Los Angeles: Parents Protest LGBTQ Indoctrination

Los Angeles: Parents Protest LGBTQ Indoctrination

Los Angeles: Parents Protest LGBTQ Indoctrination

In Los Angeles, school is already in session. The Los Angeles Unified School District is getting ready to pepper their lessons with tales of the LGBTQ and woke and some parents are just not having it.

Enter a group by the name of Leave Our Kids Alone. The local media would like the compliant masses to think their protest was a cause of the ruckus that occurred yesterday in Los Angeles but, we know how the local media (and national news, for that matter) think. Here’s a report of the incident:

Of course, the local media (ahem-The Los Angeles Times) want to paint this like the Leave Our Kids Alone protestors and the cops are the bad guys by the picture of police in (gasp) riot gear, holding back a “counterprotestor” who wants perversion in the schools. I mean, call me judgmental, but I happen to know middle-aged divorcee, city-dwellers, with no kids, 8 cats and 35 plants they call their “kids” who advocate for the Drag Queen Story Hours and giving out free, secret, chest binders to girls, but, I digress. Here’s the LA Times’ take:

Demonstrators had a long list of issues, demanding that discussion about the LGBTQ+ community and sex-related education be kept out of schools. They also want school districts to notify parents if their child asks to identify in school in a manner different than the gender assigned to that student at birth.”-Howard Blume, The Los Angeles Times

Now, honestly, these do not seem like unreasonable requests. But, the Los Angeles Unified School District has their commitment to “to providing a safe learning environment for all of (their) students”.

Unless they are your kids.

The District has a long history of providing supports to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (and/or questioning) (LGBTQ) community. This originated with Project 10, which was established to ensure that District policies and procedures protect the rights of gender variant and transgender students. This work continues today, as various offices offer technical assistance and educational support to schools for LGBTQ students. The District’s work in addressing LGBTQ concerns is in accordance with the District’s Nondiscrimination Policy and the California Student Safety and Violence Prevention Act of 2000. The District is committed to ensuring safe, supportive, and welcoming campuses free from discrimination and harassment for sexual minority youth.”-LAUSD

Now, this may be a stretch here, but does this “sexual minority” include young women or girls when the big, white boy says HE’S the minority, wears a dress and INSISTS upon using the girls’ bathroom? What is LAUSD going to do about those students? Push the girls aside. Doesn’t matter if some of these girls may not be white or “privileged” (which we know goes hand-in-hand with being white these days). The fat, delusional, white boy in a dress who thinks he’s a girl three days a week is the minority here and the school district has promised to protect his feelings.

We believe that there is a radical indoctrination system that has seeped from academia and now into K through 12. We’ve been trying to get kiddie porno smut books out of the schools. And we don’t want people to talk about sex with our children without telling us and behind our backs.-Ben Richards, SoCal Parent Advocates

Last I checked, people had the freedom to believe what they want. After all, some people believe they can be a different gender three days a week. But Mr. Blume of The Los Angeles Times provides the following commentary to set the record straight:

Critical race theory examines how racial inequality and racism are systemically embedded in American institutions.”-Howard Blume, The Los Angeles Times

Whatever would we do without you, Howard? Thank you, thank you, thank you, for enlightening the illiterate masses!

Now, either Blume of the LA Times knows what he is doing or he is completely oblivious, which I doubt because the guy’s been around for quite some time. The story goes on:

The demonstrators’ soundtrack over loudspeakers included Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall,” containing lyrics that participants emblazoned on T-shirts: ‘Leave Our Kids Alone.’ The group also played ‘God Over Government’ and a rap recording that proclaimed Donald Trump the greatest president ever.

At the counterprotest, the soundtrack included ‘I’m Coming Out’ from Diana Ross and ‘Got to Be Real’ from Cheryl Lynn. The Los Angeles teachers union was able to muster a small delegation — the protest was during school hours — and other groups also took part.”-Howard Blume The Los Angeles Times

And the counterprotestors came out, alright. In their face masks because they are such brave warriors (cough). Added bonus to this counterprotest: the teachers union showed up! Someone has to do something about the “evil protestors”. (GASP!) They played a song that claimed Donald Trump was “the best president ever”. Evil Orange Man! (And the left shudders…)

But The Los Angeles Times was not the only liberal media outlet throwing out their bias. This from the Los Angeles CBS News affiliate:

The parental rights march was organized in a social media campaign under the Instagram moniker Leave Our Kids Alone, supporting parental rights and opposing ‘indoctrination,’ ‘sexualization’ or ‘grooming’ of children in schools.”-KCAL/CBS News

Hey CBS “News”? Why are the words indoctrination, sexualization and grooming in quotes? I’ll take a stab at this one. Because the journos who write this tripe believe, and aim, to minimize the frustration of parents of young children who may be dealing with this in their school districts. The aim is also to bully, shame and belittle the families opposed to this indoctrination, over-sexualization and grooming of children. This has been the mode of this administration and the media darlings who support it.

Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”-Saul D.Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

Make them question their character. Make them feel less-than on the intellectual spectrum. Make them question what is right and what is wrong. Minimize their feelings, Make them the bad guys and take the kids under your darkened cloak.

LAUSD and even NEA has doubled-down. Think I’m kidding? Take a look at some of the books NEA recommends for elementary school libraries:

Jacob’s School Play: Starring He, She, and They</strong>. Sarah Hoffman and Ian Hoffman.
(Pre-K – 1) While learning their lines and making their costumes for the school play, Jacob’s class finds itself unexpectedly struggling with identity, and what it means to be “he,” “she,” or “they” as it introduces young readers to non-binary people and the pronoun options available to us all. Also see Jacob’s New Dress and Jacob’s Room to Choose.

Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag</strong>. Rob Sanders. (3 – 5) In this deeply moving and empowering true story, young readers will trace the life of the Gay Pride Flag, from its beginnings in 1978 with social activist Harvey Milk and designer Gilbert Baker to its spanning of the globe and its role in today’s world.”-NEA

These are only two. And, yes, Harvey Milk. There’s even a lesson plan for elementary school students linked on the NEA site. The “activist” who ran off, head-over-heels, with a minor.

Yes, I used quotes around “activist”.

Glad to see the parents push back. We know it’s liberal California so there’s not much hope as long as Newsom is in there, but it’s a start.

Featured Image: Dale Cruse/Flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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