Rage Moms Will Vote Democrat Says NYT

Rage Moms Will Vote Democrat Says NYT

Rage Moms Will Vote Democrat Says NYT

Rage Moms are the new soccer moms who will vote Democrat according to the New York Times.

Let’s take a look at the lengthy NYT article shall we? 

“With millions of American families facing an uncertain start to the school year, the struggle for child care, education and economic stability is fueling a political uprising, built on the anger of women who find themselves constantly — and indefinitely — expected to be teacher, caregiver, employee and parent.”

The very definition of a MOTHER is one who is a teacher, a caregiver, an employee (if you pay your kids for doing chores or in my case ranch work while growing up), and most especially the mother is a PARENT. 

You mean to tell me that the adjustments we’ve ALL had to make during this damned Wuhan pandemic have been such an inconvenience that Moms are getting all rage mad at Trump and will swing the election Biden’s way? That’s…quite the implication. 

In the article, a mom from Glendale, Arizona is super worried about how or when her kids will go back to school. Gee, maybe you should look at what the teachers in your state are doing right now. As Amanda wrote, AZ teachers are resigning at the last minute, staging sick-outs, and schools are charging parents extra. You wanna get a rage mad at someone? Don’t get mad at Trump for what the teachers in YOUR city are doing, get mad at the teachers for deciding to walk out on their job. 

First graders in some places in Colorado are facing SEVEN or more hours of school time…with only one and a half (1.5) hours of ACTUAL teacher instruction. But sure! Let’s blame Trump and vote Biden. That’ll fix the local issue immediately, right? 

Want to be a genuine rage mom? How about getting mad about the negative impact on growth and learning that continued school shut downs will have on our elementary – high school kids? 

““For every year that you spend in school, in the future, you will earn 10 percent more in lifetime earnings,” he said of his research. “So, if we locked down schools for a year, we assign this generation of students to a 10 percent earning loss in the rest of their life.”

Alongside the reduced future earnings, Peterson argues that serious non-academic growth will be lost in a virtual environment. The social growth and learning that comes from studying alongside peers cannot be replicated through online streaming.”

TEN PERCENT loss in future earnings if schools don’t reopen. Can we afford that, can our children? NO. Are the moms interviewed in the NYT article concerned about that? Doubtful. 

Let’s talk childcare costs shall we? The NY Times whines about the cost of childcare. Guess what? Years ago, when I had my daughter in childcare, it was just as expensive then as it is now. Did I, as a single mom, bitch and moan about the issue and demand taxpayers pay my bills? Nope. I sucked it up, worked hard, and budgeted for it. 

Instead, we have the brilliance of AOC sponsoring webinars titled “How to organize a child care collective.” This from the vacuous mind of one who thinks cow farts will kill the world and only recently discovered that vegetables do grow in dirt and there is such a thing as garbage disposals! By the way, is it just me, or did that webinar title have a creepy socialistic ring to it??

According to The NY Times, the costs of childcare these days during the pandemic have gotten women enraged says Lizzie Not An Indian I Just Fake One Warren. Cecile Richards tells us that it’s about time issues important to women are being discussed openly in the public sphere. Very ironic statement from the woman who ran Planned Parenthood, a heinous evil organization that is anti-woman and anti-child, for YEARS.

These “rage moms” that the Times describes are mad because: 

““The fact that we do not value child care, that we don’t value early education, this is not something that Covid created — it’s something that Covid exposed,” she said. “The moms and parents around me are all feeling that very same thing.””

Again, as I pointed out above, childcare has always been expensive. Furthermore, if these “rage moms” VALUE early education, then open the damned schools back up!!

Keep in mind, many of the Democrat “rage moms” are the ones who march wearing atrocious pussy hats and vagina costumes. Some of them drag their children into the violent protests in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Denver and elsewhere. Other moms decide to build a “wall” that falls apart at the slightest bit of woke dissension.

This is an effort to garner votes for Biden, with Kamala Harris along for the ride. Think she fits the description of a “rage mom?” 

