New Jersey Governor: Bill Of Rights Above Pay Grade

New Jersey Governor: Bill Of Rights Above Pay Grade

New Jersey Governor: Bill Of Rights Above Pay Grade

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy appeared on the Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss his Covid-19 Stay at Home order for the state. He should have stayed off the air. He made a fool of himself, which for a Democrat doesn’t mean anything. He will pay no price for the stunning ignorance he displayed.

For those who are unaware, New Jersey is the most densely populated state in our nation. There are more than 1200 people per square mile. By its very nature then, that makes social distancing more difficult. As of April 15, 2020, New Jersey had 71,000+ confirmed Covid-19 cases and nearly 3,200 Covid-19 related deaths. I wrote Covid-19 “related” deaths because most statistics include people who had at least one co-morbidity. It is understandable that the Governor would want to have more stringent rules, than say, my state Tennessee, which has 6,100 cases and 135 deaths. New Jersey population is about 8.9 million versus Tennessee population of about 7 million. You see how population density makes a huge difference.

Tucker made very clear to Governor Murphy that he assumed the best of intentions for all our elected officials in this global pandemic. Tucker asked the Governor about the death rate versus the unemployment claims. That’s when the problem with the idiot Governor began. The state has 3,200 deaths versus over 500,000 unemployment claims. The Governor admitted that he didn’t know what percent of deaths were predicted. What the Hell? Destroy the economy and ruin the lives of so many New Jersey residents for an unknown death rate. Murphy looked like that proverbial deer in the headlights. It only got worse.

Here is the video:

I mean it. It only got worse, as you saw. The Washington Examiner reported:

Fox News host Tucker Carlson pressed Murphy on the constitutionality of his recent executive orders that deem liquor stores essential and business and churches nonessential, which Murphy said he did not consider.

“As I noted before, 15 congregants at a synagogue in New Jersey were arrested and charged for being in a synagogue together. Now, the Bill of Rights, as you well know, protects Americans’ right, enshrines their right, to practice their religion as they see fit and to congregate together, to assemble peacefully. By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order? How do you have the power to do that?” Carlson asked.

“That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” Murphy responded, saying he “wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.”

The Governor of New Jersey wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights “when we did this”? If that is not possibly the most stupid thing said this week (in a time of rampant stupidity) then it is at least top four.

The Daily Caller took notice:

You thought Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was a fascist tyrant. Phil Murphy is a fascist tyrant and dumb as a box of rocks at the same time. Not that I am saying Governor Whitmer is eligible for Mensa membership.

You have to admire the way Tucker Carlson draws his prey into the target zone. He leads Murphy in again by asking him on what scientific basic he closed the state parks in New Jersey. A man was arrested for sitting alone on the beach and Murphy didn’t know anything about that. Tucker asked how Murphy had the authority to issue orders that contravene the Bill of Rights? The Governor blathered about talking with faith leaders. Who cares, you dimwit. All of the faith leaders in New Jersey don’t have the authority to tell people when and where they can worship. No one has the right to nullify the individual rights guaranteed to people in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution.

We are going to have to have a broader discussion about Individual Rights versus The Greater Good. And, maybe begin to teach basic civics in our government schools again. Too many people are willing to give up their rights and far too many elected officials don’t know anything about the Bill of Rights or do know and don’t care.

Phil Murphy is a scary mixture of tyrant and ignoramus. Thinking, at all, is above his pay grade.

Featured Image: Phil Murphy for Governor/cropped/Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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  • The argument for the shut down of the U.S. economy was based upon the argument the Covid-19 curve must be flattened because our hospitals would be overrun. However, the models used by CDC and other government agencies proved to be not credible. It now appears total deaths in the U.S. will be under 60,000. Each year 70,000-90,000 die of the common flu. Flattening the curve does not lower the number of people becoming sick, it was used to prevent the overrun of hospital beds, which never occurred. Viruses die out when the herd or the majority become immune. The Social, economic and public health consequences of this near-total meltdown of normal life will be long-lasting and calamitous and graver than the direct toll of the virus itself. Progressives claim to care about lives, but they champion abortions and the destruction of the economy, which results in suicides, divorce and substance abuse.

