Maine Shooter, Robert Card Found Dead And The Spin Begins

Maine Shooter, Robert Card Found Dead And The Spin Begins

Maine Shooter, Robert Card Found Dead And The Spin Begins

After a days-long search, Maine shooting suspect, Robert Card, has been found dead.

Here is what we know. Card was found dead as a result of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound near a dumpster at a recycling plant where he worked at one point point in Lisbon, Maine.

As Deanna reported earlier, the anti-gun lobby (specifically, Shannon Watts), are quick to jump on the appropriate talking points. Take this from

Card liked tweets from high-profile conservative figures such as Donald Trump Jr., Tucker Carlson, Dinesh D’Souza. He also engaged with publications from former house speakers Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan…”

And, we see where this is going…

The most “eye-catching”, (according to Marca) of them all that Mr. Card, liked this tweet from Donald Trump Jr.:

Given the incredible rise of trans/non-binary mass shooters in the last few years… by far the largest group committing as a percentage of population… maybe, rather than talking about guns we should be talking about lunatics pushing their gender affirming bullsh*t on our kids?”-Donald Trump Jr.

He also liked this Tweet from Tucker Carlson:

The trans movement, it turns out, is the mirror image of Christianity, and therefore its natural enemy. People who believe they’re God can’t stand to be reminded that they’re not.”-Tucker Carlson

(Gasp.) A right-winger with an assault rifle who was, apparently, not a fan of the trans movement.

What’s more? “Via a tweet from Dinesh D’Souza, Card “also expressed his support for guns”.

Again, we see where this is going. Card liked tweets from Don Jr., Tucker and Dinesh. He was a far-right nut job. The liberal media is about to pounce. A “senseless and tragic” mass shooting. Man, if only we had more gun laws! Right, Joe?

Far too many Americans have now had a family member killed or injured as a result of gun violence. That is not normal, and we cannot accept it.”-Joe Biden

Let us also continue to speak truth about the moment we are in. Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in our nation. It does not have to be this way.”-Kamala Harris

Now, I am not meaning to take away from the lives lost because Robert Card was crazy and decided to open fire on two public establishments and kill innocent people. This is indeed a tragedy. Robert Card was mentally ill and was institutionalized for a time in Maine. But the Maine Shooter, Robert Card did not just have a mental illness, he had an assault weapon. In comes MSNBC:

Further, scapegoating mental illness is especially ineffective at preventing mass shootings. Less than 5% of mass shooters would have met the qualifications to bar them from owning or purchasing a firearm based on severe mental illness. To the point: The U.S. is not the only country where a significant proportion of the population lives with mental illness, but we are the only country that regularly endures mass shootings — and that is due to our easy access to firearms.”-Christian Heyne, Chief Policy & Programs Officer, Brady

Read: it’s not the mental illness and the person who holds the weapon that is the killer, it is the weapon itself.

While we all want to prevent yet another mass murder like the one in Lewiston from happening again, we must not follow the red herring of mental illness but must instead follow the facts. An overwhelming majority of Americans are demanding meaningful change to prevent not just tragedies like these, but all forms of the gun violence that has defined our country. It is on each of us to ensure solutions are rooted in evidence so we can end this public health crisis and protect future generations from this horrific new normal.”Christian Heyne, Chief Policy & Programs Officer, Brady

Mental illness is not a “red herring”, as they put it. We can look at two instances of mass shootings over the past year. The Tennessee Shooter, Audrey Hale, a self-professed trans activist and a liberal democrat and Robert Card, a former military reservist, who perhaps leaned a bit to the right. They both got a hold of an assault weapon. Different weapons. But what is the one thing they had in common?

Mental illness.

So, liberal media, spin this how you want. But gun violence has not defined our country. Gun violence is not the public health crisis. Mental illness is. And while the left will say that gun violence “defines” our country, they will attempt to redefine America. From our family values to our educational systems and everything else they can get their greasy, grubby little hands on, to include our right to defend ourselves while the criminals and insane run free in the streets and in our neighborhoods because of their failed systems. THIS is the “horrific new normal”

Photo Credit: Aissa Richards, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    Liberals will not be happy until the Second Amendment is repealed or there are so many restrictions in place that they amount to a ban. And their happiness will be short-lived because they’re like heroin addicts pursuing the next high.

