Jayapal Is An Anti-Semite, Despite Her “Apology”

Jayapal Is An Anti-Semite, Despite Her “Apology”

Jayapal Is An Anti-Semite, Despite Her “Apology”

When your so-called “apology” is longer than the comments that you’re “apologizing” for, then you have done something wrong. Representative Pramila Jayapal is proving that point as she tries to spin her truly ugly anti-Semitic comments from this weekend.

Jayapal, who is pretty much the Squad’s den mother and the current chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, is about as hard-core left wing a House member as you can find. She’s quite proud of her left wing activism and her status as the mother of a transgender young adult. But Jayapal also has an unpleasant habit of letting her mask slip and revealing the anti-Semite beneath. Apparently, being a Squad member or Squad-friendly means that you will be an ignorant or hateful bigot when it comes to Israel.

And there is no spinning what Jayapal said, because it was captured on video. Some “Free Palestine” protesters were yelling during a panel that she was participating in, and shouted down Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), who is Jewish, and then Jayapal rose to address the activists.

At the Netroots Nation conference on Saturday, Jayapal said that she had something to say “as somebody that’s been in the streets and has participated in a lot of demonstrations.”

“I want you to know that we have been fighting to make it clear that Israel is a racist state, that the Palestinian people deserve self-determination and autonomy, that the dream of a two-state solution is slipping away from us, that it does not even feel possible,” proclaimed the progressive leader.”

Yeah, that’s pretty anti-Semitic, isn’t it? In fact, these comments were so bad that even DEMOCRATS were drafting a letter condemning her.

But before that could be published, Democrat leadership, realizing how badly Jayapal had screwed up, came running.

Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., Whip Katherine Clark, D-Mass. and Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar, D-Calif., put out a statement Sunday countering Jayapal’s remarks.”

“Israel is not a racist state,” they said without specifically mentioning Jayapal by name.”

“Certainly, there are individual members of the current Israeli governing coalition with whom we strongly disagree,” the leaders added. “Government officials come and go. The special relationship between the United States and Israel will endure.”

Which then left Jayapal to do some groveling and apologizing through a very long, tiny print Tweet that is paragraphs longer than her original comment.

For those who can’t read the tiny print, here is the whole statement:

At a conference, I attempted to defuse a tense situation during a panel where fellow members of Congress were being protested. Words do matter and so it is important that I clarify my statement. I do not believe the idea of Israel as a nation is racist. I do, however, believe that Netanyahu’s extreme right-wing government has engaged in discriminatory and outright racist policies and that there are extreme racists driving that policy within the leadership of the current government. I believe it is incumbent on all of us who are striving to make our world a more just and equitable place to call out and condemn these policies and this current Netanyahu government’s role in furthering them.”

I have always worked toward a two-state solution that allows both Israelis and Palestinians to live freely, safely, and with self-determination alongside each other and that is still what I am absolutely committed to. I also know that the many policies of the current Israeli government, including rampant settlement expansion, make it extremely difficult for Palestinians who simply want the same rights as their Israeli neighbors to believe such a solution is possible. On a very human level, I was also responding to the deep pain and hopelessness that exists for Palestinians and their diaspora communities when it comes to this debate, but I in no way intended to deny the deep pain and hurt of Israelis and their Jewish diaspora community that still reels from the trauma of pogroms and persecution, the Holocaust, and continuing anti-semitism and hate violence that is rampant today.”

As an immigrant woman of color who has fought my whole life against racism, hate, and discrimination of all kinds and viscerally feels when anyone’s very existence is called into question, I am deeply aware of the many challenges we face in our own country to live up to the ideals of our nation here. The only way through these difficult moments is to have real conversations where we develop our own understanding of each other and the traumas we all hold. These are not easy conversations but they are important ones if we are ever to move forward. It is in that spirit that I offer my apologies to those who I have hurt with my words, and offer this clarification.”

We know that the status quo is unacceptable, untenable, and unjust. It will take all of us — elected officials, movement activists, advocates, and communities — to work together for real progress.”

Got that, everyone? She just lied to the protesters to “defuse” a “tense situation” and even though she thinks that Benjamin Netanyahu is an extremist and Israel is governed by “extreme racists,” SHE’S APOLOGIZING because she is an “immigrant woman of color” who has fought against “racism, hate, and discrimination” and if you were “hurt” by what she said, then she’s sorry. Yeah, you can just FEEL the sincerity oozing out of that woke word salad, can’t you?

Call me crazy, but I kind of think unfiltered Jayapal was the honest one.

Jayapal is only apologizing because she was told to by Democrat leadership. There is nothing apologetic about her “apology.” She’s only sorry that her words were caught on video, with her stupid smile on her face, trying to reassure the “Free Palestine” nutjobs that she’s REALLY one of them. And since she did get caught saying something truly vile, she’s now having to spin and backtrack. Spinning and backtracking is the favorite form of exercise for the Squad and their allies, don’t you know.

So yes, Pramila Jayapal is an anti-Semite and deserves to be treated as such. Unfortunately, she represents Seattle, and as Nancy Pelosi once said about deep blue districts, a glass of water with a “D” after its name can get elected there. So unless the people of Seattle actually pay attention and shame her for her disgusting comments, Jayapal, like so many others before her, is likely to be sitting in the House for a long time to come, spewing her ugly bigotry when she thinks it will earn her some progressive cred.

Featured image: Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, official portrait, cropped, public domain

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  • Taylor says:

    Most Indians I know are a actually very pro Israel. I guess having Pakistan as your neighbor means you do not fall for all that “Religion of Peace” nonsense we keep hearing.

  • Taylor says:

    Most Indians I know are actually very pro Israel. I guess having Pakistan as your neighbor means you do not fall for all that “Religion of Peace” nonsense we keep hearing.

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