Ilhan Omar Fined, Tax Fraud May Be Next

Ilhan Omar Fined, Tax Fraud May Be Next

Ilhan Omar Fined, Tax Fraud May Be Next

It seems that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has some money troubles.

The congresswoman is being fined by the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board for campaign finance violations.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., repeatedly violated state rules when she used campaign funds to pay for personal out-of-state travel as well as help on her tax returns and must reimburse her former campaign committee nearly $3,500, Minnesota campaign finance officials ruled Thursday.”

The Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board said the first-term congresswoman also must pay the state a $500 civil penalty for using campaign money to travel to Florida, where she accepted an honorarium.”

“Rep. Omar must personally reimburse the Omar committee $3,469.23,” the report concludes. “This reimbursement payment is the total amount of campaign funds that were used for purposes not permitted by statute in 2016 and 2017. Rep. Omar must provide documentation within 30 days from the date of this order showing the deposit of the reimbursement into the Omar committee’s account.”

It’s only $4000 between the reimbursement to her campaign committee and the civil penalty, but it leads into something verrrrrry interesting.

Does anyone else remember, before the campaign, that the press actively ignored what was being reported in conservative media at the time, that Ilhan Omar had most likely committed immigration fraud by marrying her own brother, then divorcing him later to marry the father of her children? Well, it turns out that while she was legally married, she filed joint tax returns with the father of her children. That looks like tax fraud.

Now, Ilhan Omar is looking to wash her hands of the entire report.

Her office released this statement late Thursday afternoon:

I’m glad this process is complete and that the Campaign Finance Board has come to a resolution on this matter. We have been collaborative in this process and are glad the report showed that none of the money was used for personal use, as was initially alleged.”

In addition to complying with the Board’s findings, I plan on closing the account from my State House race and distributing the funds to organizations that help train first-time candidates to run for office—so that the next generation of candidates and their teams know how to adequately track and report campaign expenses. I also believe we need to dedicate more resources to our campaign finance agencies—and I look forward to supporting these efforts.”

Um, that part about “none of the money was used for personal use”? That’s why you’re being FINED, Congresswoman. So that’s a lie, right off the bat. But she may not be able to shake the tax fraud issues that easily. That is, if the IRS decides that not even Ilhan Omar is above the law when it comes to filing her taxes. After all, they’ve been so good about policing themselves in the past, right?

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Featured image: Official portrait by Kristie Boyd; U.S. House Office of Photography;, public domain

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  • Skillyboo says:

    Call me cynical but we get a never ending stream of these ‘crime’ and then pfft, nothing. Whereas when it’s a republican they’re hounded out of office. She’ll get a fine, which will be paid by her campaign money, and a ‘don’t do it again wink wink’ slap on the wrist.

  • Lock her up!

    Ithink keeping the pressure up matters. Hound her out of office and into the prison cell she deserves.

  • GWB says:

    the report showed that none of the money was used for personal use
    You keep using those words. I don’t think those words mean what you think they mean.

    I plan on closing the account from my State House race and distributing the funds
    Is this a hint that she won’t be running for office again? Can’t she use funds from one campaign to finance another campaign? (You would think not, maybe, but campaign finance is really weird.) Or is it just that she can’t ever touch that money now?

    I certainly hope the IRS gives this some attention. Maybe a fellow Congresscritter can simply subpoena her tax returns……..

  • mac says:

    Note she’s closing the account from her STATE HOUSE RACE. No mention of her U.S. Congressional Race.

    This wench isn’t leaving office until after conviction and she’s in her orange jumpsuit headed for a Federal custodial sentence. Dims are right in your face with their “So you caught me. So what? Whadda ya gonna do about it?” attitude. The only thing that stops their criminality is conviction and jail time, and that rarely happens.

    This is just one more example of the fact that Democrat = criminal.

  • Martin McAllen says:

    What else is that XXXXX hidin’ under her doo-rag.

  • Obbop says:

    Deport this evil vile fiend devoted to a death cult that has invaded and conquered non-Islamic countries for 1,400 years with no evidence the barbarians will ever cease their activities. When will USA patriots rise up and end this rise of tyranny within our sacred Western homeland?

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