Guess what “rage moms.” That isn’t leadership by any description. In fact, she’s one of the “leaders” who is enjoying the mess this country is in right now. 


Indeed. And the answer is NO and HELL NO. 

Reality check to The NY Times, the “rage moms” you glowingly discussa are not the solution, they are part of the problem. 

Feature Photo Credit: OpenClipart-Vectors via Pixabay, cropped and modified

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  • Dietrich says:

    Rage Moms would benefit from a whiff of tear gas. Just a whiff, first time. Full face if they don’t learn.

  • GWB says:

    Rage Moms Will Vote Democrat Says NYT
    That’s always been the case, and I didn’t need the NYT to tell me that. “Rage moms” would be those women who explode at all the things wrong in the world and yell “There oughta be a law!” They’ve always voted progressive.

    an employee (if you pay your kids for doing chores or in my case ranch work while growing up)
    I think you mean employer

    Gee, maybe you should look at what the teachers in your state are doing right now.
    But, then they wouldn’t be a Rage Mom. Rage moms thrive on ignorance, which is why the media courts and propagandizes them so assiduously. They only look at the headline and the lede, so the media buries the real facts 17 paragraphs deep with nothing but emotion-bait right at the top. It might not be totally false, but it’s sure to mislead in the direction the narrative demands.

    For every year that you spend in school, in the future, you will earn 10 percent more in lifetime earnings
    Sorry, but that sounds an awful lot like one of those statistics that isn’t really a statistic. And it’s based on the idea of dropping out, NOT everyone missing a year of school all at the same time, yet still completing their grades. (If the educators insist on not holding kids back a grade after them missing a school year, or half of one, then it’s just more proof they really don’t care about education.)

    serious non-academic growth will be lost in a virtual environment
    Bullhockey. As a homeschooler, I call baloney. What will stunt them is if they are required to sit, staring mindlessly at the screen, with the same sort of useless make-work they do while sitting mindlessly staring at their desktops in physical school. If instead, they get to actually interact with their peers (by going outside), it will be a net benefit, not a loss. (I mean, seriously, how much social interaction are you allowed to have in a classroom setting “alongside peers”?) Any advantage from hearing others ask questions and getting answers should be handled by the fact you’re in a virtual classroom, right? Or are we abandoning them to 1950s scifi, with computers teaching the kids in isolation?

    TEN PERCENT loss in future earnings if schools don’t reopen.
    I also call bullhockey on that because most of what our kids are learning is NOT suiting them for high-paying jobs, but for jobs where they wear a nametag (that for the first two weeks says “Trainee”) and ask “Will that be a combo?” Oh sure, they’ll go to college, where they’ll get a Doctorate in Puppetry and still make $15/hour – when they’re not Occupying somewhere-or-other.

    Let’s talk childcare costs shall we?
    LOL! They need childcare because their government-sponsored childcare is now gone! That’s what they got out of all-day schooling was someone else taking care of their kid for most of the day. (And, hey, look how that turned out!) I loved DeBolshevik’s plan to turn the schools into day cares for all those kids out of school – because they were going to be SO much safer not being taught anything while huddled together in large numbers in the school building than if they were huddled together in the school building pretending to learn something!

    did that webinar title have a creepy socialistic ring to it?
    It didn’t even try to hide it.

    The fact that we do not value child care, that we don’t value early education
    BULLSH*T! It’s those women who don’t value child care and early education. If they did, they would be doing it themselves. No, instead, they want someone else to raise their little darling while they go off and “actualize themselves” or whatever the euphemism is these days for focusing on self instead of your posterity.

    the ones who march wearing atrocious pussy hats and vagina costumes
    *points back up to my third comment*

    we want to trust these types to run the country with rage?
    Some people tried to warn us back in the early 1900s…….. 😉

    the “rage moms” … are part of the problem
    Remember I keep talking about the voters being the problem, not the politicians? Yeah, that.

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