Mike Pompeo Called Trump Enabler By NY Times

Mike Pompeo Called Trump Enabler By NY Times

Mike Pompeo Called Trump Enabler By NY Times

The failing New York Times has an article calling Secretary of State Mike Pompeo a “major enabler” of President Donald Trump. This article is not listed as an Opinion/Editorial, mind you. The article is presented as straight reporting.

Mike Pompeo graduated first in his class at West Point, and served five years in the Army, resigning his commission as a Captain. Sadly, he does not have a Combat Infantry Badge or Purple Heart like Alexander Vindman. If the Secretary had those badges of honor, he would, perhaps, be immune from incoming from the Left. Alas, he is not authorized for those devices, and he is of the wrong ideology. So, the Left is free to fire away.

The opening paragraph of the article damns Pompeo for not being forthcoming with the press, during the time (from Inauguration, really) when the Trump Administration has been under fire and under investigation:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has for months deflected questions about whether the Trump administration demanded political favors from Ukraine in exchange for military aid. He has refused to explain why he recalled the American ambassador, declared that it was “inappropriate” for his diplomats to testify before Congress and declined to hand over documents to impeachment investigators.

Just that first sentence, is loaded with venomous words. If you have read the transcript of the July 25 phone call, you know there is no demand political favors for military aid. The call is mostly political glad-handing of the most gushing kind. “Favor” and “whatever you can do” are not demand words. Of course, in their fevered, Trump Derangement Syndrome addled brains, maybe the Left would demand, and they hear what they want to hear. Asking for favors, or quid pro quo, is part of diplomacy. Or, as George Kent, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, called it “conditionality”. A pretty diplomatic word that means quid pro quo.

Marie Yovanovitch was recalled from the Ukraine because she had lost the confidence of the President. It doesn’t matter why. No one from the Trump administration owes the press or the House of Representatives any explanation.

As for the last sentence of that opening paragraph, above, this Impeachment Inquiry is in search of a crime, any crime. Giving over every diplomat and all the paperwork the House Dems want would put a full-stop to all diplomacy. Far later in the article, the authors note that Adam Shiff called out Pompeo for not turning a single document to Congress. The way Dems have rushed through this Impeachment Inquiry, it would be hard to get legal involved and declassify anything.

The Left is seeing the testimony of Gordon Sondland, Ambassador to the European Union, as a bombshell. They are just waiting for Republican Senators to go up to the White House and tell Trump it’s time to go.

Here is the third and fourth paragraphs from the article:

Mr. Sondland’s testimony has undercut any notion that Mr. Pompeo, the administration’s most powerful national security official, was not a participant in Mr. Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine. It also firmly places him at the center of one of the nation’s biggest foreign policy controversies in nearly two decades, since the debate over the intelligence that led to the war in Iraq.

Whatever Mr. Pompeo’s future plans, Mr. Trump’s secretary of state is now tied intimately to the Ukraine controversy. Even before Mr. Sondland’s testimony, Mr. Pompeo was rumored to be seeking an exit from the State Department, perhaps to run for a Senate seat in Kansas, his adopted home state, with an eye toward a presidential bid once Mr. Trump leaves the stage.

Maybe Pompeo wants to leave the Trump Administration. The most loyal Cabinet member would be exhausted from the daily barrage from the foaming Left. This rumor about Pompeo wanting to leave sounds like more “heard from a friend, who heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend”, like much of the testimony last week.

On the other hand, Secretary Pompeo sounded pretty, darn on board last night when asked about the Impeachment Inquiry while at a NATO meeting:

The New York Times considers anyone who voted for President Trump to be a major enabler. The paper will slime anyone who doesn’t toady to the Left. Mike Pompeo may not have any combat devices, but he is a courageous man.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons.org/State Department photo/ Public Domain

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  • Kevin says:

    “Marie Yovanovitch was recalled from the Ukraine because she had lost the confidence of the President. It doesn’t matter why. No one from the Trump administration owes the press or the House of Representatives any explanation.” You are exactly, 100%, perfectly correct. If he didn’t like the color of her hair, he could remove her from her post. No one is questioning his ability to remove an Ambassador. The Ambassador is not questioning his ability to remove her from her post. What people question is the smear campaign about a United States citizen and dedicated foreign service worker by Mr. Giuliani (and all the crap behind the scenes with criminals from Ukraine who are now detained by the US) and then the President publicly humiliating this public servant (and in real time!). Many would say, “Intimidating her to remain quiet.” Mr. Giuliani didn’t need to conduct a smear campaign … apparently he (nor the President) realized that Mr. Trump could simply ask Mr. Pompeo to “bring her back home.” No drama. No conspiracy. No investigation. No nothing. But their actions … which in Mr. Trump’s White House … have been 99% SELF INFLICTED WOUNDS … bleeding, oozing, gangrene, putrid wounds! It’s painful to see the incompetence. They only have themselves to blame.

    “On the other hand, Secretary Pompeo sounded pretty, darn on board last night when asked about the Impeachment Inquiry while at a NATO meeting.” What choice does he have? He has no other option other than to remain on board of the sinking Trump Titanic. We’ve seen what happens when someone tries to get “clean and sober” and straighten out their lives … the Drug Dealer (Ambassador Bolton’s term) won’t let them go without going through a detox that will destroy them professionally or at best weaken them so much they can’t effectively remain and do their job. I know nothing about Kansas politics or who is lining up to run for the open Senate seat but if Secretary Pompeo gets in it’s going to be an ugly, viscous race given the facts surrounding his tenure in the White House. There was an opinion piece in the NYT by Thomas Friedman that summed up Secretary Pompeo … Mike Pompeo: Last in his class at West Point in Integrity.

    I also smile whenever references are made to the New York Times or Washington Post. I became a subscriber to these newspapers the day Mr. Trump used the term “the failing NYT.” (Apparently me and hundreds of thousands of others because the NYT membership is booming.) Here’s my point around the NYT … I became a subscriber after Mr. Trump’s comment AND I kept getting blocked because I couldn’t access the articles not having a subscription so I got an online subscription. Someone (multiple people?) at the VG are paying the NYT and the WP to access their newspaper given how often the papers are referenced. Isn’t it kind of difficult to call it “the failing NYT” when you’re supporting the journal?

    • GWB says:

      the President publicly humiliating this public servant
      Oh please. Especially since she was actively trying to smear her ex-boss. And it seems he fired her because she wasn’t really much of a public servant. Heck, by that standard Foggy Bottom (not talking about Swallwell, but the State Department) should be fumigated, then burned to the ground.

      Many would say, “Intimidating her to remain quiet.”
      Many would also say “Yum! Burgers with no meat!” It doesn’t make them right or sane just because a lot of people say it.

      the sinking Trump Titanic
      You keep that hope alive!

      an ugly, viscous race
      LOL. You thinking of Swallwell? (I know, easy typo to make. Still funny.)

  • GWB says:

    Ummmm, isn’t the Secretary of State supposed to be the President’s – his boss, you know – enabler?!

    This is the same sort of psychopathy that thinks the President can “undermine” foreign policy.

  • Kevin says:

    “Especially since she was actively trying to smear her ex-boss.” As her ex-boss, are you referencing President Trump or Secretary Pompeo (or both)?

  • MortMain says:

    Did they mean Hilary?

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