Forgiveness Is A Word Democrats Do Not Understand

Forgiveness Is A Word Democrats Do Not Understand

Forgiveness Is A Word Democrats Do Not Understand

Just in time for the holiday season comes this hard-hitting opinion piece on forgiveness from Amanda Marcotte of Salon. Oh, the joy.

Marcotte, unlike Ellen DeGeneres, is unwilling to take the high road of putting aside her political and ideological differences with others. In citing the Democratic nominees’ debate from Tuesday night and Anderson Cooper’s final question about an “irrelevant” celebrity friendship, Marcotte had this to say:

…But for understandable reasons, these questions about forgiveness versus accountability extend, for so many of us, to the Trump voters we know in our own lives. Forgive and forget was the approach largely adopted by progressives towards Bush voters, even though those people had spent eight years defending an administration that conducted a destructive and pointless war along with a secret torture campaign, and then capped it off by letting an American city drown and ushering in a financial crisis we still haven’t recovered from.

Instead of being grateful for the largess of progressives letting bygones be bygones, conservatives reacted like spoiled children at the election of Barack Obama, even as he worked, however imperfectly, to save the country from the bad decisions made under Republican rule.”-Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Conservatives reacted like spoiled children?! Really, Amanda? Flashback. November 2016 and beyond (Language NSFW):

Conservatives, of course, will continue to act like brats who cannot believe Democrats still have the right to vote in this country. “Unity” just allows Republican voters to nurse their grievances, while ignoring the fact that they’re the ones at fault for all the problems created by the Bush and Trump presidencies.

Lashing out at DeGeneres for buddying up with George W. Bush is about the growing contempt from ordinary voters for the elite classes who treating politics, and even war, like a sport, instead of something that has real impact on real people’s lives. But it’s also about something deeper, a question that’s staring many progressives in the face: Do we forgive conservatives for the damage they’ve done, in the interest of keeping the peace and being the bigger people here? Or should we turn to social shunning and outright contempt?”-Amanda Marcotte, Salon

It’s not about treating politics and war “like a sport”, you miserable human being. It is about finding common ground with humanity. Something very many of you forgot. But anyway, moving right along, Marcotte is in favor of imposing “social consequences” for the Trump voters in her life and she suggests others do the same in the name of “accountability versus forgiveness”. She even dares to pose the question: “What do we do with all the Donald Trump supporters once Trump is finally gone?”

Oh, if only they had their wishes of what they could do to Trump supporters once he is gone. What do we think that would look like? Mass extermination, maybe? Reeducation camps? Perhaps a scarlet “T” brand on the foreheads of Trump voters…much like a mark of the beast or something?

Marcotte, in her bubble, feels it is completely okay to shun conservative family members and friends and harbor awkward unforgiveness towards them. But we’re the immature brats who throw temper tantrums? Well, allllllrighty then!

I will be the first to say that I do not agree 100% and mindlessly with all Trump says and does. Is he brash? Can he be immature? Is he at times obnoxious? Yes to all counts. But liberals need to look inward a bit as to why Trump got elected in the first place. While they were busy worshiping at the throne of Barack and Michelle Obama, other Americans grew weary. Unemployment rose, our larger cities suffered from mass murders, homelessness and drug addiction -a problem that still exists today thanks to progressive, liberal lawmakers at the helm and their whack policies. Middle America grew tired of the celebrity-worship, the magazine covers, the vacations, the agendas and the constant talking down to them. They grew fatigued over the implied intellectual superiority that the Obamas displayed. They did not want to hear “we know what’s best for you because you’re all a bunch of knuckleheads”. They grew increasingly annoyed when Obama pushed the envelope in foreign countries-at times apologizing for us and posing proudly for photo opportunities with and in front of murals of horrific, communist dictators.

But accountability TRUMPS forgiveness, according to Amanda Marcotte. So, don’t get mad this Thanksgiving if your 300-pound, purple-haired feminist niece whose had three abortions and now insists upon being called “they/them” does not speak to you at the dinner table. YOU caused the damage. It does not matter that you delivered socks and blankets to be divided up to a homeless shelter that caters to abused women the day before. It does not matter you took time out of your day to serve the hungry-people of all races and religious backgrounds-at a rescue mission a few hours before that. It doesn’t matter you donate 10% or more of your earnings to these causes to better humanity. YOU voted for Trump. YOU are unforgiven. YOU suck. YOU racist, YOU bigot, YOU homophobe, YOU xenophobe, YOU nazi. YOU ruined her-err-their-err-its life. Now, pass the stuffing and a side of hate and damnit, be accountable for something!

