Salon: You’ll Never Guess What Else Makes Trump Supporters Racist

Salon: You’ll Never Guess What Else Makes Trump Supporters Racist

Salon: You’ll Never Guess What Else Makes Trump Supporters Racist

According to Amanda Marcotte and her posse at Salon, there is yet another thing that makes anyone on the right weird and “racist”.

The latest, “Cat Ladies and Dog-Eating: MAGA Can’t Quit The Weird Talk About Pets” says it all. Yeah, Marcotte threw in the word, “weird” again but I have a feeling this word is losing steam. Why should our free Republic choose Kamala Harris over Donald Trump? You see, Election 2024 is not a choice that should be made on vibes alone. Voters should choose Kamala Harris this November because, Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff (who shtupped the nanny), Gavin Newsom and Tim Walz love listening to vinyl records, which makes them “go deep on the things they love” (snort). Voters should also now choose Kamala Harris in November because “MAGA has a weird dog-eating, Cat-Lady Obsession”.

Looking back over the past few months, it is startling how many gross stories of Trumpist weirdness involve dogs and/or cats, who do not have partisan preferences. Though, if animals could vote, I suspect they’d turn out for the Democrats, because Republicans can’t seem to talk about pets without giving everyone the heebie-jeebies.”-Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Marcotte uses the latest claims about Haitian migrants eating residents’ pets to illustrate her point of “pet-related freakishness” on behalf of Republicans. And, (GASP), Robert F. Kennedy admitted to eating a dog!

Pssst, Amanda? So did your idol Barack Obama. In fact, he ate several pooches. Another liberal icon (hint: his name is Anthony Fauci) had an obsession with experimenting on Beagle puppies, too, so, there’s that. Let’s talk about heebie-jeebies. But, do go on:

The fixation on cats and dogs makes more sense in this light. Most won’t own it, but MAGA is a fascist movement, focused on controlling American lives down to the smallest, most intimate details. In real terms, that means forcing childbirth, dictating who you can marry, banning books, and punishing families who accept LGBTQ children. But in a larger philosophical sense, it’s about a vision of family life that mirrors the far-right’s hierarchical and cold-hearted worldview.”-Amanda Marcotte, Salon

What does Marcotte deem a “cold-hearted” world view? Well, Christianity, OF COURSE!

The umbrella of protection of Christ first, a husband and his family is enough to make skin crawl. It’s a “pecking order” of status and submission! And, furthermore, making fun of crazy, cat ladies is now, you guessed it: raaaaacist. (I feel a sequel to Matt Walsh’s, Am I Racist? coming on…)

Racism. Fascism. The “jingoist rhetoric of bigots”, even! Trump supporters like, well, any of us, would fail to see how these very memes express a “contempt for people who actually care about animals” like Taylor Swift. We must not have “gone deep” enough on the cannabis and vinyl. We’re all a bunch of weird, animal-hating racists who live in the “fantasy role” as protectors of pets. We hate people (Democrats only, in Amanda Marcotte’s delusional world) who care about animals.

The very same people who care about animals, have seemingly no qualms about allowing an unwanted child to die on a table after a botched abortion. They have no qualms about kids mutilating their genitalia. But, do go on, Ms. Marcotte:

The moral of the story is that it’s a good thing to suppress humane qualities like kindness, in favor of violently eliminating anyone not serving the right-wing social order. Certainly, no one is spreading the ‘cat-eating’ lie out of sincere concern for cats, but because they wish to dehumanize people whose only crime is looking and speaking differently. It’s about taking something as sweet and harmless as a pet and using it as yet another ugly weapon in MAGA’s endless culture wars. “-Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Perhaps Trump should have instead focused on the increased crime and drugs entering our borders because Kamala Harris did not do her JOB and is still not doing her job. That factoid would not have been “dehumanizing”; it would have been the truth. But David Muir and AKA sorority sister, Linsey Davis would have “fact-checked” that, too.

I would argue that more dogs and cats would turn out for Republicans and not the Democrats. As a cat and dog parent myself, I am here to say that our pets are family. And, if wannabe VP, Tim Walz treats a HUMAN member of his family the way he tugged and yanked on his son on stage, I am only left to imagine how he is with his dog:

Furthermore, pets are loving and loyal. Pets don’t care about political affiliations and won’t forsake you for them. They don’t judge (okay, maybe cats do a bit) and, some of these very animals care more for their young more than some of these Democrat nut jobs at Salon. We also don’t take our pets to kill-shelters if we deem them as a mere inconvenience, so, I’ll just leave this here.

This election season, I do hope Karma is a cat, purring in my lap ‘cuz she loves me. I do feel like her meow sounded like a “MAGA” cry today. (Next write up from Salon: Trump Voters’ Cats Are Racist.)

Photo Credit: Original photo by VG, Lisa Carr

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  • Edward Lunny says:

    Remember, every democrat accusation is a confession.
    Amanda marcotte, angry, white, liberal, fascist. The crazy cat lady behavior is waiting in the wings.

  • GWB says:

    Cat Ladies and Dog-Eating
    Why’s she bringing 0bama into this?

    “go deep on the things they love” (snort)

    dogs and/or cats, who do not have partisan preferences
    So, she doesn’t actually know anything about cats and dogs, huh? A political joke since at least the 80s has dogs as Republicans and cats as Democrats (and sometimes commies).

    MAGA is a fascist movement, focused on controlling American lives down to the smallest, most intimate details
    Oh dear. Here we go into the projection, again. And she’s going to twist language heavily to try and make it look like she’s not.
    Also, conservatives mostly want you to control your own self. And not to insist your perversions are perfectly normal and should be paraded down the street.

    hierarchical and cold-hearted worldview
    She has to bitterly cling to this caricature of Christianity or her worldview becomes one of nothing but empty hedonism. She has to pretend she is the master of her life so she can ignore whatever she has left of a conscience.

    in favor of violently eliminating anyone not serving the right-wing social order
    Ummm, what? More severe projection from the wigged-out left.

    whose only crime is looking and speaking differently
    Well, no, Mandy. It’s much more about them acting differently. But Democrats aren’t interested in actions, but in thoughts and words. It’s why they want to pass more laws, instead of using the laws in existence to actually prosecute and incarcerate bad-acting people. It must not be the failure to act on the law against those people, it must be that the laws are inadequate as they are.

    MAGA’s endless culture wars
    Oh, honey. “MAGA” has been on defense since the 60s, at least. Yes, we’re fighting endless culture wars – because we won’t give up and surrender to your perversions.

    They don’t judge (okay, maybe cats do a bit)
    Oh, it’s more than a bit. 🙂

    • Having had several cats – if there is any ideology that they would identify with, it would be anarcho-capitalism. They expect a hefty profit from their every action (capitalist) – which they do only when they feel like it (anarchist).

  • Cameron says:

    Amanda, you are going to be an angry bitter shell of a woman typing away your hate filled screeds in a nursing home and yearning for the glory days when everyone around you thought you were hot. Personally, I hope you turn from that path but you just can’t help yourself.

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