Illegals With Arrest Warrants Can Fly The Friendly Skies

Illegals With Arrest Warrants Can Fly The Friendly Skies

Illegals With Arrest Warrants Can Fly The Friendly Skies

Enter the country illegally? Be issued an arrest warrant? No problem! You are free to fly the friendly skies.

Evidently, this type of taxpayer funded service has been in place for quite a number of years. Yet the program has flown under the radar so to speak. Well, now, with the thousands of illegals crossing our border on a DAILY basis, this is a problem for us all. 

The Transportation Security Administration confirmed to Fox News on Friday that it allows illegal immigrants to use arrest warrants as an alternative form of ID to board airplanes.

“For non-citizens and non-U.S. nationals who do not otherwise have acceptable forms of ID for presentation at security checkpoints, TSA may also accept certain DHS-issued forms, including ICE Form I-200 (Warrant for Arrest of an Alien),” a TSA spokesperson told Fox News. That refers to a civil immigration arrest warrant, not a criminal arrest warrant.

Oh, I have SO many questions. First, these illegals aren’t the only ones heading to points across the U.S. via the airlines. There are still chartered flights transporting many to New York, Chicago, LA, Denver, and more.

That said, let’s get back to my questions. 

With the CBP and ICE being thoroughly overwhelmed, as in THOUSANDS a day pouring through our border, how can anyone even think the vetting process is thorough? As Bill Melugin pointed out, the Lukeville border crossing was, for too long a period, manned by only ONE, yes ONE Border Patrol agent until, finally, a second one arrived. How many came through the Tucson sector that includes Lukeville, AZ last week? 19,400. That’s the ones they KNOW about. Furthermore, many of those processed and released to fly the friendly skies aren’t from Central and South America. Nope, arrivals within the last four months are from Africa, China, and beyond. 

With those numbers on a daily and weekly basis, you just KNOW that there will be actual criminals slipping through the cracks. It’s already happened. 

Oh, and guess what? Even as they hop a flight to points across the U.S., do you know when some are told to appear in court? 2031. That’s not a typo. That’s real.

No, you cannot blame the Border Patrol or ICE agents for this. Blame the Biden Administration and Mayorkas for obliterating our borders and putting this country at risk. 

Secondly, in regards to our national security, what about the HEALTH of these illegal immigrants. Has there been time to vet them and ascertain if they are healthy enough to enter this country without posing a risk to themselves or the rest of us? 

The Colorado Department of Health sent out a notice just three days ago. An adolescent traveler who had “visited” several countries before landing in Denver arrived with a full-blown case of measles. 

An adolescent who arrived in Colorado earlier this month has tested positive for measles, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment said.


The health department said the person had visited several countries. They arrived in Colorado at Denver International Airport on Dec. 13, the health department said. On Dec. 18, they went to the emergency department at Children’s Hospital Colorado. The child has been in isolation since Dec. 18, the health department said. The health department said it’s unclear if they are vaccinated.

I like how the media is super careful to avoid saying that the adolescent is here illegally. Not only that, but not knowing if he or she is vaccinated? It’s highly likely the Border Patrol had zero time to ask those pertinent questions. Or if they did and the kid lied, what are we supposed to do? 

Again, while the kid was flying the friendly skies on plane filled with illegals AND Americans while dealing with the measles, wouldn’t you consider this to be not only a health risk, but a national security issue? 

Third, doesn’t this break the law? 

In a Spaces hosted by James O’Keefe and Ashley St. Clair, pilots revealed that illegal immigrants are not subject to the same kinds of security screenings as other passengers. Some illegal immigrants are issued boarding passes reading “no name given.”

In short, those who commit the crime of crossing the border illegally are not subject to the same laws the citizens of the United States are forced to comply with in order to travel.

You can darned well bet that if you or I tried to fly from point A to point B right now without ID, we’d be booted from the airport immediately. Have a criminal record? You may be able to fly within the U.S., but other countries won’t allow you to land there. Yet with illegal immigrants, all the rules are waived. And we the taxpayer are footing the bill. 

As Lisa pointed out this morning, New York is dealing with migrants who are starting to show up on people’s doorsteps begging for money, clothes, and food. My husband and I witnessed an entire family walking through traffic (with BABIES) in Denver two days ago with their hands out begging for money. There were at least three other family groups doing the same within a half mile stretch along that street. 

So here we are. Our taxpayer dollars are footing the bill to fly illegal immigrants around with country with zero identification other than NTA or arrest warrants in hand. What could possibly go wrong?

Feature Photo Credit: Delta planes at Detroit airport, via iStock, cropped and modified

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