    Laws in this country are written by legislative branches after public hearings and debates. Basic human liberties can not be removed by legislature, much less executive orders by governors. Governor orders can be guidelines, but they cannot be enforced by criminal sanctions, because they have not been passed by legislature. Under humanism man becomes the measure of all things and leads to Orwellian totalitarianism. The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. (Prov. 28:1) “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners” (Ps. 1:1)

  • windbag says:

    That was one of the most infuriating interviews I’ve ever seen. “Above my pay grade.” Okay, if you’re too stupid to comprehend the consequences of your actions, the thing to do is go ahead with your plans? Really? Once again, lefties have no consistency with their haphazard plans. Let’s apply that same standard to the medical field. This drug may kill you, but that’s above my pay grade. Take it anyway. Or engineering. This building may collapse or manage to stand on its own, but that’s above my pay grade. Build it anyway.

    He clearly admitted he had no idea what he was doing when he issued the order. Why would anyone think he’s qualified to know when to rescind that order?

    • GWB says:

      Once again, lefties have no consistency with their haphazard plans.
      Oh, I’ll disagree with this bit. Take a look. There’s a very huge consistency in their plans – haphazard or not. Every last one of them asserts gov’t power to tell you how to live your life, whether during a crisis or not. Every single one of them acts like a tyrant, given the opportunity.

  • Sara P says:

    In our local area we have a guy whose job is to figure out the cost of disasters – usually earthquakes and hurricanes. He gives great information when we are worried about a hurricane bearing down on us. Good resource to follow when it comes to the data being manipulated by politicians and media:

  • rbj1 says:

    41:1-1. Oath of allegiance; form
    Every person who is or shall be required by law to give assurance of fidelity and attachment to the Government of this State shall take the following oath of allegiance:

    “I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the Governments established in the United States and in this State, under the authority of the people So help me God.”

    Universal Citation: NJ Rev Stat § 41:1-1 (2013)


    41:1-2. Persons required to take oath of allegiance
    The governor for the time being of this state, and every person who shall be appointed or elected to any office, legislative, executive or judicial, under the authority of this state, or to any office in the militia thereof, and every counselor, solicitor and attorney at law, shall, before he enters upon the execution of his trust, office or duty, take and subscribe the oath of allegiance prescribed by section 41:1-1 of this title.

    So Governor Murphy, it is exactly your pay grade to follow the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights.

  • GWB says:

    If that is not possibly the most stupid thing said this week
    But it’s likely the most honest thing you’ll ever hear him say!

    The science says people have to stay away from each other.
    No. It doesn’t, really. A very simplistic interpretation of it DOES, though.

    No one has the right to nullify the individual rights guaranteed to people in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution.
    We keep saying that. But that’s not what I’m seeing. (Yes, you said “right” and I’m talking “power”, but it’s important to note that.)

    And, maybe begin to teach basic civics in our government schools again.
    If only we can! Of course, we have to make sure it’s accurate civics. By, maybe doing things like reading the actual Constitution and see what it says……….

  • Geesh, that guy’s face makes my skin crawl. Well, if still had any skin after 75 years down here.

  • Anna A says:

    I am glad that the closing of the parks completely was mentioned. That is one of the dumber things that he has done. I still read the NJ paper because it is owned by the same company that does the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mr. Murphy tends to get a lot of things wrong when it comes to governing the state.

    If you want some eyefulls by a local commentator, look for Paul Mulshine. He is a rare beast, a conservative in NJ, and a good writer as well.

  • Ann in L.A. says:

    This is his oath of office. Maybe he should read it:

    I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in this State, under the authority of the people. So help me God.

  • Dan says:

    “If that is not possibly the most stupid thing said this week”

    It is the most stupid utterance by anyone in this country in this century so far. *I* am more qualified to lead Americans…but I don’t want the job. Yet no fear, NJ will return this guy to office. Probably because Orange Man Bad, or some other Pavlovian stupidity.

  • Bevo says:

    Buy your guns and ammo while you can. This situation is going to get much more ugly before (IF) it ever gets better.

  • Michael Herr says:

    I heard something on the radio the other day that this self same governor issued and edict tht he was cutting the service of NJ Transit buses and trains in half. So the people who still have to ride these things have less space to “distance” in while riding. What an ass.

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