    Enforce existing laws and the next time a shooter was “known to the FBI”, the FBI agents get detained and interrogated about why they didn’t do anything.

    • Scott says:

      They wouldn’t be trying to take our guns unless they were planning on doing something we’d want to shoot them for…
      They’ve already said all of us that disagree with them should end up in “re-education camps” and as Hitler showed, it’s a lot easier to get UNARMED people into cattle cars…

      Every dictator in the last century disarmed the “deplorables” before going full speed ahead.. this is no different.

  • John in Indy says:

    These leftist / totalitarian positions basically say that mental illness / insanity / inhumanity is normal and that individual rights are not.
    A two week commitment to a mental health treatment facility _should_ require a judges’ approval, even in the military.
    This should have both been reported to the State courts / police, and been an opportunity for the judge to make an order about gun possession.
    Like in the Air Force case, there may be liability here.

  • Scott says:

    Hey Lisa, since you mentioned the Tennessee tranny shooter, have you seen it’s manifesto yet??? Odd that it hasn’t been released isn’t it?? You can bet if this guy has one, it’ll be out most riki-tik..

    • Cameron says:

      The families have requested the manifesto not be released and the FBI claims that releasing it could be risky if it gets into the wrong hands.

      • Scott says:

        Seems like bullshit reasoning to me… they always make such a big deal about figuring out the motive.. well, “always” when it involves a “deplorable”.. but when it’s a member of a favored group, all of a sudden, there’s lots of reasons to keep it hidden… I’m not buying it.

  • Mad Celt says:

    He also inhaled oxygen. Oxygen should be banned. Immediately.

  • John Shepherd says:

    Maine has a red flag law. Two weeks in a mental hospital and nobody thought to use it to get his guns? Tye authenties were negligent.

    Who needs an AR-15? Every Jewish household needs one to protect themselves against the SS component of the Democrat Party.

  • Chris says:

    Untill SSRI’s are adressed..…
    This is a all to often common denominator, thats just dismissed !

    And we wont even bring up the Hell on Earth the Demokrauts have unleashed with The Illegal Alien Invasion and Releasing the Ghetto Animals constantly.

    I don’t want to hear squat about Gun Control of any sort.
    Not Squat.

  • GWB says:

    The gun-grabbers are persistent and perverted.
    But, let’s not pretend this guy wasn’t “one of ours.” Yes, they have found the black swan: a conservative who goes off his rocker and shoots a bunch of people.

    Which is why our consistency on “he was nuts” is vital. We have claimed it is the common factor across these shootings, and it was obvious in this case. It was NOT his love of firearms – he was an instructor for a number of years. It was NOT his conservatism – plenty of liberals hear voices.

    I will be watching to see if anyone reveals he was on one of the drugs with all the warnings.

    They both got a hold of an assault weapon.
    No, he didn’t. Though he probably had access to actual assault rifles (M-16s [most likely, M-4s]), he didn’t use one to commit his crimes. He used a semi-automatic rifle. It merely looks like one of those horrible weapons of war, an M-16.

    Interestingly, it appears he tried to buy a suppressor between the time of his commitment and his atrocity. But he honestly answered the question about mental illness – and was denied. So, it seems obvious someone could have put a speed bump in his plans… if they were paying attention.

    • Liz says:

      Read this this morning:
      JUST IN: Police visited Maine gunman’s home SIX WEEKS before massacre after he told doctors he was going to ‘SNAP AND COMMIT a mass shooting.’
      Law enforcement chiefs in Maine issued an awareness alert for Robert Card, a U.S. Army reservist, in September after threats were made.
      Despite visits and increased patrols, Card remained elusive.
      During a welfare check, it was noted that he typically answered the door with a concealed handgun.

      At a certain level of incompetence one has to wonder if Occam’s razor still applies.

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