Mike Pence Gives Talk On Pro-Life Issues

Mike Pence Gives Talk On Pro-Life Issues

Mike Pence Gives Talk On Pro-Life Issues

The Supreme Court is going to begin hearing arguments in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case out of Mississippi tomorrow.

As our readers know, this case is positioned to be pivotal in the cause of life. Will the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade, or limit it even more stringently, or return control of abortion law to the states? The left would have you believe that the end of abortion on demand is the end of everything. Countering that is the solid, rational perspective brought by former Vice President Mike Pence. Pence gave a speech to the Susan B. Anthony List at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. today, regarding the state of the pro-life movement in the United States and publicly hope that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade.

Yes, I realize that many people may have issues with Mike Pence for a variety of reasons. However, Pence’s commitment to the pro-life cause has been rock-steady and consistent throughout his time on the national stage, and for that, honest conservatives should recognize that his voice on behalf of life is an important one.

“I did not come here today to speak about popular opinion, or jurisprudence” Mike Pence said in his opening remarks. “I came here today to speak about right and wrong. To say that life is a human right, and urge the Supreme Court of the United States to choose life.”

Pence spoke about how his pro-life group, Advancing American Freedom, filed an amicus brief on behalf of the Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks. Both sides of the aisle agree that this case is pivotal to what abortion law will look like in the future.

A decision upholding the state’s 15-week abortion ban would implicitly reverse nearly 50 years of Supreme Court precedent and open the door to state restrictions much earlier in pregnancy.

“You cannot uphold Mississippi’s 15-week ban on abortion and continue the precedent of Roe v. Wade. They’re not compatible,” said Nancy Northup, president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights, which is leading the legal battle against the law. “There is no middle ground.”

Some abortion law scholars believe the justices may attempt a more moderate approach — at least in appearance — by upholding the Mississippi law while explaining that they are changing, rather than overturning, the standard set by Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

“The court might say, ‘We are not finding that there’s no constitutional protection for abortion, only that these earlier decisions didn’t give sufficient weight to other kinds of state interests,'” said (Cardozo Law professor and ABC News legal analyst Kate) Shaw. “So, perhaps states may be able to ban abortions prior to viability, but that doesn’t mean they have carte blanche to ban all abortions.”

I am of the opinion that the Supreme Court will split as many hairs as possible, especially with the Texas ruling still outstanding. The new Texas law, as written, bans abortion after a heartbeat can be detected (sometime around eight weeks), and leaves enforcement of the law in the hands of the people as a civil, not criminal, action. By contrast, SCOTUS is only considering in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization with deciding if a state can limit abortion before viability. And, as science progresses, “viability” is an ever-moving line. Recently, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized an Alabama baby as the youngest preemie to survive after being born at 21 weeks and one day gestation, beating the previous record holder by one day less of gestation.

Mike Pence, in his quiet and direct way, pointed out the left’s ghoulish worship of abortion, and how “safe, legal, and rare” has been abandoned as their mantra, also citing Boston’s new law giving 12 weeks of “abortion leave” to city employees, following cities like Pittsburgh and Portland. Pence stated that 15 weeks is not an undue burden, pointing out the abortion laws across Europe that are very similar to the Mississippi law.

Pence provided the speech ahead of time to media outlets.

“The left believes children are a burden,” Pence will say, per the speech excerpts. “We believe children are a gift from God. The left believes the institution of family is outdated and unnecessary. We believe that family is the bedrock of civilization. The left believes it is right to force their radical beliefs on society through unelected judges. We believe in the government of the people, by the people and for the people. The question before the court, and before the American people, is no less than this: what kind of nation do we want to be? Do we want to be a nation that tolerates abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy? Because that is what the left wants us to be. Or do we want to be a nation that champions and celebrates the gift of human life … a nation that comes alongside women in need … a nation that stands up for the weak and fights for the defenseless … a nation that says proudly, without apology, that every life matters, and every child deserves a chance? Because that is who we can be once again. So on this day, before the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in the Dobbs case, we hope and pray that our renewed conservative majority on the court will restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law. This is about saving the lives of millions of children yet unborn. But make no mistake about it: this is about justice and the future of this nation.”

Mike Pence also pointed out that the momentum is with the pro-life movement, not the pro-abortion movement. All the laws passed regarding abortion, from the ban on partial-birth abortion onward, have been restricting the means and methods of abortion, not expanding it. Pence also stressed that “to be pro-life, you must be pro-adoption” as well, talking about his record reforming adoption laws when he was governor of Indiana. However, Pence warned that Joe Biden would love to undo all the work that was done by the Trump administration, which is why the Supreme Court’s ruling is so important.

Everyone should to listen to Pence’s speech, if for no other reason than to be encouraged about the state of the pro-life movement. And, in the words of Mike Pence: “Life is winning across America.”

Featured image: Vice President Mike Pence, official White House photo by Tia Dufour, cropped, public domain

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