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Shock of shocks, Nancy Pelosi is a giant hypocrite.
It seems that Madam Speaker got herself a private salon visit on Monday in San Francisco. Here’s the thing – the salon is CLOSED, on orders of local and state governments. According to the owner, the fact that Pelosi got her hair done in her closed salon came as a shock, since they weren’t allowed to open until TODAY.
Salons in San Francisco had been closed since March and were only notified they could reopen on Sept. 1 for outdoor hairstyling services only.”
Salon owner Erica Kious, in a phone interview with Fox News on Tuesday, shared details of Pelosi’s visit. Kious explained she has independent stylists working for her who rent chairs in her salon.”
“One of the stylists who rents a chair from me contacted me Sunday night,” Kious said.”
A screengrab of the text message she received from one of her stylists, and obtained by Fox News, said: “I’ll be there at 2:45 tomorrow. Pelosi assistant just messaged me to do her hair.”
Kious replied: “Pelosi?”
“I was like, are you kidding me right now? Do I let this happen? What do I do?” Kious told Fox News, while noting that she “can’t control” what her stylists do if they rent chairs from her, as “they’re not paying” at this time.”
Yes, here she comes, the Speaker of the House, with a wet head and no mask. And you thought Mayor Lori Lightfoot was bad!
What a fraud.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited a San Francisco hair salon on Monday afternoon for a wash and blow-out, despite local ordinances keeping salons closed amid the coronavirus pandemic according to FOX News.
She wasn't wearing a mask.
— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) September 1, 2020
Erica Kious was understandably upset that Nancy Pelosi was breaking all the rules just for her own self.
Kious said Pelosi received a wash and a blow-dry, but told Fox News that “you’re not supposed to blow dry hair” according to coronavirus safety precautions for hair salons.”
“We have been shut down for so long, not just me, but most of the small businesses and I just can’t – it’s a feeling – a feeling of being deflated, helpless and honestly beaten down,” Kious said.”
“I have been fighting for six months for a business that took me 12 years to build to reopen,” she explained. “I am a single mom, I have two small children, and I have no income.”
She added: “The fact that they did this, and she came in, it’s like a slap in the face.”
Kious told Fox News that she had expected to be able to reopen her salon in July, and prepared her space in accordance with local guidelines.”
“There were rules and regulations to go by to safely reopen, which I did, but I was still not allowed to open my business,” she said, noting that she installed plexiglass partitions between sinks and seating areas, and ensured that all salon chairs were six feet apart, along with proper air circulation from open windows.”
“They never let us open,” she said, while adding that she is unable to reopen outside because her salon specializes in hair color, and using chemicals outside is prohibited.”
But wait! Pelosi always wears a mask, and tells other people to wear a mask!
The speaker always wears a mask and adheres to mandates except that time she was caught on videotape not wearing a mask or adhering to mandates
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 1, 2020
Of course, the media was outraged. No, not at Pelosi. At the salon owner for having a security tape to back up her story.
That’s definitely the story here. That goddamn small business and their security cameras. Good journamalisming
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 1, 2020
Yeah, the media is totally batting a thousand these days, aren’t they.
Will Nancy Pelosi be held to account by the people of San Francisco? Unlikely. This will just be yet another example of Nancy Antoinette and her gourmet ice cream – the rules are for thee, not for me. After all, that very important head of hair needed a wash and blow dry. Goodness knows that the hands that once ripped up the State of the Union speech couldn’t possibly lift a hairdryer to blow out her own hair at home. Nope, she MUST have that done in a salon that hasn’t been allowed to re-open, while the owner can’t support her children by opening her business.
Once again, just like others in power who don’t follow their own rules, Nancy Pelosi proves that she is a clueless, tone deaf, gigantic fake who claims “solidarity” with the little people until she needs her hair done.
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Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click
That video clip and commentary need to be used in multiple local, state and national ads! The left needs to be shown for the unbelievable hypocrites they are (not that those on the right haven’t know it for decades, but those “moderates / undecideds” need to pull their heads out of their fourth points of contact and see reality.
Sue her and her nephew, jointly and severally, for six months of lost revenues.
I happen to live 3 blocks from that salon and know some people that work directly above it and next door. I get my hair cut one block away. Every one of those employees has not “officially” worked since the 3/16 shut down of SF. Directly to the East of that salon are shops, restaurants, a florist, a Pilates studio, and bars, all shuttered since March. Those owners and employees have now mostly burned through any unemployment or PPP loans they could get. San Fran is still the most restrictive, locked down major city in the country, despite nearly no deaths. And yet the city is dying anyway, of unemployment, depression, and – hell – boredom.
Pelosi lives up the hill about 5 blocks away. She easily could have had someone come to her house to do her hair and avoid these atrocious optics. However, she is so obtuse and/or elitist, she clearly doesn’t care.
I abhor the woman, but she is revered by many around here. However, this utterly brazen and callous act, practically poking all of these people who cannot go back to work in the eye, will indeed leave a mark. I’ve never seen some of these folks this angry.
Her office initially said she “had done nothing wrong”. What they meant was “she can’t do anything wrong.”
Laws are for the little people. I hope the angry folks remember their anger at election. time.
Thank you Mrs. Pelosi! Your contribution to the Trump campaign advertising committee is greatly appreciated. That will be the most costly wash and blow dry you every get!
It still won’t get her voted out of office, though.
Please, Deanna, you NEED to update this! Pelosi is now blaming the salon owner for setting her up! She also asked “well, who wears a mask while their hair is being washed?” (Umm, it’s the rule just about everywhere with a leftist in charge.)
Pelosi is one of those Democrats who lies even when she doesn’t have to!
Nancy as she really is. (Not that it’s a surprise).
[…] Cut and blow dry for me, but not for thee. […]
[…] are full of shit. Shouldn’t the unwashed masses have realized by now that the rules never, ever, ever, EVER apply to those in […]