Netanyahu Addresses Congress While Kamala And Dems Vanish

Netanyahu Addresses Congress While Kamala And Dems Vanish

Netanyahu Addresses Congress While Kamala And Dems Vanish

The speech that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave today to a joint session of Congress had been planned for well over a month. And for at least that long, Democrats had been planning on showing their true faces and not showing up to the speech.

However, that was before the entire presidential race was upended with a debate disaster, Joe Biden dropping out, and Kamala Harris becoming the anointed new candidate. Now, the Democrats have bigger stakes for this speech, as Kamala Harris – in her role as president of the Senate – should be there to hear Netanyahu – in his official capacity as Israeli prime minister – speak to Congress. But apparently, Kamala is busy.

Harris, now rapidly consolidating support as the likely Democratic nominee after Biden dropped out of the race, has been seen as more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause compared to the commander in chief, who has been followed around the country by protesters demanding an end to the war.

As vice president, Harris would traditionally preside over a joint session involving a foreign leader’s address. But instead, she will be on the road in Indiana — opting not to change her preexisting plans.

Why did Kamala have “preexisting plans” to begin with? She’s supposed to be there to represent the administration – and the Biden administration, despite their actions, still pays lip service to supporting Israel. Kamala Harris has showed up to joint sessions of Congress to listen to foreign leaders before.

As the presumed nominee of the Democrat party, Kamala’s absence speaks volumes. So does the absence of Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), president pro tempore of the Senate, who is not up for re-election this year, so she is simply showing the yellow stripe down her back.

Vice President Kamala Harris, in her official role as Senate president, would normally sit behind Benjamin Netanyahu when he addresses a joint session of Congress. With Harris out of town for a previously scheduled event, that role falls to Sen. Patty Murray, the Senate president pro tempore, but the Washington state Democrat said Tuesday she will skip the speech.

“Securing a lasting, mutual ceasefire is of the utmost importance right now, and I will continue to push for one to be reached as soon as possible,” Murray said in a statement explaining her decision. “I hope Prime Minister Netanyahu will use the opportunity to address how he plans to secure a ceasefire – and lasting peace in the region.”

The behavior from Kamala Harris and Patty Murray is allowing Democrats to split into two categories – cowards or anti-Semites. You make the call. Their absence is not going unnoticed.

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) ended up sitting next to Speaker Johnson during the speech. And on top of this cowardly running away from the Netanyahu speech, there was the anti-Semitic “insurrection” yesterday at the Capitol, and then this disgusting action.

Where was security? Why the hell is this bullshit allowed to even happen?? Oh, wait – the Secret Service is apparently in charge of Netanyahu’s security while he is here in the United States. GREAT.

Into this environment, with cowardly and/or racist Democrats staying away from the speech, no one from the administration in attendance to greet him (though the prime minister has experience being snubbed by Democrat administrations), and the presumptive Democrat nominee “too busy” to attend a speech by a key ally, Prime Minister Netanyahu gave his speech.

His entire speech was an appeal for Israel’s survival, and a robust reminder that Israel and the United States are working toward a common goal.

At several points in the speech, Netanyahu sought to tie Israel’s war on Hamas and Iranian proxies in the Middle East to unrest within the U.S., stressing that his country is Washington’s closest ally in an increasingly unstable region.

“We’re not only protecting ourselves, we’re protecting you,” he said, eliciting a standing ovation. “Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight. And our victory will be your victory. Ladies and gentlemen, that victory is in sight. Israel’s defeat of Hamas will be a powerful blow to Iran’s axis of terror.”

“We help keep Americans’ boots off the ground while protecting our shared interests in the Middle East. I deeply appreciate America’s support, including in this current war. But this is an exceptional moment. Fast-tracking U.S. military aid can dramatically expedite an end to the war in Gaza and help prevent a broader war in the Middle East,” Netanyahu said.

“In World War II, as Britain fought on the front lines of civilization, Winston Churchill appealed to Americans with these famous words – ‘Give us the tools and we’ll finish the job.’ Today, as Israel fights on the front line of civilization, I too appeal to America. Give us the tools faster and we’ll finish the job faster.”

Netanyahu also blew up some of the left’s narratives when he introduced some of the IDF soldiers who came with him.
The Muslim soldier – Master Sergeant Ashraf Al Bahiri – was credited by Netanyahu with rushing to aid Kibbutz Be’eri.

Netanyahu also got some solid digs in at the pro-Hamas college protestors, and the left-wingers who think that Hamas will accept their “intersectionality.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tore into Gaza cease-fire demonstrations across the U.S. and accused Iran of funding those protests during an impassioned address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.

“I have a message for these protesters. When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots,” Netanyahu said.

“Some of these protesters hold up signs proclaiming gays for Gaza. They might as well hold up signs saying ‘Chickens for KFC.’ These protesters chant ‘From the river to the sea.’ But many don’t have a clue what river and what sea they’re talking about.”

Speaking of useful idiots, one Democrat who did show up today was Rashida Tlaib (D-Hamas). But she had a reason for showing up – being an ass, as usual.

The other side of Tlaib’s cute little sign read “war criminal.” What a treasure she is.

Netanyahu gave an effective speech and made the Democrats who boycotted it look petty and stupid. He praised Joe Biden for his support, which was a smart move. Will this speech and the appeal for help make the Democrats in Congress move on aid? It’s hard to say. And with the protests in the gallery and outside the Capitol, it’s safe to say that the divide over Israel has the potential to rip apart the Democrat party.

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Featured image: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, official State Department photo via Flickr, cropped, public domain

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  • Scott says:

    Dems gonna Dem, they support anyone that hates America, so this is no surprise, but the security failures at the hotel are once again inexcusable. Along with the multiple fire alarms putting first responders and citizens in danger, and taking valuable resources away from those that actually need them. The ones responsible should be identified and prosecuted to the max extent of the law… yeah, I know, it’s DC, there won’t even be an attempt at an investigation.. But a guy can hope, right???

    Now, anyone with a medical emergency within the vicinity of the hotel, who experienced a delayed response because units were dealing with those alarms should seek to sue the hell out of anyone even remotely responsible..

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