Round Up Time: Biden Unity Already a Success

Round Up Time: Biden Unity Already a Success

Round Up Time: Biden Unity Already a Success

Greetings and please note my use of unity is particularly sarcastic to anything coming from the portside of the country since Nov. 8, 2016.

As my sisters here at Victory Girls have previously pointed out, Leftist idea of unity involves 71 million people shutting up … forever … or else. And the hits, they just go on.


Looks like Barry Obama is bored with all his rent-seeking wealth and decided that the Not-Yet-President-Elect Biden is his route to being a shadow president serving a third term. Not just running around talking about how America has still not lived up to his ideals but returning to his absolute loathing of the Bible-thumping, bitter clingers.

Obama’s memoir, titled “A Promised Land,” details his childhood, rise in politics, historic presidential campaign, and the first four years of his presidency. The book, which is due out Nov. 17, is the first volume of a planned two-volume work. In excerpts from the book published by CNN, Obama accuses the Republican Party, and Palin in particular, of making racist and conspiratorial attitudes mainstream.

“Through Palin, it seemed as if the dark spirits that had long been lurking on the edges of the modern Republican Party — xenophobia, anti intellectualism, paranoid conspiracy theories, an antipathy toward Black and brown folks — were finding their way to center stage,” Obama writes.

44’s attacks on 71 million voters will be as effective for unity as all the racial healing we witnessed during Barry’s two terms.


Election interference? Nope, nothing to see here.

In an interview with WMAL radio show Wednesday morning, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar appeared to confirm that the Trump administration learned of Pfizer’s successful COVID-19 vaccine trial from press coverage not from company officials directly. (snip)

Azar, whose agency is a lead government partner in Operation Warp Speed, the president’s ambitious program to manufacture and distribute 300 million COVID-19 vaccine doses by early next year, found out about Pfizer’s results after Joe Biden was notified.


You gotta wonder if solicitation of illegal behavior will get NY Time Columnist Thomas Friedman disciplined …

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman urged national Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in its upcoming Senate runoff elections—a clear violation of state law, should the voters leave after the races conclude.

“I hope everybody moves to Georgia, you know, in the next month or two, registers to vote, and votes for these two Democratic senators,” Friedman said during a Monday-night CNN appearance.

Nah. It isn’t wrong when Leftists do it.


Swampthings in the Deep State have be aligned against Trump since 2016 — now their tactics are on full display.

Richard Hopkins, a mail carrier in Erie, Pennsylvania, said in videos released Tuesday by Project Veritas that he never intended to recant his claims of possible ballot fraud after being grilled by investigators from the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General. (snip)

Project Veritas chief legal counsel Jered Ede accused the investigators of coercing Mr. Hopkins into signing an affidavit recanting his claims; failing to give him access to his attorney, and refusing to provide him with a copy of the signed document.


Why are we listening to this guy anymore?


Nothing says unity like

Miss USA winner Asya Branch received backlash this week when she denounced the banning of firearms prior to receiving her crown. The backlash further escalated when it was revealed that she visited the Trump White House in 2018 to collaborate on the First Step Act and also sang the National Anthem at a Trump rally in Mississippi.


Keep the faith and remember when Democrats promote healing they spell it heeling.

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!

featured image original artwork Darleen Click

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  • Rhapsody The Blue says:

    “71 million”

    80 million

    I adjusted for flipped and discarded ballots. You’re welcome.

  • Ted says:

    With your permission, I think “A time for heeling” or “it’s time for heeling” sounds like a great bumper sticker.

  • Quentin-Q Quill says:

    Oh look, it’s the granny blogger who wears face masks with penises on them! I was reading an article a couple days ago that quoted a woman who had walked past a Biden victory celebration on the street with her children. She said she didn’t like that there were signs about Trump that had vulgar language and didn’t appreciate her children being exposed to this. I agreed with her and thought of Victory Girl’s illustrious penis face mask granny who was quite proud of herself for wearing a penis themed face mask on a plane. It seems odd that somebody who can’t even recognize it’s likely there are people who don’t want to see graphic images of penises in a public place is bloviating about unity when she is incapable of exhibiting common courtesy and is proud of her crude behavior. What a d*ick.

  • Stoutcat Anonyme says:

    “Through Palin, it seemed as if the dark spirits that had long been lurking on the edges of the modern Republican Party — xenophobia, anti intellectualism, paranoid conspiracy theories, an antipathy toward Black and brown folks — were finding their way to center stage,” Obama writes.

    Good Lord, who writes like that? Beside Obama’s ghost writer, I mean. That qualifies as the dictionary definition of “turgid.”

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