Joe Biden Addresses The Nation And Explains Nothing

Joe Biden Addresses The Nation And Explains Nothing

Joe Biden Addresses The Nation And Explains Nothing

Joe Biden, after disappearing off the radar on July 17, and abruptly quitting his campaign via tweet on Sunday July 21, addressed the nation tonight.

Biden’s address Wednesday is expected to shed additional light on his departure from the 2024 race after he, his campaign and the White House vowed for weeks that Biden would remain in the election cycle and was determined to win in the rematch against former President Trump.

Since the end of World War II, there have only been three incumbent presidents, all Democrats, who turned down running for a second term: Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson and Biden.

The 46th president had faced mounting pressure from his Democrat allies and legacy media outlets to bow out of the race since June 27, when he delivered a botched debate performance against Trump that was riddled with garbled remarks and where the president lost his train of thought and appeared more subdued than during other recent public events.

According to KJP, who finally held a White House briefing after an eight day absence, Biden’s withdrawal from the race had everything to do with politics and nothing to do with his health. 

We already know that the calls for Joe to quit had everything to do with his health and the Democrats are trying to salvage what they can of this race. They are so desperate to defeat Trump that both the Dems and media have spent the last twenty four hours scrubbing news reports and insisting that Kamala is the BEST BRAT ever and was never crowned the Border Czar, and not chosen because she’s black. Too bad guys, we all have the receipts and then some!

Meanwhile, as Joe is getting ready for his speech, Prime Minister Netanyahu gave an outstanding speech to a mostly joint session of Congress. However, as has been the norm since Joe took office, the anti-America/anti-Israel protests were off the charts in D.C. this afternoon. 

The rest of her tweet states:

▪️Chased a brave young man who tried to rescue an American flag from the fire
▪️Released maggots and crickets in Netanyahu’s hotel overnight
▪️Held signs calling for the “final solution”

This is what the “pro-Palestinian” movement is: anti-America, pro-terror.

Oh it was even worse than that. 

This is acceptable according to the Biden Administration.

Why? Because 99% of those arrested today will waltz out of jail before midnight, with only bail to pay and no trial or jail time. 

Amazingly, Politico came up with a pretty good list of questions that they believe Joe should answer during tonight’s speech. 

Why did you decide to step down after insisting that you would remain a candidate?

Doesn’t this seem like a “coup” against you, depriving millions of primary voters of their choice of a candidate?

Why didn’t you make that decision months ago, when a majority of your party felt you were too old to run?

If you can’t effectively campaign for the next three months, why should we believe you can effectively govern for the next six months? Shouldn’t you resign?

In the wake of the debate, there have been a stream of reports about a steady decline in your cognitive abilities, stretching back months if not longer; they come from world leaders, members of your party and some of your strongest backers. How can the public be sure your White House was not part of a deliberate campaign to conceal from the public the extent of that decline.

I was absolutely shocked that Politico actually published the last two questions about his ability to govern and the coverup of his health issues! It’s worth reading the entire article to view how Politico thinks he should answer. The question is, did he answer ANY of those questions?

This is a guy whose Secret Service failed at doing their job on his watch. This is a guy who had many insisting everything we saw the last three years was just due to a STUTTER. Iran, China, and North Korea along with Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis are terrorizing the world. Joe is to blame for this, as are all his handlers – especially Jill.

Well, Politico is going to be sadly disappointed. He didn’t answer ANY of those valid questions. Instead this was a hollow speech and left us all with more questions while propping up the Democrat party and slamming the rest of the country.

Essentially this was a bland Rah! Rah! speech that touted supposed accomplishments while explaining nothing. 

President Biden said he abandoned his re-election bid despite believing that his record and leadership deserved a second term, declaring that it is time for “new voices, fresh voices, yes, younger voices” led by a new generation of leadership in America.

“I revere this office, but I love my country more,” he said during a prime-time address from behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. “Nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition.”

Putting personal ambition aside? REALLY?

If you are going to put personal ambition and serious health concerns first, then you’d step aside. 

Joe Biden went on national tv tonight and gave a vanilla speech of nothing platitudes while refusing to tell us WHY he’s no longer running. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    In a just world, all of those protestors vandalizing DC would have gotten hickory shampoos.. They all deserve at least the same treatment as the Jan 6th protestors got, and every one should be followed closely, as they have demonstrated that they are without question security threats.
    These clowns are NOT terrorist supporters, they ARE terrorists, and should be treated as such!

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