Mark Levin: GOP Boneheads Are The Problem

Mark Levin: GOP Boneheads Are The Problem

Mark Levin: GOP Boneheads Are The Problem

He’s right. Mark Levin absolutely nails it as we watch the GOP boneheads battle against themselves and Kevin McCarthy for Speaker.

McCarthy has worked fervently to lock down support, releasing a long list of concessions he’s prepared to make on rules changes, including making it easier to depose a speaker. But five conservatives — Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Bob Good of Virginia, Matt Rosendale of Montana and Ralph Norman of South Carolina — are still vowing to oppose the Republican leader, and other members remain publicly undecided.

As Toni noted this morning, those who don’t want McCarthy are poised to screw things up for the country. They don’t want McCarthy, so they’ll bring on a Democrat for Speaker and call that a win?? On what freaking planet are they living on??

As we are watching this play out, Mark Levin makes a solid point. 

You know what? We don’t have time for this shit. The Republicans at all levels need to pull their heads out of their asses and start fighting the Biden Administration and the bureaucracy that is burying this country in taxes and burdensome regulations. Our liberties are being shredded minute by minute, children are being targeted, parents are being told to shut up and let schools/teachers do whatever the hell they want to their children, the money spigot to Ukraine is wide open (even as that country engages in massive media censorship and won’t tell us where the money is being spent), our military is going woke which is detrimental to our national security ….and we have Republican infighting right now? 

You GOP boneheads need to get a freaking CLUE. If you had wanted someone other than McCarthy to be Speaker, you should’ve started working on an alternative plan a very long time ago. But NOOOOO…instead you dunderheads are posturing and gesturing while handing the Democrats massive amounts of PR that they’ll use as a bludgeon til the end of time. 

Do I think that McCarthy won’t be an effective Speaker? Yes. Do I think Republicans should’ve stepped up a LONG time ago and figured out an alternative? Yes.

Kevin McCarthy’s arrogance at moving into the Speaker offices before he’s truly gotten the vote and announces that ‘he’s earned this’ is astounding and sends a very BAD signal to conservatives across the country. 

But, in response to McCarthy reportedly saying he “earned” the Speaker job, Roy told reporters “it’s not about earn, right. That’s the thing is, it’s not about spending, raising $500 million dollars and spending. It’s not about campaigns. It’s about how to fight for the American people who wants to change this town. That is what this is all about.”

You see, it has been the “we earned it” candidates who’ve helped us lose Presidential elections. It’s the “we earned it” crowd who’ve lost races they should’ve won because they just phoned it in. 

And, as I noted above, we are handing the Democrats tons of talking points when people like Matt Gaetz pull boneheaded moves like this!

Exactly. If the boneheads don’t get a clue, we will end up with a shit sandwich on multiple levels. It’s good that Nancy Pelosi is no longer Speaker of the House. However, another thing the GOP boneheads are forgetting is that the woman has spent DECADES building a power base in DC. She will still wield that hammer every chance she gets. And if Jeffries gets installed as Speaker instead of McCarthy, you can darned well bet Nancy will make sure the GOP boneheads pay for their mistake. 

Feature Photo Credit: Mark Levin by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, cropped and modified Creative Commons license

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  • GWB says:

    those who don’t want McCarthy are poised to screw things up for the country
    Can we stop it with the Bulwark stupidity? Holy carp, you ladies sound awful on this topic! Where are the Victory Girls who stand up for principles and actually want to turn the country around?

    They don’t want McCarthy, so they’ll bring on a Democrat for Speaker and call that a win??
    Where the hell is this coming from? They haven’t suggested any such thing.

    solid, proven Republican conservatives
    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Where? Sorry, but all of this shade being thrown at people who think doing the same ol’, same ol’ again is not going to change things is malarkey. Instead of yelling at these 5 to try it with the same leadership that failed in the minority, maybe yell at the other 200 who are really just happy playing politics, instead of actually restoring our Republic.

    the 5 GOP boneheads who think they should run the House
    Well, likely one of them should. Much more so than all the parliamentarians who just want to follow the unwritten rules.

