Liz Cheney Is Desperate To Be Somebody

Liz Cheney Is Desperate To Be Somebody

Liz Cheney Is Desperate To Be Somebody

Good heavens, Liz Cheney, has made headlines with her endorsement of Kamala Harris. Come on, old Lizzy. Are you that desperate to keep your name whispered about in the ring of the deep state clan?

And this is all it is. Liz is one bitter woman plastered with misery. It’s not a good look, dear.

Liz Cheney, formerly the third-highest-ranking Republican in the House of Representatives, said on Wednesday that she plans to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris, citing the “danger that Donald Trump poses.” – Salon

Once the No. 3 leader of the House Republican Conference, Cheney has long warned of the threat she says the former president poses to American democracy. – Politico

There’s nothing like being written about as a washed-up politician with the words “once” and “formerly” in front of your name. It’s humiliating.

What Danger Liz?

And what of these so-called dangers Elizabeth Lynne keeps speaking about Donald Trump? Has she named anything specific? No, because she can’t. Just throwing the word ‘dangerous’ around gets liberals all worked up like a sailor who’s been at sea about to go on shore leave.

Here’s JD Vance’s reaction to the news that the once/formerly third-highest-ranking Republican in the House of Representatives is supporting Kamala.

Oh, but hold on there one dang firecrackin’ second. Maybe Liz was speaking of the dangers of a Kamala Harris administration?

Liz, the internet is forever. While the mainstream media seems to have a case of amnesia over old Liz’s critical remarks about Kamala in 2020, we always have social media, which ages quite nicely sometimes.

So we have the platform X –

I can’t find anywhere on mainstream media news sites where Liz Cheney lays out specific dangers regarding Donald Trump. It’s always just a blurb in a paragraph. There is no detail about what Liz is actually afraid Donald Trump may do once he gets into office. Come on, Liz, give us the particulars.


“Because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris.”

“It is crucially important for people to recognize not only is what I just said about the danger that Trump poses something that should prevent people from voting for him, but I don’t believe that we have the luxury of writing in candidate’s names, particularly in swing states,” Cheney said. – Axios


Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said in a post Thursday on social platform X that former President Trump “threatens to unravel our Republic.” – The Hill


“Today Donald Trump poses a threat that many in Washington simply fail to grasp.” – Liz Cheney book excerpt via Washington Examiner

That last blurb from the Washington Examiner outlines Liz’s pontifications from her book regarding January 6. It points out that Liz is still delusional about Trump’s speech that day. Part of his speech included this line:

“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” – Donald Trump

I wish Liz had clarified why Donald Trump is so dangerous.

The Real Danger

Allow me to briefly lay out the real dangers—not of Donald Trump but of Kamala Harris and her ilk.

Let’s start with the protection of women. What would Kamala do for women? From our Victory Girl Darleen, “And make no mistake, Potemkin Kamala is fully behind the destruction of women’s sex-based rights.”

Oh, and our borders. Good grief, the dangers at our border are already fully seeped into states all over America. Victory Girl Deanna brings us the root causes of Aurora, Colorado. What about those dangers, Liz?

And here is your podcast recommendation of the day. The fellas from the Ruthles Podcast tell you what four more years of dangerously incompetent foreign policy from Kamala Harris would look like.

The world is on fire after years of bad decisions and poor judgment from the Biden/Harris administration. US intel says the Iranians are openly backing Kamala Harris through foreign influence campaigns. What will the world look like after 4 more years of dangerously incompetent foreign policy from Kamala Harris? The fellas compare Kamala Harris then versus Kamala Harris now on a variety of issues she’s completely flipped her position on. Akash Chougule from Americans for Prosperity joins the progrum to discuss deeply important issues that aren’t making the headlines. – The Ruthless Podcast

I guess if danger is what the eldest daughter of Dick Cheney wants to talk about, maybe she should go back to her original thoughts of Kamala she had in 2020.

Liz Cheney is a bitter, sad woman over the attempt to drain the swamp. She’s just scared that if Trump gets elected, he’ll finish the job.

No, Liz, you have no future in DC politics. Get over it. Liz is only throwing her support behind Kamala Harris because she hopes to keep her fat foot in the door somewhere for a job if Kamala gets elected. God help us all if that happens.

So, dear Liz – you can kiss my grits, as Flo from Alice used to say to Mel.

Feature Image: Hudson Institute, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/cropped, edited in Canva Pro
Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/cropped, edited in Canva Pro

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  • GWB says:

    Really, she thinks she IS somebody. She is desperate for you to acknowledge that.
    She chose the wrong standard in life by which to measure achievement. It’s a failing common to many, and especially those raised by someone who was “somebody.”

  • GWB says:

    So, dear Liz – you can kiss my grits, as Flo from Alice used to say to Mel.
    I remember that. It became a popular “meme” when I was in school. (Back in those days, kiddos, memes were mostly aural. People adapted phrases into their everyday speech and used it the way you kids text memes around, today.) (Though, sometimes, the memes were visual; those were circulated via something called a “dirty purple” from a mimeograph machine. Sometimes dad would even bring them home from work – those were actual photocopied pages.)

    As a general call out to ALL the commies in both parties…

  • draigh says:

    Lizzie is hoping Cackles will win and make her a member of the Cabinet. When Trump wins, she becomes entirely irrelevant.

  • Blackwing1 says:

    Liz Cheney is utter garbage. She lost her primary election here in Wyoming despite her best efforts as what amounted to primary vote fraud. She gave Dem-wingers step-by-step instructions, both via direct mail and on web sites, on how to change their party affiliation just before the Republican primary (so they could vote for her) and then how to change back to Communist before the November election. It didn’t work.

    She got curb-stomped by a margin of something like 4-to-1 in the primary. We here in Wyoming effectively ended her career as a Republican, and so she is forced to openly support the Dems. Now if we could only do this to all of the other Rinos in the country we might stand a chance.

  • Dietrich says:

    Would somebody please make a gif of Lizzy morphing into Hillary? It’s beyond my skill level.

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