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Photo Credit: FlickR/Creative Commons/Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)/Cropped

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  • Properly speaking, I think real forgiveness requires that the person to be forgiven be penitent about what they’ve done, or at least not reveling in it. I’m reveling at being a Trumpster and helping bring to ruin the plans of the progressives and those farther left. Their “forgiveness” is of no interest to me.

  • Scott says:

    Gee Ms. Marcotte, project much? As usual, everything she ascribes to conservatives is actually an attribute of the left. If anyone should be shunned for the damage they’ve done to this great country, it’s those on the left who have been actively working to destroy it, and turn it into another third world shithole.. Beyond recognizing that Ms. Marcotte and those like her are an imminent threat to our republic, they and their chatter should be ignored.

    • Scott says:

      Oooh, and Lisa, You’re spot on about what they’d LIKE to do to us, reeducation camps, mass murder, etc… Look no further than the history of nazi Germany, or Stalin’s rise to power and reign, and you can see exactly where they’ll take us if given the chance

    • Micha Elyi says:

      “As usual, everything she ascribes to conservatives is actually an attribute of the left.”

      Yeah, I too found no evidence of an alt-right counterpart to AntiFA during the G.W. Bush years.

    • Tracy Odonnell says:

      Please tell me how the left is trying to turn this country into a shithole? Because what I’m seeing on tv is people on the right supporting a budding authoritarian inviting foreign interference into us elections.

  • Oldav8r says:

    “…Forgive and forget was the approach largely adopted by progressives towards Bush voters…”
    what planet is Marcotte now writing from? This entire article should be included in a Psych text as an example of projection.

  • CaptDMO says:

    Mandy has a history. “…putting aside her political and ideological differences with others..”nor her internal plumbing differences.
    As for Ms. Marcott’s political science “inerprettions”…
    lest we forget,
    1. Social Justice Warriors ALWAYS lie.
    2. Social Justice Warriors ALWAYS double down.
    3. Social Justice Warriors ALWAYS project.
    With Ms. Marcott, t’was ALWAYS thus.

  • Joe in PNG says:

    I suspect this woman will die alone, engulfed in the aroma of cat urine.

  • SFC D says:

    If a person agrees 100% with everything an elected leader or partisan representative says, then that aforementioned person is not doing any of their own thinking 100% of the time. Which aptly describes the Democrat party.

  • […] Victory Girls Blog: Forgiveness Is A Word Democrats Do Not Understand. […]

  • Skillyboo says:

    Forgiveness means acceptance for what you have done but don’t do it again. Well, as a conservative, I am done forgiving because you ‘progressives’, I prefer regressives, do not stop doing what is tearing this country apart.

  • SDN says:

    “Marcotte is in favor of imposing “social consequences” for the Trump voters in her life and she suggests others do the same in the name of “accountability versus forgiveness”. She even dares to pose the question: “What do we do with all the Donald Trump supporters once Trump is finally gone?””

    Use the FEC to locate them and put them on sites like this one:

  • Mark Kaulius says:

    Sry….I don’t forget or forgive. There are a large number of family members, former friends, and others that I no longer tolerate or associate with. I am not putting up with their BS, lies, anger, or triades. Remember the Golden Rule…my wife and I have the gold after a lifetime of hard work. None of them will see a dime. It all goes to charity for rescue animals. See u later suckers…is what I say to them.

  • Michael G. Gallagher says:

    “Marcotte is in favor of imposing “social consequences” for the Trump voters in her life and she suggests others do the same in the name of “accountability versus forgiveness”. She even dares to pose the question: “What do we do with all the Donald Trump supporters once Trump is finally gone?”

    Inside the impenetrable force shield of her Leftist brain, she forgets that many of the people she wants to impose “social consequences”on, many millions of them in fact, are undoubtedly firm believers in their Second Amendment rights. Leftists think they’re pulling on the tail of a minnow, when in fact they’re pulling on the tail of a Great White Shark.

  • Edward Lunny says:

    The proper response to this fascist harpy twat is too vulgar to post. So it will have to suffice to say kiss my ass and bugger off. We should be leaving your bloody broken bodies to molder in the streets. You deserve nothing less.

  • Tracy Odonnell says:

    Oh the narcissistic trumpism rage. I agree with marcotte. Especially after watching the impeachment lowlights which reveals how corrupt he truly is.

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