KJP And Team ARE The Worst In The Business

KJP And Team ARE The Worst In The Business

KJP And Team ARE The Worst In The Business

Delusional Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP)’s musings about actually being good at her job are at an all-time peak as she gets ready to pack her cardboard boxes and move out of the White House Press Secretary’s office.

And, not a moment too soon for KJP and team. In fact, it is an American tragedy that this team is on the way out because they are, “the best in the business“. So she says.

Honest question: Do they look like the “best in the business” or do they actually look lie a bunch of self-congratulatory 12 year-olds? Asking for a friend…

Heh. A lot of overpaid clowns, apparently.

The best of the best of lies. But, unfortunately, she did not even lie well. Check out the blinking and the stuttering and stammering. She is not, and will never be, a smidgen good at her job. And, to think of it-it takes this many people to make her look not so “good” at her job?

KJP was nothing but a diversity hire. She looked good on paper for this outgoing administration-a Black woman who is a lesbian. She checked all of the diversity boxes and made The White House more inclusive and intersectional. Here she was, a Black lesbian woman, willingly lying to America to cover up the deteriorating cognitive state of establishment White guy, Joe Biden. I mean, he “passed a cognitive test every day” simply by being pResident, right?

Folks need to understand that the president passes a cognitive test every day.

If you look at what a clinical cognitive test is – actually what it does – it is a 15-minute appointment that is administered by someone who, most of the time, people don’t actually know.”-Karine Jean-Pierre

So, did he get a “cognitive test” pre-pudding cup or after pudding cup? How about before or after KJP changed his Depends diaper? Was he quizzed on what happened on the last re-run episode of Matlock? I mean, this woman could not even get her X accounts straight. Remember when she posted a message that was supposed to be from pResident Joe Biden’s X account (who is mentally capable) to HER own account by mistake?

But, Joe Biden was “sharp”, you see. He was able to tackle more things in an hour of each day than most people. He has “vigor” and, apparently, has an “active sex life“. He can nominate George Soros and Hillary Clinton for the Presidential Medal of Freedom all while sitting in his beach chair and licking an ice cream cone. Can you do that?

Then, there was the economy narrative, crafted up by “the best in the business”:

And, while we are at it, let’s not forget the “Joe’s not going to pardon his Blow-addicted son”:

No. I just said, ‘no’.”-KJP, July, 2023

And, again:

So I’ve answered this question before. It was asked of me not too long ago — a couple of weeks ago — and I was very clear, and I said no.” -KJP, September, 2023

Can we get an encore?

Nothing has changed. That is still the case.

I mean, the president has said this before, and he will continue to say, which is that he loves his son and supports him as he continues to rebuild his life. And I’m going to be really careful to not comment on this and refer to Department of Justice or my colleagues at the White House counsel. But that’s what I’m going to – I’m not going to go beyond telling you all what the president has said over and over again. He’s proud of his son, and he is building his life back.” -KJP, December, 2023

It’s easy to build one’s life back when you sell finger paintings at $2,000-a pop but the questions continued. “Will the President pardon his son”. And, still, she persisted:

Yeah, so, look, as I stated at the top, I don’t have anything to say beyond — to your first question — beyond what the President’s statement was yesterday. He has been very clear. We’ve been very clear. You know, he — he loves his son. And he and the First Lady love their son, and they support their son. I just don’t have anything — certainly anything beyond that.” -KJP, June 2024

Well, it wasn’t a resounding no THAT time but, let’s cut to August 2024:

I — I mean, that’s a hypothetical that I — look, the president — I can speak for the president, and he said he would not pardon his son. And I’m just going to leave it there.”-KJP

And, finally, November of 2024:

We’ve been asked that question multiple times. Our answer stands, which is no.”-KJP

This is what “the best in the business” did for the American public. Gaslighting, lies and so many untruths. They knowingly had an incompetent, senile, old fool for a boss who screwed up immigration policies (even though he “worked on border security since Day One”), international relations, our economy and our general well-being beyond recognition and bold-faced LIED in our faces. Now, they want to congratulate themselves for being “the best in the business”?

They’re even terrible at this. Unless, of course, we want to congratulate them for getting Trump elected because they indeed provided that much-needed momentum. In this case, KJP, you ARE the “best in the business”! I’m sure there are open spots for you and your besties on MSNBC and The View. You know, where “real” journalism lives (snicker). Don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split y’all.

Photo Credit: The White House via Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

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