Kamala Knows People Talk About Her Cackle

Kamala Knows People Talk About Her Cackle

Kamala Knows People Talk About Her Cackle

Oh, Kamala Harris! The second-in-command of this free Nation of ours who has not had the time to visit the southern border as of late but does have the time to chit-chat with Drew Barrymore.

While the southern border is no laughing matter, Drew and Kamala, being the twits they are, completely glossed this over and decided to discuss more important and pressing issues facing the world today-Kamala’s witch-like cackle. I mean, why should Drew Barrymore, a California resident who’s lived in a gated community all of her life care about illegal criminals pouring over the border about n hour and a half to the south of her? Clueless by choice.

You were asking me earlier about what it means to be, like, the first woman. And, you know, it’s funny, because people still got to get used to this, right? I mean, my staff, for example, sometimes they’ll show me little things that just amuse me. Like, apparently, some people love to talk about the way I laugh.”-Kamala Harris

Like, the first woman. Kamala has, like, channeled her inner Valley Girl. Like, people need to get used to this, she says. Let’s hope that we don’t have to “get used to” THAT for another four years, but moving on. Kamala says, “they love to talk about the way she laughs”. WARNING: The following video may cause you to have severe intestinal issues.

Oh yes! I (like) luvvvve-ah your laugh“, says Drew Barrymore, awkwardly leaning in. I mean, she could have been in the Veep’s lap, she was fan-girling so hard. To which, Kamala said:

Well Let me tell you something: I have my mother’s laugh. And I grew up around a bunch of women in particular who laughed from the belly. And I think it’s really important for us to remind each other and our younger ones, don’t be confined to other people’s perception about what this looks like, and how you should act in order to be right?”-Kamala Harris

Her poor mother.

Is the perception before Willie Brown separated from his wife or after, Kamala? I know, Reuters fact-checkers were kind enough to say this affair happened after Mr. Willie separated from his wife but, c’mon, man! Is the perception before you got tapped to be the Border Czar to control the flood of illegals coming into our country or almost four years after you’ve been tapped with a job you did not do? Is the perception before the fentanyl coming across our unprotected borders and killing Americans or after? Is the perception before innocent Americans were being killed by illegals who should not be here came over AGAIN post-deportation (because you did not do YOUR job) or after?

CNN, in defense of Kamala, even eluded to, at one point, people not liking her “belly laugh” because they were sexist. Those right-wingers who can’t stand to see a woman laugh and just want a demure woman home, barefoot and pregnant and subservient. Wrong. This woman just finds the woman with the “Belly Laugh” who is supposedly Second-In-Command should have some bearing. Kamala Harris does not need to be cackling at press conferences. Kamala Harris should not be cackling when asked about the fate of Ukrainian refugees. She should not be cackling when asked questions regarding policy decisions. She should not be on a couch practically snuggling with Drew Barrymore, cackling as she has not done her job as the Vice President of The United States!

I think she’s a pretty big drag. I think she was arguably Biden’s worst political decision of his presidency to pick her in the first place. I generally think going into the future that Democrats really should not nominate or front people who come from decidedly all-blue states unless they’re, like, once-in-a-generation talents, like Barack Obama,” Goldberg said. “Because Kamala Harris does not know how to talk to the center or to the right. She only really knows how to speak the language of the base of the party. And that’s 34% of the electorate.”Jonah Goldberg

Goldberg has a point. But does she really even know how to speak? We’ve heard some doozies of word salads over the years.

Kamala Harris, tossing her hair in front of the camera, has become the realistic image of her SNL parodies. Yeah, we talk about her cackle among other things. We talk about her talking about rolling up fatties with Fat Joe, and defending her inappropriate “belly laugh” and blaming her own mother for it on The Drew Show. We talk about her inviting twits like Kim Kardashian to discuss prison reform (yeah, I know, Trump did it, too) while doing nothing to ensure the safety of our country. But we don’t cackle about it. Her office is a joke, a bad one at that, and it’s no belly-laughing matter.

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