kaepernick’s sit down protest of the National Anthem. As we reported here, he offered his reasons why. Subsequently, he offered additional reasons for his protest.
Given what he said above, Kaepernick is using that song as a scapegoat for what he’s really protesting, which is the supposed oppression of police brutality. Well, protesting is hard. Protesting can be dangerous. Protesting can have far-reaching consequences. Martin Luther King Jr is a prime example of one who, knowing the consequences, chose to do the hard thing anyway.
Colin Kaepernick’s sit down protest at the Green Bay game became news and he continued his protest last night. Have there been consequences? No. Colin still has a job. He still gets to go home.
Vera’s country, Czechoslovakia, was invaded and overrun by the Soviet Union just two months before the 1968 games in Mexico began.
Fearing arrest by the Soviets because of her signature and support of the “Two Thousand Words” manifesto, she went into hiding in the mountains shortly before the Olympics opened in Mexico. Let me repeat that. Vera had to go into HIDING or be arrested by the Soviets.
Colin practiced with his entire team. Vera, in total isolation, practiced her uneven bar routines by hanging from trees.
Colin was coached by multiple people on a variety of football plays on a practice field in a billion dollar stadium while wearing pig socks.
Clown Kaepernick Now Wearing Socks Depicting Police as Pigs
— JWF (@JammieWF) September 1, 2016
By contrast, Vera practiced her floor routine in a hay field.
Colin has a full weight room complete with trainers. Vera’s weight lifting routine included shoveling coal and hefting full sacks of potatoes.
When it came time for the actual protest. Colin sat down surrounded by security and active duty soldiers.
Vera’s protest was vastly different. She won gold for her performances on the uneven bars, balance beam, and as all-around champion.
Vera won silver on the balance beam and tied for gold on the floor exercise. The Soviets won gold in both. What she did on the podium resonated in Czechoslovakia and around the world.
Vera turned her head and canted it downward in a show of protest regarding what the Soviet Union did to her country. Why is this so different from what Colin Kaepernick is doing?
The consequences make all the difference in the world.
Kaepernick will donate $1 million to help fix the “problem.” He’ll then jump into his fancy car and continue living his $119 million life.
Vera Caslavska went home to Czechoslovakia. Did she get a parade? Was she able to continue as a gymnast and compete around the world? No. Not one bit.
Instead the Soviets banned her from gymnastics and restricted her travel to zero. She ended up taking a job AS A HOUSE CLEANER to support herself. A house cleaner.
Vera passed away on August 30, 2016. Through the rest of her life as a coach and an Olympics judge, Vera had no regrets for her role in signing the manifesto and the consequences of that action. Vera knew real oppression. She dealt with the very serious consequences of her protest and triumphed. Colin, on the other hand, wouldn’t know real oppression or how to deal with serious and dangerous protest even if it bit him right square in the pig socks.
Perhaps because of the fame she accrued with her classy protest, she wasn’t treated as badly as many other dissidents were. But, she certainly did lose what should have been her livelihood.
One of my greatest thrills was driving to the former East Germany, and into the Czech Republic and Poland in the late 90s. To me, I was honoring all those who had stood up and fought for freedom – both in the West and in the East.
But, Colin doesn’t know what real oppression is. Heck, he probably never even learned about it in school. He wasn’t even 2 when The Wall came down.
And, he’s never been taught critical thinking. So, when his muslim/BLM gf spouts off her idiocy, he just slurps it up. The funny part is… that’s exactly what the non-protesters did in those countries I’ve mentioned. They just accepted whatever lies were handed to them.
If Colin wants to be relevant (and I think this is a desperate cry for relevancy from a man who isn’t as good as he once was at his chosen profession), then he should look up 1) what real oppression is, 2) what the facts are concerning racial disparities in police encounters, and 3) what the facts are concerning political affiliation related to those places where cops actually are corrupt on a large scale. Then he can get back to me with his ideas on whether he prefers the American dream or the progressive one.
Spot on comment, GWB. Sadly I don’t think CK, at least right now, has the capacity for self reflection. I think, as you say, his GF has filled his head with nonsense, and he sees this as a way of getting himself back into the spotlight. It seems to be working; at least for the next fifteen minutes.
Great comments. CRITICAL THINKING IS KEY. The black lives matter are an IGNORNANT, RACIST group of thugs that have zero idea of what critical thinking is. As an upstanding citizen, and a light skinned White and Hispanic mixed woman with no criminal history I was abused by a San Francisco police officer in an incident that landed me in the hospital due to being kicked in the stomach while hand cuffed to a chair by the SFPD. It started when I was in a verbal argument with a store manager and the security officer was SFPD who had a record with eternal affairs of assaulting 13 people in one year, yet he remained on the force. Guess what- I moved on from that event that happened over 35 years ago and came to realize and experience that most police officers are decent human beings. The racist hate group BLM needs to go after the real enemy in their own communities – BLACK ON BLACK VIOLENCE. How about we make some socks with monkeys on them and print BLM on them? Would that describe all black people? This over paid rotten asshole is ignorant to the bone. Just amazing how stupid people can make that much money no matter the skin color. He should consider thinking with his big head instead of his tiny head below his pants and ditch the muzzie bitch he is engaged to. Pay attention to what happens when people convert to islam. Anger, stupidity and no respect for human life. Watch out for this guy – he is dangerous at this point.
Here’s what Bill O’Reilly has to say about athletes like Colin Kaepernick and Brandon Marshall. Makes perfect sense.