Gutsy Part Five: Shinrin-Yoku And Ennuyé

Gutsy Part Five: Shinrin-Yoku And Ennuyé

Gutsy Part Five: Shinrin-Yoku And Ennuyé

Gutsy women are “Forces of Nature” say Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. Yes, we are still suffering through the insufferable.

After two back-to-back episodes, I took a weekend off and wandered-eating and drinking my way the streets of Northern Kentucky, accompanying my pilot hubby on a quick layover. I *may* have had some Bourbon and tacos on this excursion.

One can say I was “Bourbon Bathing”. Or was it “Birria Bathing”? Nonetheless, I ate and drank and took it all in. Which is what Hillary and Chelsea Clinton want you to think Gutsy: Part Five is about.

Episode five begins with Hillary addressing her wandering-in-the-forest after losing the 2016 election. She was, apparently, practicing the Japanese art of “Shinrin-Yoku” or-“Forest Bathing”, apparently. Enjoying the beauty and quiet around her, so the story goes, and comforting the crying woman she ran into there. This woman, like the rest of the world, was upset that it was not indeed, her turn. So, they hugged and cried in the forest together or something.

This makes Hillary a “force of nature”, apparently. And, admittedly, I felt the ennui settle in. The Clinton women talk to women like Giselle Carillo and Sylvia Vazquez Lavado, who have started their own empowerment groups for women with nature as their backdrop. Okay. There’s nothing wrong with encouraging young girls to surf or rappel off cliffs. Some of us do wish we got to see Hillary surfing and coming face-to-face with a shark. Some of us also do wish Ms. Lavado sent Hillary off of a big one just to watch her sorry ass. But, Hillary abstained from such activities and let her daughter do the honors.

Soooo Gutsy.

Chelsea, dangling from a small cliff in The Catskills mentions that she never felt a sense of wonder and meaning and purpose. Come again, how old is this woman? Are we to believe she has been THAT sheltered her whole life that she is just now experiencing this for the cameras? Honey, what about the birth of your children? This is what getting handed everything in your life and living in a liberal bubble does to you. You experience your first sense of wonder at 42?

The true highlight of this episode, in my opinion, was Jane Goodall. Chelsea talked to Jane and “Bird Girl”, Mya Rose Craig, virtually. Of course, there was tea. And then, Jane pulls out the whiskey! There’s the standard Climate Change/Environment talking points that, of course, the producers and the Clintons (Oh, wait a sec…they ARE the producers) bring up. Jane talks about her love of animals and demonstrates a few typical chimpanzee greetings. Another opportunity missed. Hillary could have done a few of her dog greetings:

I mean no insults to dogs who are honest and loyal and somewhat gutsy. Unlike Madame Secretary.

For me, the world is not looking at the world through rose-tinted spectacles. It’s action. We’re in this dark tunnel. But far at the end of this tunnel, is a gleaming light. And we have to work very hard. Roll up our sleeves. Climb over. Crawl under. Work our way around all of the obstacles between us and that little light. Then we get there. So it’s about having a vision, having a determination and not giving up. Each, single person living on the planet today matters. Each person has some role to play, even if they don’t know what yet it is and the main thing is-every single person makes some impact on the planet, every single day. And, once we become a little bit aware of it, we could choose what difference we make.”-Jane Goodall

(Cut to Jane Goodall during a healthy shot of whiskey.)

Amen, Jane! Every person matters. From little Greta Thunberg, the petulant child (I blame her parents) environmentalist who made the Time Magazine cover, to I-got-a-free-ticket-to-Harvard-and-I-didn’t-earn-it-David-Hogg who refuses to procreate because “the environment”, to that fetus in the womb, to those brave men who got left behind to die on Hillary Clinton’s watch in Benghazi. Every. Person. Matters.

What difference does it make, according to Hillary? In she comes to ruin it all:

You know one of the great development of the last two to twenty years is how more women have moved into leadership positions trying to fight Climate Change, trying to repair the environment, trying to bring us back to nature and, as Jane Goodall has said, you know, hope is a survivor trait, it’s a strategy for getting things done.”-Hillary Clinton

Ahh. So there it is. Her strategy for winning 2016 was hope. It was not a sense of entitlement and “taking what was owed to her”, right? And that hope is a survivor trait. Look at Hillary. She’s bathed in the forest and lived to tell the tale another day. So gutsy.

Hey Jane? Can you pass me some of that whiskey? My hope is that my liver can survive the next few episodes.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG Darleen Click

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