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A few days back, Amanda Marcotte from Salon wrote up one of her TDS-laden tirades. Happy New Year, everybody! This is “Trump’s” America now, she says.
Donald Trump isn’t in office yet but his fans are already getting excited about hurting and stealing from people of color.”-Amanda Marcotte, Salon
Oh, Dear God. These people are not happy unless they are race-baiting. My God, some idiot sent a letter to the Lincoln City, Oregon mayor about “rounding up brown folks”. The letter was postmarked from The Peoples’ Republic of Portland but hey, it’s got to be MAGA, according to Marcotte.
Annnnd…here we go with the Holocaust…again.
This promise has strong echoes from history. When Jews were kidnapped for the Holocaust during WWII, it was common for their Christian neighbors to ransack their homes, stealing everything and enriching themselves.”-Amanda Marcotte, Salon
Marcotte’s got to throw those damn Christians who she hates with a purple passion in there, too. Right on cue, here it comes…January 6th…
This brownshirt impulse has always been a part of Trumpism, as we saw with the rise of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and other paramilitary gangs during the first Trump administration. It was one of the earliest and strongest indicators that MAGA is a fascist movement, and they later proved instrumental in the attempted coup on Jan. 6, 2021.”-Amanda Marcotte
Far-right violence. Insurrections. Hate. The menacing MAGA, threatening to burn this country down…but, wait? Who started burning the cities? There were the George Floyd riots. There was the CHAZ and The CHOP zones. There was the deranged illegal who burned a woman alive on the subway in New York just before Christmas. All of this burning was not at the hands of MAGA-but at the hands of the liberals and liberal ideologies Ms. Marcotte supports with every fiber of her pathetic existence.
Are some people in this country racist and stupid? I would say yes, why yes, they are. There is extremism on both sides of the political party lines. But these “racists” are not clearly defined as the “toothless inbred men” with their Trump flags flying on their pickup trucks placed next to their gun racks, as the liberals like to stereotype. They are not just the MAGA, redneck “garbage”, as these city-dweller, coastal liberals like to point out. In truth, do they even understand that MAGA is a little more nuanced than the tight box they are shoving all of us who supported Trump this time around into?
MAGA is my aunt’s town in Long Island-a city near the beach, a population of people largely of Italian, Irish and Jewish descent. Their families built up the little beach bungalows into houses in the 60s and raised their families. They voted for Trump this past November.
MAGA are the small towns on the outskirts of the cities. The places you go where people hold doors, and say “please” and “thank you”. The places where people did not forget common decency and manners. The places you go to feel safe, away from the crime and the drugs and the other devastation brought on by liberal policies gone wrong in our cities. These are the places where law and order, family values and community still stand a fighting chance. MAGA are the sensible people found in these coastal cities, too, whose families have came to America as the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to be free through Ellis Island. These are the families who, mostly, abided by the country’s laws and, with pennies to their name, WORKED HARD to build a new life in America.
MAGA are the working people in America; the happy warriors. The ones who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. The ones who lost their jobs or had reduced working hours during COVID, only to come back to work, be given the ultimatum of taking a shot or losing their jobs. MAGA are the people paying more at the grocery store and gas pump to take care of their families as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were ushered in. They are the ones who lost their businesses with the hopes of rebuilding these businesses extinguished in 2021. They are the people of color who had their businesses burned to the ground by white, “peaceful” protestors. MAGA are the “commoners”; the people who became sick and tired of celebrities, journalists and any of the elite members of our society telling us how we should live (and vote) from their private jets and their mansions.
MAGA are women. Shocker, Ms. Marcotte, I know.
We are the women fatigued of the obsession of killing children in the womb before birth. We are women who want better futures for our children. We are women who don’t want to see a penis in our gym’s locker room because some guy says he’s a “girl“. We are the women who don’t want our lifetime of achievement and hard work to be pushed aside for a MAN who thinks he’s a woman and takes the title by MAN strength and athletic prowess. We are tired of seeing other women fall prey to violence brought on by poor excuses for men who should not even be here.
MAGA are the young voters. The ones who were freshmen in high school during COVID, who cast their first ballots this past November. They are the kids who put their heads down and worked hard during pandemic. They are the ones who did all they could to help students who were struggling when they did, finally, go back to in-person classes. They were the ones who endured the clusterf#ck on online learning. They were the ones who saw their peers commit suicide because of isolation. They saw their friends, who were once bold and self-assured, come back to school, questioning their identity, changing their name every week, masked and terrified and scared. They were the ones sick and tired of assignments like “privilege necklaces” given out by their woke, rainbow-mafia “teachers”, causing further division and tensions and full-on fights in the school cafeterias. Some of them were so tired of this BS, they opted to go to forego the traditional high school experience and simultaneously attend community college to get a direct university transfer degree. They are the frat boys who were tired of fellow university students supporting (and condoning) terrorism.
I was in New York City on the day of Donald Trump’s Madison Square Garden Rally. MAGA was of all colors and ethnic backgrounds. MAGA was not just white guys and blonde “bimbos” in red hats. MAGA was Black. MAGA was Hispanic. MAGA was Asian. MAGA was Jewish. MAGA was Middle-Eastern. MAGA was Indian. MAGA was Native. MAGA was young and old. MAGA was in crowds that wrapped around city blocks. MAGA was not violent. MAGA was energetic. MAGA was happy and hopeful.
I remember watching the fireworks from the inside of my home on COVID isolation and hopped-up on TheraFlu four years ago in 2020. I hoped for better times in ringing in a New Year. Those better times have come. We are not “garbage”. We are realistic. We are educated. We have all of our teeth and faculties about us (which is more than we can say for the last administration). We value all lives, hard work, honesty, family, community and sensibility. We are the happy ones.
This is not “Trump’s America”. Take a seat and a chill pill, Ms. Marcotte. You need it, BIGLY.
This is God’s America. Americans, This is YOUR America now. Happy 2025, one and all!
Featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license.
Well said Lisa..
Marcotte is an angry, bitter little troll, who can’t stand the fact that her words are not treated as gospel. Ignore her, she’s not worth the electrons needed to ridicule her.
I would have thought that the huge oversupply of shrieking left-wing harpies would have relegated Amanda Marcotte to the fates of Keith Olbermann, Ibram X. Kendi, and Ta-Nehisi Coates by now. Seems there are more job opportunities for them than I’d realized. Perhaps they should be grateful for Trump and MAGA.