Hunter Laptop Letter Was Planted As Debate Cover For Joe

Hunter Laptop Letter Was Planted As Debate Cover For Joe

Hunter Laptop Letter Was Planted As Debate Cover For Joe

Another day, another revelation about just how the Deep State protects its own, especially if your last name is Biden.

Hunter Biden’s laptop has become a millstone that may end up drowning the entire family’s financial schemes. Certainly Hunter himself never dreamed that being a cracked-out idiot deadbeat who couldn’t remember to pay his bills or pick up his laptop from the repair shop could end up being his downfall. Remember, he’s going to have to give a deposition under oath in Arkansas, and you can bet the lawyers representing Lunden Roberts are going to ask him point-blank if the laptop is his. Regardless, the problem in 2020 was that the Biden campaign needed that laptop to be written off as a political dirty trick, or better yet, a Russian plant. We now know that Antony Blinken, former campaign aide and now Secretary of State, went to former acting CIA director Mike Morell to “help” Team Biden by getting 50 former spooks and intelligence officials to sign their names to a letter discrediting the laptop, and then the letter itself was shopped to Politico – who then published it under the title “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say“.

According to Jerry Dunleavy at the Washington Examiner, the entire point of getting Morell to create the letter was to give Joe something to use during the final debate with Donald Trump.

The recruitment email from Morell was sent to former intelligence officials and included the laptop letter co-authored by him and former senior CIA operations officer Marc Polymeropoulos as an attachment.”

The quoted language from the Morell email, sent on Oct. 18, 2020, was read to the Washington Examiner verbatim and identically by two independent sources who had access to the email.”

Morell’s email explained that both he and Polymeropoulos believed Russia was involved in the Hunter Biden laptop stories and that Trump likely planned to attack Biden over the laptop revelations in the upcoming debate.”

“We want to give the VP a talking point to use in response,” Morell wrote, the two sources confirmed to the Washington Examiner.”

Morell has previously testified that one of the reasons he helped put the letter together was to help Joe Biden “because I wanted him to win the election.”

Mark Zaid, an attorney representing Polymeropoulos and a number of other laptop letter signers, also told the media last month that “when the draft was sent out to people to sign, the cover email made clear that it was an effort to help the Biden campaign.”

If the media had taken the laptop seriously, then the outcome of the election could have been very different. But we’ll never know, because Morell was motivated by Blinken to help out Joe Biden (possibly even because he thought he might be nominated as CIA Director in a Biden administration – he was not), recruited fifty other people to sign off on calling Hunter’s laptop a Russian plant, and it was all so Joe could do THIS during the final debate (at 7:10 in the video).

When you watch this video, two things are apparent. One, Joe absolutely used that letter to cover Hunter’s ass and his own in order to blunt Trump’s legitimate questions, and the mediator in that moment had no interest in following up on the subject. The media wanted Biden elected, so they were more than happy to accept the word of the Deep State and point to the letter as the reason why this was all a non-story. And two, Joe Biden has greatly deteriorated in the last two and a half years. He looked old and frail at the time of the debate. He looks like a stiff wind will snap him in half now. He’s not even going to King Charles’s coronation this weekend in the United Kingdom – which is an event that the president, as head of state, absolutely could attend. Instead, Jill gets to go as the leader of the United States delegation. Question: who is watching Joe while Jill is away? Which family member has babysitting duty this weekend?

It also turns out that Antony Blinken had a much more involved relationship with Hunter Biden. The very laptop that Blinken labeled as “Russian disinformation” has email exchanges between him and Hunter, and between Hunter and Blinken’s wife as well.

Emails from the infamous abandoned laptop that Blinken sought to discredit show that Hunter has ties to Blinken and his wife, Evan Ryan, dating back over a decade, having scheduled meetings with him while he was on the board of Burisma and Blinken was deputy secretary of state.”

In an email on May 22, 2015, Hunter tried to schedule a meeting with Blinken, so he could get the deputy secretary of state’s “advice” on some things.”

“Have a few minutes next week to grab a cup of coffee?” Hunter asked. “I know you are impossibly busy, but would like to get your advice on a couple of things.”

“Absolutely,” Blinken replied. “I’m just about to land in Tokyo en route back DC from Burma. I’ll be in office from Tuesday on. Copying Linda in my office to find a good time. Look forward to seeing you. Tony.”

Hunter then forwarded Blinken’s response to his business partner and fellow Burisma board member, Devon Archer.”

“Roger,” Archer responded.”

We also know that Hunter asked Blinken’s wife for Blinken’s “non-government email” address back in 2010, as the laptop history tells us. Why would Hunter want to email Blinken out of the government’s eye? Hmmmm. The rest of the emails between Hunter and Evan Ryan indicate a busy social relationship, which would have undoubtedly included Blinken at different times.

Try squaring that with Blinken’s testimony to Congress about his communication with Hunter Biden.

The Deep State sure loved kissing up to or covering for Hunter when there was a chance that a lot of them could get cushy and prominent administration jobs again. Now, they barely admit to knowing the guy. After all, they’ve had to eat their own signatures and admit that the laptop was real.

What happens now? Well, unless the House finds the courage to impeach Blinken when they can’t even find enough to impeach Mayorkas, then nothing happens. The Deep State circles the wagons once more around the Bidens. Maybe Hunter gets a light slap on the wrist for being a naughty little crackhead who lied on his 4473 form. At this point, a family court judge in Arkansas is better positioned than a U.S Attorney, who has spent years looking at Hunter’s legal issues, to finally get some truth out of him.

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Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • John C. says:

    Hunter’s lying on the Form 4473 will almost certainly come to naught; in Haynes v. United States, 390 U.S. 85 (1968), the Supreme Court ruled that a felon could not be prosecuted for lying on a gun registration form (and whatever they call it, a Form 4473 is a gun registration form; it registers a particular gun to a particular buyer, the record to be kept on file for 20 years – unless the seller goes out of business, in which case all those Form 4473s are taken by the government for permanent storage) because it would violate Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination. Kinda makes you wonder what the point of all those Form 4473s is, 55 years on…

  • Scott says:

    “Kinda makes you wonder what the point of all those Form 4473s is, 55 years on…”

    Kinda makes clear what the point of all those Form 4473s is, 55 years on… FIFY…

    If there was still justice and patriotism in this country, there’d be a new cemetery filled with these traitors, or at the very least, a large windowless prison where they’d all be rotting…

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