    They’ve not done a damn thing in Congress to improve our country and strengthen our Republic.
    And McCarthy HAS? What planet is Levin living on?

    and we have Republican infighting right now?
    Well, yes. Because it’s Republicans who have allowed us to get to this place! “We need to compromise!” “We have to give a little!” “You can’t expect us to simply start impeaching people because the Senate, you know!” There’s infighting because the vast majority of Republican party apparatus and the vast number of Republicans in national office are not Constitutionalists; they are Progressives who just want to do it a little slower and with lower taxes than the Democrats. Since we haven’t gotten a larger chunk of the electorate to throw them out, yet, we need to take the fight to where they hold the power – offices they hold within the legislature.

    you should’ve started working on an alternative plan a very long time ago
    They weren’t in office “a very long time ago.” And the ones that were often did exactly as you seem to be advocating: capitulated to the power structure in place. McCarthy is not running for Speaker to be an effective Constitutional leader of our Republic. He is running to maintain the perks of his office and the other establishment officers. If he were really interested in what he should be interested in, he would have made a deal to get a firebrand into the Majority Whip position, at least.

    Do I think Republicans should’ve stepped up a LONG time ago and figured out an alternative? Yes.
    And the same people would have made exactly the same argument during that fight over the Speakership, then, I’m guessing.

    It’s about how to fight for the American people who wants to change this town.
    And that’s something that McCarthy has been in Washington, DC way too long to accomplish.

    to push stolen election conspiracy theories
    DING! This is about “We can’t let those crazy people who don’t know when to shut up have any say in this! They’ll mess up the good little thing we got going here!”

    Look, this is not just about retaining a Republican majority. We need a Republican majority that will do the things necessary to restore our Republic. And McCarthy is way too establishment to accomplish that. None of the compromises McCarthy made (that I’ve seen) have been oriented on plank issues that will get us back on our feet – they’ve all been on parliamentary procedure. Maybe he should offer up his support to a “compromise” candidate, since compromise is so important, huh?

  • JohnB. says:

    McConnell is hosting Biden in Kentucky to celebrate the massive, inflation feeding, pork budget that was just passed. Is this what is meant by “fighting Biden and the bureaucracy”? About the only things McCarthy and McConnell ever conserved were their billionaire owners’ tax breaks. They certainly didn’t bother to conserve the borders and national sovereignty, and since demographics IS destiny the entire country will soon resemble California as a one-party semi-police state. The Republican Party: defining surrender as victory since 1968.

  • Leo Amery says:

    Dear Ms. Bookout: I’d be more impressed with your notion that:

    “The Republicans at all levels need to pull their heads out of their asses and start fighting the Biden Administration and the bureaucracy that is burying this country in taxes and burdensome regulations. ”

    if i didn’t see this article from CNN this morning about McConnell traveling to Kentucky to extoll the $1.7trillion porkalooza with Biden:


    I grant you, McConnell is the Senate leader not the House. But the word to emphasize is ‘Leader.’ What are you saying, the Cocaine Mitch is playing 11 dimensional chess that we dumb peasants can’t understand?

    GO back to McCarthy. A quick check at shows that a McCarthy affiliated PAC MAJORITY CMTE PAC made a $10,000 donation to George Santos’s recent campaign. Distributions of money from PACs to candidates are not something a leader delegates to underlings—ask Lyndon Johnson. Is this the caliber of leadership we can expect from a McCarthy Speakership?

    You could respond by howling that I’m a bonehead in the manner of Mark Levin, who prefers roaring down dissent to answering it. Or in your own manner, viz:

    “The Republicans at all levels need to pull their heads out of their asses and start fighting the Biden Administration and the bureaucracy that is burying this country in taxes and burdensome regulations. ”

    Just the sort of clam, reasoned response that inspires confidence.

    McCarthy may be well advised to lose this race. This sort of imbroglio is going to happen all the time until a new House can be elected. It’s unavoidable given the slender majority the GOP has, with no real prospect of increasing the number of GOP Reps until the next election. McCarthy has been in leadership too long, and really has nothing to offer beyond ‘It’s my turn.’ So far as the opposition to McCarthy not preparing a candidate in advance, McCarthy knew —or should have—that his path to the Speakership was going to be rocky. What did he do to prepare for it? To take an example: What does McCarthy think of McConnell extolling the porkalooza infrastructure bill alongside Biden?

    THERE’s a test of leadership.

    • GWB says:

      no real prospect of increasing the number of GOP Reps until the next election
      And with little prospect of increasing the number of conservative GOP reps until then, too.

  • Michael Kujawski says:

    The grassroots….Tea Party Republicans who helped elect Donald Trump and who favor limited taxation and limited government does NOT support RINO McCarthy. We want FIGHTERS…not RINOS who cave in time and time again to the Democrats. McCarthy is NOT a fighter. He is a “go along to get along” Republican. He is Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell rolled into one. No…these 20 Patriots voting against McCarthy are not the boneheads. Those who are throwing insults and questioning their motives, such as yourselves….THOSE are the boneheads. Keep fighting Patriots….KEEP FIGHTING…….

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